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人口瓶颈 population bottleneck英语短句 例句大全

人口瓶颈 population bottleneck英语短句 例句大全

人口瓶颈,population bottleneck1)population bottleneck人口瓶颈1.The removal of the Chinesepopulation bottleneck does not lie in keeping a population of 1.中国"人口瓶颈"的消除并非是把人口稳定在15亿左右,而在于实施"人口负增长战略",分三阶段将人口总量降...


考研英语翻译技巧之引申法 你学会了吗?

考研英语翻译技巧之引申法 你学会了吗?

...绿灯”,这样才符合逻辑。5、There were times when emigration bottleneck was extremely rigid and nobody was allowed to leave the country out of his personal preference. 过去有过这种情况:移民限制极为严格,不许任何人出于个人考虑而迁居他国bottleneck本...




...,发表题为“Neuron Campaign for Initialization Guided by Information Bottleneck Theory”的论文,并荣获最佳短文奖,这是我校学生第一次荣获此奖。毛海涛为论文的第一作者。图1 会议论文颁奖现场近年,随着深度学习相关研究的深入,如何...


沙雕又搞怪的皮句子 可爱有趣 发朋友圈秒赞率超高!

沙雕又搞怪的皮句子 可爱有趣 发朋友圈秒赞率超高!

...了事业的瓶颈,不过发现还有瓶颈!Finally broke through the bottleneck of the cause, but found that there are bottlenecks! 喜欢一个人就像咳嗽一样,是藏不住的,不过多喜欢就够就能就藏得住了!Like a person is like a cough, is not hidden, but like enough ca...


不会烂大街的高品质文案 适合各种情绪 句句在理

不会烂大街的高品质文案 适合各种情绪 句句在理

...你要觉得无所谓的话,那我也没有关系!We have come to the bottleneck. Can you create a topic on your own initiative? If you think it doesn"t matter, it doesn"t matter to me!我就是在乎你的过去,我只希望你属于我,我就是占有欲强,就是小心眼。I just care ...


可爱呆萌的小短句 调皮满分 招人喜欢!

可爱呆萌的小短句 调皮满分 招人喜欢!

...于突破了事业的瓶颈,还有瓶盖。Finally, we broke through the bottleneck of our business and the bottle cap.最近压力很大,好像有一只大象单脚站在我脑门上。There"s been a lot of pressure recently, It"s like an elephant standing on my forehead with one foot.世界...


又皮又可爱的沙雕句子 活宝雷人 点赞超高!

又皮又可爱的沙雕句子 活宝雷人 点赞超高!

...我连瓶子都还没找到。I envy you that your career has encountered bottlenecks. I haven"t even found the bottle.帝国主义侵略我们,奴役我们,还要把我们的地瓜分掉,等等…他们为什么要分我们的地瓜?Imperialists invade us, enslave us, divide our sweet potat...


欢乐多多的皮句子 沙雕可爱 太喜欢了!

欢乐多多的皮句子 沙雕可爱 太喜欢了!

...了事业的瓶颈,却发现还有瓶盖。I finally broke through the bottleneck of my career, only to find that there are bottle caps.7、你们每次骂别人时,有没有考虑对方的感受,反正我是有,尽量不用方言,怕对方听不懂。Every time you scold others, do you co...


可爱又带点贱贱的句子 个个趣味横生 笑料百出!

可爱又带点贱贱的句子 个个趣味横生 笑料百出!

...瓶颈,我连瓶颈都没找到。I envy you that you have encountered bottlenecks in your career. I have not even found them.6、有人建议我每天跑步来释放压力,我跑了几天发现,每天坚持跑步的压力更大。I have been advised to run every day to relieve stress. After r...


少数人问题 problem of the few英语短句 例句大全

少数人问题 problem of the few英语短句 例句大全

...ter plan;西北少数民族人才队伍建设的问题、成因与对策15.Bottleneck of Cultivating Ethnic Minority Talents in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族人才培养的瓶颈问题研究16.Brief Study on How to Cultivate a Person Fully in National Minority Regions of the Remote West;试论西部...




...integrated with digitization, thus effectively breaking through the output bottleneck. 持之不懈的千万次实验,不仅只为那一纸认证,更是为您对我们产品的信任把薪助火。秉持匠心智造,从一体化生产到柔性制造,自动化与数字化环环相扣,如此...


(2024年)数字化印刷工作流程 Digital printing workflow英语短句 例句大全

(2024年)数字化印刷工作流程 Digital printing workflow英语短句 例句大全

...问题。2.From the point of view of prepress production socialization,the bottlenecks of prductivity and qualty control indigital workflow which exist in two types of prepress production units are discussed thus giving some improvement suggestions.从印前处理生产作业的社会化出发,讨...


(05月)队列模型 queuing model英语短句 例句大全

(05月)队列模型 queuing model英语短句 例句大全

...加权优化算法4.TCP/Active Queue Management Model and Simulation for Bottleneck Networks瓶颈网络TCP/主动队列管理模型及仿真5.Active queue management research for DiffServ modelDiffServ模型中主动队列管理研究6.Research for Active Queue Management Algorithm on Self-Similar ...




...Cu_2O thin filmsp型Cu_2O薄膜4)p-type ZnO filmp型ZnO薄膜1.However,the bottleneck for ZnO applications is the fabrication of the producible,low resistivity,p-type ZnO films with high quality.然而ZnO基半导体器件实用化的主要障碍是低阻p型ZnO的可重复性制备,因此对p型ZnO...


通信 communication英语短句 例句大全

通信 communication英语短句 例句大全

...cation stage in China,but the building ofcommunication channels is still a bottleneck problem in the promotion of the whole distribution automation system.目前,配网自动化在国内逐步由试验阶段走向应用阶段,但是配电网上通信通道的搭建问题依然是整个配网自动...


改进方案: 英语短句与例句全集

改进方案: 英语短句与例句全集

...um carbamate pump,proposesimproving plan in order to completely solve this bottlenecking problem.分析高压甲铵泵产生汽化的主要原因,提出改进方案,彻底解决尿素生产的瓶颈问题。3)improvement scheme改进方案parison and Analysis of Improvement Schemes for RDSS Position...


金融发展: Financial Development英语短句及例句大全

金融发展: Financial Development英语短句及例句大全

...ce Innovation;把握金融发展主流 促进金融学科创新9.Financial Bottlenecks of the Rise of China s Central Region and It s Solution;中部崛起的金融瓶颈与金融发展策略10.On the Financial Informatization and its Influence on Financial Development;论金融信息化及其对金...


思考生活的人生感悟句子 句句犀利深刻 不可多得的感悟!

思考生活的人生感悟句子 句句犀利深刻 不可多得的感悟!

...ut then again, he was really in a bad mood these days, because he met with bottlenecks in his work and his feelings were not warm. The whole person was a little decadent during that time.十、我是要有多勇敢,才敢一直对你念念不忘。我是要有多坚强,才能承受你的一伤...


交通组织设计 traffic organization design英语短句 例句大全

交通组织设计 traffic organization design英语短句 例句大全

...设计与评价研究13.Operational Optimization Method and Simulation of Bottleneck Section Based on Urban Arterial Road城市主干道瓶颈段交通组织优化设计方法及仿真anize designer to tell their intentions of craft, technical design to Design Institute.组织设计人员对设计...




...成为塑料短缺的受害者The strange knock-on effect of supply-chain bottlenecks供应链瓶颈奇怪的连锁反应Paragraph 1:AT THE START of 2020 Green Lung, a London heavy-metal act with a cult following, were about to go on their first American tour. Then came covid-19. 2020年初,伦...
