第一句子大全 > 标签 > mainstream
06月@香烟主流烟雾 mainstream cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

06月@香烟主流烟雾 mainstream cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

香烟主流烟雾,mainstream cigarette smoke1)mainstream cigarette smoke香烟主流烟雾1.Detection of reactive oxygen species(ROS) inmainstream cigarette smoke using fluorescent probe荧光探针检测香烟主流烟雾活性氧的机理研究英文短句/例句1.Detection of reactive oxygen spe...




...子。曾利沙教授以《主流媒体何以成为主流》(What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream)语篇为范例,向在场教师展示了语篇主题统摄下的商务英语课文分析模式。他强调,在进行语篇宏观结构分析前要先确定文体特征,并列举了英语说...




...ually dock.愚昧成为主流,清醒就是犯罪。Ignorance becomes the mainstream, soberness is a crime.在抬不起头的日子,他是唯一的盼头。




...ly dock.愚昧成为主流,清醒就是犯罪。Ignorance has become the mainstream, soberness is a crime.在抬不起头的日子,他是唯一的盼头。In the days when he can"t look up, he is the only hope.你被黑暗敲打,恰恰说明你是光明本身。When you are struck by the dark,...


超高情商的爱情文案 简短精致 心动不已

超高情商的爱情文案 简短精致 心动不已

...cannot be traced back.无知成为主流,清醒成罪Ignorance becomes the mainstream, soberness becomes a crime花朵永远不会见面。没有感情的原因,Flowers never meet. There is no reason for feeling,星光灿烂,一如既往。The stars are bright, as always.只是希望有简单的伙...


现代西方经济学 modern western economics英语短句 例句大全

现代西方经济学 modern western economics英语短句 例句大全

...ern Economy当代西方经济法律制度相关短句/例句Modern Western Mainstream Economics现代西方主流经济学3)Modern Western Property Rights EconomicTheory现代西方产权经济理论4)mainstream contemporary western economics当代西方主流经济学5)modern economics现代经济...


那些非常精致的文案 经典入心 适合5.21发给恋人

那些非常精致的文案 经典入心 适合5.21发给恋人

...he bone.如果愚昧成为主流,清醒便是犯罪。If ignorance becomes mainstream, it is a crime to be sober.经典的朋友圈心情短句,精辟现实,适合收藏非常暖心的精致情话,简短精湛,适合5.21发给恋人520情人节,甜甜的恋爱文案简单可爱,越看越...


让人过目不忘的520文案 超级暖心 选一句发朋友圈吧

让人过目不忘的520文案 超级暖心 选一句发朋友圈吧

...an example here.愚蠢成为主流,清醒即犯罪。Stupidity becomes the mainstream, and soberness is crime.今天晚上不要关窗户,我要偷偷进入你的梦中。Don"t close the window tonight. I"ll sneak into your dream.青春和爱情永远不会老,即使披荆斩棘,失去了怒马鲜...


中国留学生: Overseas Chinese Students 英语短句+例句大全

中国留学生: Overseas Chinese Students 英语短句+例句大全

...近代中国美学学科的体制化11.Integrating Foreign Students into Mainstream Chinese Universities "Beyond the Foreign Student Building";外国留学生在中国主流大学的文化适应——超越留学生公寓12.A Study of Chinese National Spirit of Chinese College Students and Chinese O...


领域分布 Territory distribution英语短句 例句大全

领域分布 Territory distribution英语短句 例句大全

...领袖区域分布研究7.Distributed Computing forms three representative mainstream techniques-CORBA, DCOM, EJB. Enterprise application is one of the major fields.企业应用是分布计算应用的主要领域之一。8.Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems have received increasingly attention from both re...


可爱女孩专属的小句子 俏皮有趣 少女心十足 适合发朋友圈

可爱女孩专属的小句子 俏皮有趣 少女心十足 适合发朋友圈

...k, whose fairy tale book is closed? Accidentally let me out of this public mainstream.觉得我的P图技术应该要再修炼一下,因为我发现不管怎么p都没有我本人好看,哈哈哈!I think my photoshop skills should be refined again, because I find that no matter how P is not as...


商品化的受众 commercial audience English英语短句 例句大全

商品化的受众 commercial audience English英语短句 例句大全

... continue to explore potential niche products that over time can emerge as mainstream successes粉丝俱乐部在不断的发掘潜在的小众商品,随时光流转,这些商品可能进入主流获得成功。2.People are looking forward to stores with an aBundance of commodity supplies.商品...


社会实验 social experimentation英语短句 例句大全

社会实验 social experimentation英语短句 例句大全

...在境域性和社会实验两个基本特性。2.Basically,the heart of mainstream policy evaluation methods involvessocial experimentation in which evaluation is proc.主流政策评估方法的核心就是社会实验,通过分离政策效果的方式对政策进行评估。英文短句/例句1.T...


工作面安全分析 Safety analysis on working face英语短句 例句大全

工作面安全分析 Safety analysis on working face英语短句 例句大全

...of Hydropower Station水电站施工中的交叉作业安全风险分析18.Mainstream operating system security analysis and security;主流操作系统安全性分析及安全策略相关短句/例句job safety analysis工作安全分析3)face is safe工作面安全4)job safety analysis作业安全...


倒装+插入语 这个 GRE 阅读中的长难句你能看懂吗?

倒装+插入语 这个 GRE 阅读中的长难句你能看懂吗?

...mploy false surfaces or imitation building materials.D. They represent the mainstream in critical and historical thought about the Florentine Renaissance.E. They have focused on such technical matters as the cost of building materials rather than on artistic concerns.选自真经GRE《阅读机经35...


[06月]要素编码与Feature Coding: 英语短句和例句大全

[06月]要素编码与Feature Coding: 英语短句和例句大全

...and analysis of inner encoding regulations and their advantages of current mainstream encoding methods,such astotal factor encoding method,block structure encoding method,simple encoding method and 2-demention encoding method,a new data encoding method,abbreviated Pinyin encoding method,was proposed...


涡 vortex英语短句 例句大全

涡 vortex英语短句 例句大全

... VORTEX METHOD椭圆涡环相互作用的离散涡数值模拟15.Impact of mainstream on the vortex flow of cavity in trapped vortex combustor驻涡燃烧室主流对凹腔涡流动的影响16.Large eddy simulation of three-dimensional flow field in axial-flow type vortex tube轴流式涡流管内...


引导精度 guiding accuracy英语短句 例句大全

引导精度 guiding accuracy英语短句 例句大全

...,确保准确印刷和高重复精度。4.The Systematic Safeguard and Mainstream Guidance of Mass Media on Promoting & Cultivating National Spirit;大众传媒对弘扬民族精神的制度保障和引导5.Design of High Precision Infrared Radiate Simulator on Global Position System Lead基于GPS...




...w to rationally explore and recognize the scientific rules of constructing mainstream moral value.如何正确看待和解释这些冲突,能否在“三多”时代寻找到“多”中之“一”、“变”中之“不变”的民族道德价值,如何理性地探讨和认识主流道德价值...


商品税 commodity tax英语短句 例句大全

商品税 commodity tax英语短句 例句大全

...的组合理论、最优商品税、最优所得税三个方面。2.Some mainstream literatures of public economics both in and outside China define theoptimal commodity tax as follows: subjecting to budget constraint, how the government can maximize social welfare through choosingoptimal commodity ...
