
温柔你心的文案 干净唯美 值得分享



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If you can"t stay with me for too long, I"d rather not see you. After all, I can stand loneliness, but I can"t stand losing.


Tears make people invisible whose face, green Buddha"s face


Some pain is inevitable, with its cry, can not fold up, hidden in my heart.


Still reading at night, your heart is like a knife to cut your lung.


I am trying to adapt to the world, whether it is temperature or people"s heart.


Time brings some people, and they leave in various ways, perhaps to teach us to let go with pain.


Once can not cry separately, now can use smile let go


Maybe when I leave you, you will understand my existence


Until now, I haven"t found that man, and disappointment has gradually become waiting


There is heaven in the world, not in my hometown. Although the scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou is beautiful, I can"t see them. What is heaven? Looking back, I miss her hometown.


I love you, just like you don"t love me. Sometimes I feel silly, let people say no first.


Heart from afar, ask when you love, spring breeze blows.


What you can"t say is to lose. What you can put down is to lose. What you lose is dignity.

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