第一句子大全 > 标签 > Hometown


...乡的高频话题,分享给大家。本文将会就第一部分必考题hometown家乡开始,进行一系列话题语料准备。Where do you come from ?Can you tell me something about your hometown?Do you think your hometown a good place for young people to live ?How can you make comparison be...

2023-10-19 #经典句子

小学英语作文练习之My Hometown 我的家乡

小学英语作文练习之My Hometown 我的家乡

My HometownWhen I was a kid,I lived in the country.My house was between two hills and over a river.The scenry was as beautiful as a picture.There was a maple in front of my house , and always two old men playing Chinese chess under it.There were lots of flowers and also a dog in the garden. No soone...

2011-01-20 #经典句子

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|彩虹是否会到来 未来是否会温柔

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|彩虹是否会到来 未来是否会温柔

...that near the heart of the country, uneasiness. But I was far away from my hometown, very uneasy, sitting on the car to a foreign country, watching the crowd.有坐得,站得,睡得,说得,笑得,发呆的,仿佛只有我,静静地在一个人的世界里,思念着故乡的那个人...

2022-12-23 #经典句子

唯美高级的情感文案 简单而大方 深沉又深情!

唯美高级的情感文案 简单而大方 深沉又深情!

...里 长安尽头无故里 故里从此别长安You call chang "an I call hometown chang "an end no hometown hometown from now on我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I ...

2008-11-24 #经典句子

30个主题下的120个英语话题 中小学英语教师课堂会话或讨论必备

30个主题下的120个英语话题 中小学英语教师课堂会话或讨论必备

...d why?What is your least favourite book and why?Is there a library in your hometown?What information can you learn from reading books?4. Cleanliness 清洁Why is cleanliness important?How often do you think one should clean?What types of things should be cleaned?How clean do you think this room is?5...

2009-11-08 #经典句子

那些仙气满满的情感句子 温柔可爱 值得收藏

那些仙气满满的情感句子 温柔可爱 值得收藏

...y day, go to a date about life.他的家乡是故乡,故乡是远方。His hometown is his hometown, and his hometown is far away.我走过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不愿意接受。I walk through your heart, not that I don"t want to stay, but that you don"t want to accept.没有价...

2023-04-28 #经典句子

适合回家时发的朋友圈文案 深入人心 挑一句发朋友圈吧!

适合回家时发的朋友圈文案 深入人心 挑一句发朋友圈吧!

...ou"ll burst into tears, not because the pepper is too hot, but because the hometown is too far away.每一次的归途都是一种享受,每一次的回家都是一种惊喜。Every return is a kind of enjoyment, and every return is a kind of surprise.都说,落叶归根,无论多大,这里...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

芦苇湖边的风景句子 微风徐徐 吹到你胸膛

芦苇湖边的风景句子 微风徐徐 吹到你胸膛

...丽宁静的水景,再一次走进家乡的芦苇荡。The reeds in my hometown bloom and fade year after year, touching my distant memory.How I wish I could go home and see the beautiful and tranquil water scenery by the Grand Canal and Luoma Lake, and walk into the reed marshes of my hometown ag...

2023-01-17 #经典句子

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 总有一句适合你!

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 总有一句适合你!

...故里长安尽头无故里故里从此别长安You call chang "an I call hometown chang "an end no hometown hometown from now on我可以等你很久,我不怕,只怕到最后都等不到你。I can wait for you for a long time, I am not afraid, but finally can not wait for you.

2023-09-15 #经典句子



...ecial meaning?Where do you come from?What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?5. What is the main crop in your hometown?等等。1、英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

早安英语 坚持日更 第45天。雾霾

早安英语 坚持日更 第45天。雾霾

...A恐怕也只有回农村老家了吧。I"m afraid i have to go back to my hometown in the countryside.B哈哈,也是呢,不过过年回老家,村里的路也满满都是车了。Aha, so it is. But when i back to my hometown in New Year, There are full of cars in the road of village.

2008-09-04 #经典句子

适合深夜发朋友圈的丧系句子 现实心酸 委屈到骨子

适合深夜发朋友圈的丧系句子 现实心酸 委屈到骨子

...安归故里,可惜你不是长安,我不是故里!Chang "an is your hometown, but unfortunately you are not Chang "an and I am not your hometown!这辈子,你还需要遇见多少人,才知道我爱你!How many people do you need to meet in this life to know that I love you!自己逼自...

2023-10-05 #经典句子



...She"s no longer the girl ( that) she used to be before.(表语)(6)Our hometown is no longer the one (that) it used to be.= Our hometown is not the same as it used to be.= Our hometown is different from what it used to be.= Our hometown is not what it used to be.2、which: 指物;在定语从句...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

关于救赎的治愈系文案 干净走心 三观超正

关于救赎的治愈系文案 干净走心 三观超正

...ear you, a star river in the distance.心安就是吾乡。Happiness is my hometown.落日余晖,山海藏情。The sunset is in the west, and the mountains and seas are deeply in love.刺客带着月光来到了他的家乡。The assassin walked to his hometown with the moonlight.自欢宴后,叹...

2022-12-18 #经典句子

温柔你心的文案  干净唯美  值得分享

温柔你心的文案 干净唯美 值得分享

...往事,我想念她的家乡。There is heaven in the world, not in my hometown. Although the scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou is beautiful, I can"t see them. What is heaven? Looking back, I miss her hometown.我爱你,就像你不爱我一样,有时候我觉得很傻,让人先说不。I love ...

2020-04-18 #经典句子

朋友圈很走心的感悟句子 平稳而不平凡 快乐而长久

朋友圈很走心的感悟句子 平稳而不平凡 快乐而长久

...欢喝点小酒,后来就找人麻烦了。I remember a neighbor in my hometown, a bachelor in his forties, who was lazy and grumpy. He liked to drink a little wine every day. Later, he got into trouble.从前住在老家,巷子里有个姑姑,是出了名的爱炫耀。Once upon a time, I liv...

2022-12-23 #经典句子



... dear teachers. My name is XXX. I am originally from XXX, XXX province. My hometown is famous for its many xxx. I am really proud of my hometown.(姓名、家乡)I am currently a senior student at XXX university, majoring in XXX. In the past three years, I have spent most of my time on study, ra...

2016-01-22 #经典句子

低调霸气的古风句子 精辟噎人 个性洒脱

低调霸气的古风句子 精辟噎人 个性洒脱

...time delimit on different symbols, andmisty rain is bound to belong to the hometown of the most uniquesymbols.烟雨的日子,故乡是静谧的。远处的青山,静静地打量着,任凭细雨蒙蒙,将往日的尘埃一点一点洗刷,山更绿了。Misty rain days, hometown is quiet. T...

2022-11-26 #经典句子



...or;句子的谓语动词为should be discussed.)④Whoever comes to my hometown is welcome.无论谁来为家乡都受欢迎的。(冉老师有话说:该句的主语为whoever“无论谁”引导的从句→Whoever comes to my hometown;句子的谓语动词为is;表语为welcome.)⑤W...

2023-10-02 #经典句子

雅思口语应试技巧之语音语调篇 教你3招实现抑扬顿挫!

雅思口语应试技巧之语音语调篇 教你3招实现抑扬顿挫!

...动词前表强调:QuiteRatherReallyParticularlyA lot例句,I like my hometown.I quitelike my hometown.当然,以上例子中所给出的副词看似过于简单,但也会在表达中起到很好的强调的作用。另外,这里也只是提供了一个思路。并非仅仅是这些例子...

2023-05-17 #经典句子