
英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought


Scientists from universities in the US and UK, who jointly analysed data collated on a range of species, say they are asto

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Global wildlife trade higher than was thought全球野生动物交易量高于预期

By Helen Briggs

BBC News

At least one in five vertebrate species on Earth are bought and sold on the wildlife market, according to a study. 一项研究显示,地球上至少有五分之一的脊椎动物物种在野生动植物市场上买卖。

Scientists from universities in the US and UK, who jointly analysed data collated on a range of species, say they are "astounded" by the figure. 来自美国和英国大学的科学家共同分析了一系列物种的数据,并表示对这些数字“感到惊讶”。

They point out that it is about 50% higher than previous estimates. 他们指出,这比以前的估计高出约50%。

The wildlife trade - in the likes of horns, ivory and exotic pets - is the number one cause of animal extinction, tied only with land development. 野生动物贸易-像角,象牙和外来宠物等-是导致动物灭绝的第一大原因,仅与土地开发有关。

Prof David Edwards of the University of Sheffield, a co-researcher on the study, said: "The sheer diversity of species being traded is astounding - the risk that that will grow is very worrying," said Prof David Edwards of the University of Sheffield, a co-researcher on the study. 谢菲尔德大学的共同研究者戴维·爱德华兹教授说:“正在交易的物种种类之多令人震惊,其增长的风险令人担忧,”谢菲尔德大学的戴维·爱德华兹教授说。 ,该研究的共同研究员。

The study, published in Science, identified hotspots for traded birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles in regions within the Andes mountain range and Amazon rainforest, sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and Australia. 这项发表在《科学》杂志上的研究确定了安第斯山脉和亚马逊雨林,撒哈拉以南非洲,东南亚和澳大利亚等地区的交易鸟类,哺乳动物,两栖动物和爬行动物的热点。

The research also identified another 3,000 or so species that look set to be traded in the future, based on their similarities with animals currently bought and sold - for example if they have bright plumage or exotic horns. 这项研究还根据与目前买卖的动物的相似性(例如,如果它们有明亮的羽毛或奇特的角),确定了另外3,000种有望在未来进行交易的物种。

"If one species is traded, the chances are its evolutionary cousins are also traded," said Dr Brett Scheffers of the University of Florida. 佛罗里达大学的布雷特·谢弗斯博士说:“如果一个物种被交易,其进化表亲也有可能被交易。”

"Once we discovered that pattern, we could develop a new model that would predict which species are likely to be traded in the future, even if they are not traded now." “一旦发现了这种模式,我们就可以开发一种新的模型,该模型可以预测将来可能交易的物种,即使现在不进行交易。”

What can be done? 该怎么办?

The scientists stress the need for proactive rather than reactive strategies, including a "watch list" of susceptible species, better detection of illegal imports, fighting corruption and engaging local people in conservation. 科学家们强调需要采取积极而不是被动的策略,包括对易感物种的“观察清单”,更好地侦查非法进口,打击腐败并使当地人民参与保护。

Prof Edwards said: "Without urgent focus on how to stem both the supply and demand for wild-caught species, there is a real danger that we will lose many traded species." 爱德华兹教授说:“如果不紧急关注如何遏制野生捕捞物种的供需,那么,确实存在着我们将失去许多交易物种的危险。”

Individuals can help by not taking any illegal animal products offered to them abroad, he said, and by checking any exotic pets they buy have not been captured illegally from the wild. 他说,个人可以提供帮助,方法是不要将任何提供给他们的非法动物产品带到国外,并且要检查他们购买的任何外来宠物是否不是野外被非法捕获的。

What did the research show? 研究显示了什么?

The UK/US team quantified for the first time the species most affected by the global wildlife trade based on a study of the tree of life. 英国/美国小组基于对生命树的研究,首次对受全球野生动植物贸易影响最大的物种进行了量化。

They used data from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and the International Union for Conservation of Nature on about 30,000 bird, mammal, amphibian and reptile species. They did not look at invertebrates or marine animals. 他们使用了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》和国际自然保护联盟的数据,涉及约30,000种鸟类,哺乳动物,两栖动物和爬行动物。他们没有看无脊椎动物或海洋动物。

According to their analysis, 5,579 animals - 18% of vertebrates - are currently being traded globally. 根据他们的分析,目前全球有5579种动物-占脊椎动物的18%。

An additional 3,196 species are considered at risk - making a total of 8,775 species, or about one in three. 还有3,196种被认为处于危险之中-总共有8,775种,约占三分之一。

Impacts of trade appeared to be higher in threatened species, among certain groups - birds and mammals - and concentrated in specific parts of the globe. 在某些物种(鸟类和哺乳动物)中,贸易对受威胁物种的影响似乎更大,并且集中在全球的特定地区。

英文原文来自BBC,作者Helen Briggs,中文翻译和生词整理由“”英文科学文章阅读



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