第一句子大全 > 标签 > deep


...te is 10%. 失业率降低了10%.【拓展】increase v./n. 增长,提高deep adj. 深的;全神贯注的 adv. 深【用法】be deep in... 陷入......(=be lost in...)be deep in thought 陷入沉思【拓展1】deep作副词表“空间上的深”,而deeply表“情感上的深”【例句】S...

2018-06-02 #经典句子



...是否打过网球,但是他打得如鱼得水,得心应手。2)In deep water英文解释:In a difficult or dangerous situation.(在困难或危险的情况下)。In deep water从英文字面上看是“在深水里”,其实也容易理解,如果掉进了深水里,那是一个很...

2019-04-05 #经典句子



... peach beige绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink米红 silver pink深红 deep red; crimson淡红 light red; carnation二.橙色类橙色 orange三.黄色类黄色 yellow桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge;深桔黄,深橙 deep orange浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange;柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; l...

2023-05-02 #经典句子



...l tavern.他在当地的酒馆消费了一大笔钱。3、still waters run deep这是什么意思,大白不说你能猜到吗?哈哈,run deep是指“深沉,才思深奥,扎得深”等意思,still waters run deep是指扎得深才能有水,一般用来形容某人智慧隐藏的很深...

2012-12-12 #经典句子

冰山一角 用英语怎么表达

冰山一角 用英语怎么表达

...rg,而有的短语若没认真注意,则有可能造成误解,如 in deep water 或 in the bag 等。1. in deep water 不要把它理解为“在深水处”,它用来比喻某人陷入困境或处境尴尬,可以意为”陷入困境“等Bill got in deep water in algebra class. The class...

2018-08-26 #经典句子

霸气伤感说说 一句霸气伤感语句

霸气伤感说说 一句霸气伤感语句

...步青春,光用一卷卷的香味。Looking back on the past, thinking deep, deep eyes, a sad dream, the ground shaking yingying moonlight, an ordinary clothes, diffuse fine gauze, stroll youth, light with a roll of fragrance.似乎没有特别喜欢的人,没有恨,没有特别的好朋友...

2022-12-19 #经典句子



...One should love one"s own country. 一个人应当热爱自己的祖国。deep love of (one"s) country对国家深深的热爱He expressed deep love of his country. 他抒发了强烈的爱国热情。Patriotism are its roots deep in the instincts and the offections, love of country is the expansion...

2010-09-19 #经典句子



...方寸深。从来名利地,易起是非心。The waves of the sea are deep, and the little man is deep. From fame and fortune, it is easy to be right or wrong.——郭德纲海为什么能纳百川?不是因为还大不是因为海深,而是因为海的姿态低。Why can the sea accommodate...

2019-06-24 #经典句子



Beauty is only skin deep这个是我一个朋友的微信签名,翻译过来就是,美貌只到皮肤那一层,美貌很肤浅。这个句子妙就妙在“skin deep”,正好有个对应的中文词组“肤浅”,真是万中无一的巧合。肤浅对应的英文是“shallow”,用...

2023-11-23 #经典句子

说到心坎里的经典句子 句句穿心 话糙理不糙!

说到心坎里的经典句子 句句穿心 话糙理不糙!

...ust because the heart isconnected, no regret, no distance, just because of deep feelings.4、人心之间的距离有多远?为什么不能一直看到对方的位置?这是世界末日。转身就这么简单。一个缺口的屏障最终成为无法摆渡的银行。How far is the distance bet...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

清新温柔治愈系短句 可爱暖心 陪伴你整个夏天。

清新温柔治愈系短句 可爱暖心 陪伴你整个夏天。

...跳静。Naughty love words, just for you.深深的眷恋,情浓爱后。Deep attachment, deep love.时时望着你,是一种快乐。It"s a pleasure to look at you all the time.不想做你的路人,想做你余生故事里的人。I don"t want to be your passer-by, I want to be your story fo...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

精辟有道理的人生文案 句句走心 值得收藏

精辟有道理的人生文案 句句走心 值得收藏

自然的,深沉的,淡漠的,深沉的。Natural, deep, indifferent, deep.人人的成败皆有其因,There are reasons for success or failure of all,一场被距离打败的拥抱解决了问题A hug defeated by distance solves the problem我心胸狭隘,不喜欢风水轮流转死I am narrow-mind...

