第一句子大全 > 标签 > rule
“通融一下”用英语怎么说?真的和“rule”有关 很简单!

“通融一下”用英语怎么说?真的和“rule”有关 很简单!

本期要学的表达跟规则(rule)相关。看到rule,你能想起哪些表达呢?比如说制定规则make a rule,也可以说破坏规则break the rules,当然遵纪守法的人应该要遵守规则,你可以说obey the rules。接下来我们要说一说,有的时候,在规则...

2014-08-13 #经典句子

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

一、Assimilation rule 同化规则An assimilation rule is a phonological rule that is to describe the effect of phonetic context or situation on a particular phone.同化规则是一种音位规则,用来描述语音语境或语音环境对特定音子的影响。The assimilation rule assimilate...

2012-04-24 #经典句子

英语语法中主语动词的协议规则 老外都收藏了 那你呢?

英语语法中主语动词的协议规则 老外都收藏了 那你呢?

Subject Verb Agreement Rules | English Grammar 英语语法中主语动词的协议规则,老外都收藏了,那你呢?In English, subject verbagreement is a grammatical rule, which states that the subject and the verb must agree in a sentence. 在英语中,主语动词协议是一种语法...

2023-07-14 #经典句子



...题【真题回顾:题型不一样,考点可是不变的哟】The old rules have to be ______ because theyonly applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years agoA. developed B. established C. observed D. revised【真题解析:超级详细,英语再差也能看...

2016-08-15 #经典句子



...定,变通一下”,我们来一起学习它的英文表达:bend the rules 变通,通融;放松规定Can"t you bend the rules a little? I was only a few minutes late.你就不能稍微变通一下吗?我只不过迟到了几分钟而已。She was willing to bend the rules in Mary"s favou...

2018-10-30 #经典句子



...规则介绍,这里做下知识点分解,希望对大家有所帮助。RULE 1 The subject and verb must agree in number句子的主语和动词的数必须一致例如:He goes to work by bus.他乘公交车上班They visit us every other week.他们每隔一周来拜访我们Rule 2The workds a...

2023-09-24 #经典句子



...,这家汽车经销商上周末举办了盛大的表演会。)”3. “rule the roost"是什么意思呢?“rule the roost"的意思是“当家作主;主宰;支配一切”。这个表达由“rule the roast”演变而来。关于“rule the roast”的解释有两种,一种指的是...

2023-10-24 #经典句子



...quency in these positions. 我们经常在这些位置放置频率副词。Rule 1 规则1Most adverbs come beforethe verb. 大多数副词都出现在动词之前。Examples: 例子:I sometimeswatch Chinese films. 我有时看中国电影。She nevereats vegetables. 她从不吃蔬菜。I alwaysre...

2023-09-28 #经典句子

考研句子真的那么难吗?破考研长难句易 破心中“长难句”难!

考研句子真的那么难吗?破考研长难句易 破心中“长难句”难!

1. 破心中长难句在日本的鸟取县,有一座著名的大桥:江岛大桥。你可能看过这座桥的图片,它号称世界上最陡的桥之一。从这个角度看过去,你肯定会觉得心惊胆战:这么陡的桥,我是打死都不会上的!但是,如果你走近一点...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

英语哲文欣赏 快乐生活10法则 满满都是正能量(下)

英语哲文欣赏 快乐生活10法则 满满都是正能量(下)

...(下)Are you not satisfied with your current situation? Here are ten rules of happy living ,full of positive energy.你对你的目前境况不满意吗?这儿有快乐生活10法则,满满都是正能量。Rule #6 – Be More Social. Countless studies on the science of happiness have turn...

2017-06-24 #经典句子

英语每日一长句之CHINA DAILY 文章解读

英语每日一长句之CHINA DAILY 文章解读

提起CHINA DAILY 文章句子有的实在太长,今天跟着小编来看看吧。原文Huawei Technologies Co expressed disappointment over a Canadian court"s ruling over its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, and the company said it will continue to stand with Meng in her pursuit of justice ...

2016-04-06 #经典句子



...lem which that decision did not address:the erosion of public faith in the rule of law and democratic governance.词汇 ① address 处理,解决,应对② Erosion 侵蚀结构分析 主干识别:American faces a serious problem其他成分:1.which that decision did not address 定语2.the...

2023-09-25 #经典句子



...r 英语语法中形容词的比较Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Rules and Examples 比较和最高级形容词:规则和例子In many languages, some adjectivesare comparable – comparison of adjectives. For example, a person may be “intelligent”, but another person may be “more ...

2015-02-11 #经典句子

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

...?让我们来讨论一下吧。English is annoying.There are complicated rules, and then there"s no rules, there"s the exception to the rule.英语很令人烦恼。有很复杂的规则,有的没有规则,有的在规则之外。Oh yeah and then there"s another exception. Then there"s all the...

2023-10-18 #经典句子

英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

...。What exactly is 5G?Strictly speaking, 5G is a set of technical ground rules that define the workings of a cellular network, including the radio frequencies used and how various components like computer chips and antennas handle radio signals and exchange data.Strictly speaking严格来说,严...

2024-01-16 #经典句子



...是全球收益第一(如下图),年销售额为440亿美元。New rules proclaimed that, in order to “effectively protect the physical and mental health of minors”, children under 18 would be allowed to play online games only between 8pm and 9pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public h...

2023-06-23 #经典句子



...g sth 记得做过某事) stopfollow v.遵循;跟随 (follow the rules 遵守规则)keep v.保持;保留 ( keep doing sth/keep from doing sth)重点短语及语法Don’t talk in class 在课堂上不要讲话in the hallways 在走廊里the number of +名词复数 ---的数量(...

2008-08-21 #经典句子

英语太奇葩了 中国人早晚被气死!

英语太奇葩了 中国人早晚被气死!

...门打破一些规律,真的让人混乱且崩溃!There are a ton of rules to speaking and writing in English, but sometimes it"s the exception to those rules that are even more annoying. Even worse, there are some words and phrases that defy any sort of metric and only exist to bring us anarchy...

2023-11-24 #经典句子

触动心灵的句子 句句走心 让人醍醐灌顶~

触动心灵的句子 句句走心 让人醍醐灌顶~

...越来越平庸,每一天都像是在走过场。When life is trapped in rules and regulations, life becomes more and more mediocre, and every day seems to be a walk through.时间说长也不长,我们能够在乎的人不多,能够相信依赖的更少。Time is not long, we can care about n...

2022-11-17 #经典句子



...anguages had no grammar or English spoke without following any grammatical rules? No, that was not the case. Any language of course has rules to go by. All people speak a language according to a set of generally accepted rules, for otherwise their speech would be all topsy-turvy and unintelligible. ...

2023-10-18 #经典句子