第一句子大全 > 标签 > Appearance
Appearance是容貌的意思 那“不要以貌取人”用英语怎么翻译呢?

Appearance是容貌的意思 那“不要以貌取人”用英语怎么翻译呢?


2015-06-11 #经典句子



...外面的;外部的;外表的音标:英 [kstri(r)] 美 [kstrir]outward appearance释义:外表;外观;外表的描述;外形;外貌音标:英 [atwd prns] 美 [atwrd prns]外表英语怎么说例句:1、The outside of the house needs painting.房子的外表需要油漆一下。2、I used...

2012-06-20 #经典句子



...lings and Emotions Adjectives | Picture 3 感情和情绪形容词Physical Appearance Adjectives 外表的形容词English Adjectives that are used for describing people’s looks and appearance. 用来描述人的外貌和外貌的英语形容词。Physical Appearance Adjectives 外表的形容词D...

2019-01-14 #经典句子



...爱我吧,我会和你一起走入爱的王国!(3) I have neither the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, nor the talent of chanting catkins; I have neither much wealth nor high status and power. But I have a heart that loves you and will love you all my life., Say love me out loud, I ...

2022-11-23 #经典句子



...y and educational achievements appear weighty and formidable, his personal appearance is hardly impressive, certainly not in the sense that we would have inferred from his variegated and fruitful career. (摘自Imperfect Understanding)Step 1 理解这句话的理解难点应该是后半部分,...

2023-05-02 #经典句子

值得抄在笔记本上的温柔句子|你的突然出现 温暖了我的整个世界

值得抄在笔记本上的温柔句子|你的突然出现 温暖了我的整个世界

你的突然出现,温暖了我的整个世界。Your sudden appearance warms my whole world.你知道吗,你的突然出现,满足了所有的幻想,让我觉得我遇到了一个温柔且有平和的人,是多么的难得。在这一刻,我仿佛时间回到那年夏天那个十分炎...

2023-07-14 #经典句子

励志句子 经典正能量 激发你的拼搏精神

励志句子 经典正能量 激发你的拼搏精神

...。Marry the time also give me a please tie, you happy, sad, gentle, angry appearance I have seen, finally, I want to see you do not belong to my appearance.眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。Eyes are raining for her, heart is holding umbrella for her, this is love.

2022-12-04 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈自嘲的句子 伤感随性 句句心酸

适合发朋友圈自嘲的句子 伤感随性 句句心酸

...去了当初的模样。Without the original pride, also lost the original appearance2.感同身受这个词其实根本做不到。Empathy is not a word at all3.心软就像一把刀,送给别人捅自己。Soft heart is like a knife, give others to stab yourself4.所谓坚强,无非就是看...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

激励你减肥的小句子 精致可爱 越看越爱

激励你减肥的小句子 精致可爱 越看越爱

...自己的外形开始。To have the life you want, change begins with your appearance.8.不要做一条咸鱼,要做一条美美的美人鱼。Don"t be a salted fish, be a beautiful mermaid.9.想想同站在一起,只能做陪衬的痛苦。Think about the pain of standing together, only as a fo...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

充满希望的句子 句句精致 值得收藏!

充满希望的句子 句句精致 值得收藏!

...人崇拜的模样。Our story is as plain as usual, but it has become the appearance of worship.努力前进,梦想能为你加油打气,成功能支撑你一站到底。Work hard, dream can cheer you up, success can support you to the end.你终会得到你想要的小世界,鸟语花香,...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

适合发微博的简短语句 新颖有个性 别具一格!

适合发微博的简短语句 新颖有个性 别具一格!

...在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。You will never see my loneliest appearance, because only when you are not around me, I was the loneliest.时间流转着,我孤单了这么久,却回到了最初的模样。As time goes by, I have been lonely for so long, but I return to my original appe...

2022-12-30 #经典句子

百里挑一的心酸短句 字字扎心 触碰泪点

百里挑一的心酸短句 字字扎心 触碰泪点

...修养,让美永存。This flower is beautiful because it has a bright appearance. People are beautiful because they have a beautiful heart. The beauty of the soul lives on. It"s too beautiful to forget. Therefore, everyone, in the attention to the beauty of appearance, but also to improve their s...

2023-01-08 #经典句子

多么经典的人生哲理 每一句都让人受益匪浅

多么经典的人生哲理 每一句都让人受益匪浅

...纵使你有倾城之貌也不如有一颗感恩的心。In the gorgeous appearance is not as good as a kind heart, even if you have the appearance of a beautiful city, it is better to have a grateful heart. 9;路要一步一步走,饭要一口一口吃,路走急了会滑倒,饭吃急了会...

2011-02-25 #经典句子

心里很委屈的压抑文案 精致用心 越看越喜欢

心里很委屈的压抑文案 精致用心 越看越喜欢

...场的次序很重要,你是成熟的,我是温柔的。-the order of appearance is really important,you just mature,I just gentle.您的仆人走向我,胜过所有遥远的温柔。-you travel toward me,more than all the distant gentle.装模作样的漠不关心是最严重的占有欲-Pret...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

读起来很伤心的句子 适合发说说 表达心情

读起来很伤心的句子 适合发说说 表达心情

...swimming in pairs in the lake, the mind will continue to flash out of your appearance!脑海里最美的画面,应该就是我们最初的模样了吧!The most beautiful picture in my mind should be our original appearance!最后离开的人,都不属于我,属于人海!The last person to ...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

为你加油打气的小句子 适合早上发朋友圈

为你加油打气的小句子 适合早上发朋友圈

...子也许有些狼狈,但你靠自己的样子,真的超级美!The appearance that you try hard desperately perhaps some be embarrassed, but the appearance that you depend on oneself, really super beautiful!11、吾志所向,一往无前。愈挫愈勇,再接再厉。I will go where I want...

2022-12-27 #经典句子

细腻有意义的情感小句子 相当气派 现实又无奈

细腻有意义的情感小句子 相当气派 现实又无奈

...,看他极度疲惫的时候你是否还喜欢和爱他。See if a man"s appearance is your type, don"t look at his heroic appearance when dating, and see if you still like and love him when he is extremely tired.如果你被感动太多,你将不再被感动;如果你的心碎了,你将不...

2013-01-18 #经典句子

唯美治愈的情感短句 分享快乐 值得一看

唯美治愈的情感短句 分享快乐 值得一看

...旧是我最爱的人。No matter what happens in the future, what kind of appearance you become, is still my favorite person.说过要留长发,可还是熬不过夏天,就像说过要一直喜欢,却敌不过时间。Said to keep long hair, but still can not endure the summer, just like said...

2023-06-25 #经典句子

特别的浓浓爱意句子 简单干净 越看越喜欢

特别的浓浓爱意句子 简单干净 越看越喜欢

...表。Familiar with your heart is not only your name, but also your lovely appearance.不要伤心,不要失望,不要太高兴。There is no sadness, no disappointment, and not very happy.假如我有幸成为你的妻子,我会用我一生的爱陪着你守护你,我会把我毕生的温...

2023-12-28 #经典句子

超级网抑云的伤感句子 散场是常态 可我们都会有放不下的事和人

超级网抑云的伤感句子 散场是常态 可我们都会有放不下的事和人

...fering and growing up, some people have finally become their most despised appearance, while others have finally become their favorite appearance. May you and I become the latter.8.我是一个普通人,赚的钱只够养活一家人,你可以爱了又爱,换了又换,但我不行。I am an ...

2023-01-25 #经典句子