2023-02-01 #经典句子

古风也很潮 十二句古风风格的句子送给大家

古风也很潮 十二句古风风格的句子送给大家

...肠。I miss someone, far away in the country.I have feelings, knot in the deep gut.(5)青山不及你眉长,水清不似你目澈,跨过山水几场雨,我一生只一个你。The green mountain is not as long as your eyebrow, the water is not as clear as your eyes, over the mountains and...

2023-05-18 #经典句子

充满文艺气息的文案 每日一读 越读越上瘾

充满文艺气息的文案 每日一读 越读越上瘾

...的激情。力量在血脉中流淌,有一道永远不能闭合的大门Deep in the night, there is your shining face, which longs for my clumsy hand and a shiver and passion. And the power flowing in the blood, there is a door that can no longer be closed在充满恐惧的日子里,我无法以其...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

感悟人生的经典句子 你能给我一束阳光和永不褪色的暖色吗?

感悟人生的经典句子 你能给我一束阳光和永不褪色的暖色吗?

...y, letour feelings in the heart where the sound of water comes from, in thedeepest cloud, back to its original place.5、城市里的阳光很短,通风又浅,像一片雪花。我真的觉得城市的轮廓是那么的深邃,深藏在我的骨子里而不可抗拒。闭上眼睛,让又短...

2022-12-24 #经典句子

睡觉是“sleep” 睡得很沉用英语怎么说?

睡觉是“sleep” 睡得很沉用英语怎么说?

...举例:I sleep like a babyevery night.我每天都睡得很沉。4.Be a deep sleeper 睡得很沉的人 解析:sleep是动词,加-er变成sleeper,指人。举例:I am a deep sleeper.我是一个睡得很沉的人。二.“睡得不好”的短语1.Toss and turn辗转反侧解析:turn...

2016-11-21 #经典句子



...的少女与梦,不夏北港的少年与衫。The girls and cats in the deep lane of time, the teenagers and the sea in the blue whale Town, the girls and dreams in the deep sea and shallow harbor, the teenagers and the night in the south wind wood City, the girls and the shadows in the wild islan...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

那些人生感悟的精辟句子 透彻走心 适合发朋友圈

那些人生感悟的精辟句子 透彻走心 适合发朋友圈

...适也要情深意切。The final love, to be appropriate but also to have deep feelings.其实但凡还有不甘心,就说明还有机会可以努力。In fact, whenever there is unwilling, it shows that there is an opportunity to work hard.只要再往前靠近一点点,就能迎来希望。Ju...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

有糖文案/孤独是半身浸江 秋水生凉 寂寞是全身如林 寒意渐深

有糖文案/孤独是半身浸江 秋水生凉 寂寞是全身如林 寒意渐深

...n water is cool, the whole body is like a forest, and the chill is getting deeper and deeper看到你的时候上帝和我说了四个字“在劫难逃”——奈西一子When I saw you, God and I said four words "doomed"不管你曾经被伤害得有多深,总会有一个人的出现,让你...

2011-09-27 #经典句子

可爱且治愈的文案 送给努力生活的你 难熬的日子总会过去的

可爱且治愈的文案 送给努力生活的你 难熬的日子总会过去的

...forgettable我轻轻地读着你,深深地刻在心里I read you gently, deeply engraved in my heart虽然是浅浅的爱情表现,但深深地爱在心底。Although it is superficial love, but deep love in the bottom of my heart.宝贝! 我小小的心充满了对你的大爱。Baby! My litt...

2007-04-20 #经典句子