第一句子大全 > 标签 > illegal


illegal:adj. 非法的;违法的 ;违反规则的n. 非法移民;非法劳工短语搭配:illegal activities 违法行为;不法活动illegal income 非法所得,不合法收入illegal immigration 非法移民,非法入境illegal act 不法行为,非法行为illegal immigra...

2019-09-04 #经典句子

出国旅游探亲必备的8个出入境重要英文 你都知道吗?

出国旅游探亲必备的8个出入境重要英文 你都知道吗?

...“出入境管理”,英文表达就是exit and entry management了。illegalillegal的意思是“非法的、不合法的”,比如与我们刚才学的entry一起就是illegal entry非法入境的意思。另外,illegal在北美也可以做名词,直接表示“ illegal immigrant 非法...

2016-11-01 #经典句子

每日一句英译英:make easy money什么意思?

每日一句英译英:make easy money什么意思?

...是:Easy money: Money obtained readily, with little effort and, often, illegally. 我一直鼓励养成多查一部英英字典的良好习惯和能力,因为不同的字典表达同一个意思用词都会有所不同,正好“补充”我们未来写作、口语时表达用词单一,只与...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

...gies, including a "watch list" of susceptible species, better detection of illegal imports, fighting corruption and engaging local people in conservation. 科学家们强调需要采取积极而不是被动的策略,包括对易感物种的“观察清单”,更好地侦查非法进口,打击...

2015-03-22 #经典句子



...如:When one searches on the Internet, you will potentially get onto illegal websites,which will cause negative consequences to us.在这句话里面,one,you和us未能够保持一致,这会让考官不知所云。所以应该改为:When searching on the Internet,we may potentially g...

2023-06-09 #经典句子



... -ous形容词词尾~ (of/about sb/sth)feeling that sb has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof 感觉可疑的;怀疑的making you feel that sth is wrong, illegal or dishonest 令人怀疑的;可疑的~ (of sb/sth)not willing or able to trust sb/sth 不信任的;持...

2015-02-02 #经典句子

2020考研|考研英语词汇复习 你要重视的三个方面

2020考研|考研英语词汇复习 你要重视的三个方面

...意思,这对于扩大词汇量很有帮助。例如:我们从未见过illegal 这个单词,但是我们知道legal的意思是合法的,那么就能推测出加上否定前缀il-,illegal就是非法的意思。专题记忆法根据对历年真题的总结,可以知道历年真题的所...

2018-12-23 #经典句子

每日一句:用英语这样读诵弟子规 苟擅为 子道亏

每日一句:用英语这样读诵弟子规 苟擅为 子道亏

... parents don"t want to see their child doing things that are irrational or illegal.【汉语简析】如果你违背父母的嘱托,执意按照自己的性子胡作非为,你就是个不孝顺的孩子。因父母不愿意看见自己的孩子做出违反德行或违法之事。每一个父母...

2008-05-05 #经典句子

英语单词人 Person  persons or people该用哪一个?

英语单词人 Person persons or people该用哪一个?

...[notice in a lift] 电梯通知Any person orpersons found in possession of illegal substances will be prosecuted.任何被发现拥有非法物质的人都将受到起诉。我们用people来指代人类或一般人类群体:1. I saw three peoplestanding on the corner.我看见三个人站在拐...

2011-10-08 #经典句子



...In an emailed statement, Twitter said that if content "is determined to be illegal in a particular jurisdiction, but not in violation of Twitter"s rules, we may withhold access to the content in India only," adding that in that case it would notify users. 编辑:王瑜实习生:洪凯雯中国...

2010-09-19 #经典句子

“微醺 大醉……”各种关于醉的英文表达

“微醺 大醉……”各种关于醉的英文表达

... intoxicated?先生,您醉了吗?I was inebriated.我喝醉了。It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol.酒驾是违法的。“酒量”的英文表达“酒量”的英文是alcohol tolerance。“酒量好”可以说:have a high tolerance / be a heavy weightheavy weigh...

2024-01-15 #经典句子

译词|“微醺 大醉……”各种关于醉的英文表达~

译词|“微醺 大醉……”各种关于醉的英文表达~

...u intoxicated?先生,您醉了吗?I wasinebriated.我喝醉了。It is illegal to drive whileunder the influence of alcohol.酒驾是违法的。“酒量”的英文表达“酒量”的英文是alcohol tolerance。“酒量好”可以说:have a high tolerance / be a heavy weightheavy weight...

2011-04-24 #经典句子

一些治愈伤感的温柔句子 懂你内心的伤痛 治愈伤痛

一些治愈伤感的温柔句子 懂你内心的伤痛 治愈伤痛

...ow me to build a beautiful hut in your heart, never ignore others say that illegal construction.生气是拿别人的错误惩罚自己。Being angry is punishing yourself for the mistake of others.你好像我家的一个亲戚。什么?我爸的女婿。——土味情话大全撩男朋友You"re...

2010-12-11 #经典句子

14句可爱俏皮的小句子 适合女生做签名!

14句可爱俏皮的小句子 适合女生做签名!

...美女”。Today, I was blocked by the city management. He said I was an "illegal beauty".14、有谁知道,要吃多少辣条才能变成“辣妹”?Who knows how much spicy dry tofu you need to eat to become a "hottie"?想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注Z里行间图片来源网络,...

2023-06-29 #经典句子



...“阻止”的意思,例如:The new law is meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.新法律是为了阻止非法移民潮。stem还可以用来表示“阻止(液体的流动)”,是一个较为正式的用法:The doctor managed to stem the bleeding.医生设法止住了流血。

2023-01-28 #经典句子

“山寨”可不是“made in China” 那“山寨”用英语怎么说?

“山寨”可不是“made in China” 那“山寨”用英语怎么说?

...错的山寨名牌西装。3)Pirate – “山寨影像书籍”Pirate:Illegal copies of video tapes, computer programs, books, etc.Pirate,可做名词(盗版,盗版商),做形容词(盗版的),一般指山寨盗版影像书籍作品等。英文例句:① Pirate copies of the b...

2007-05-30 #经典句子

英语中 that 的省略艺术 有的时候不省略比省略更有意义

英语中 that 的省略艺术 有的时候不省略比省略更有意义

...觉就没那么好,例如:Somebody whispered that films like that were illegal.一些人在窃窃私语,说那种电影是非法的。The department confirmed that there were somevictims.警局证实有一些受害者。Officials acknowledge that they are hampered by a lack of information.官...

2023-06-03 #经典句子



...He hit the cat, making the cat dead. 他把猫打死了。He did something illegal, thus punished by the justice department. 他做了违法的事情,最终被司法部门惩罚。5.分词作让步状语,表“尽管,虽然,即使”等含义,如:Not discovered by humans, so many laws of...

2007-09-01 #经典句子



...;犯罪行为、criminal 罪犯、connection 联系;关系;关联、illegal 违法的;不合法的、ratio 比;比率、shoplifting 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为、treatment 治疗、likely 可能的、adult 成人、cafe 咖啡馆;餐馆、disagree 不同意;意见不合、ban 禁...

2024-01-08 #经典句子

人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife protection词汇语法

人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife protection词汇语法

...t(r)/ n. 海报Her bedroom is hung with posters.她卧室里挂着海报。illegal /"liɡl/ adj. 不合法的;非法的It’s illegal to drive through a red light.开车闯红灯是违法行为。hunt /hnt/ vt. & vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕I’ve hunted everywhere but I can’t find it.我到处...

2022-12-14 #经典句子