
相关方的重要性:relevant enterprise英语短句+例句大全

时间:2024-07-03 13:42:34


相关方的重要性:relevant enterprise英语短句+例句大全

相关方,relevant enterprise

1)relevant enterprise相关方

1.According to the current situation of our construction enterprises, this paper discusses how to implement HSE system effectively for general contractor of construction from improvement of management and co-operation with otherrelevant enterprises.结合我国施工单位的现状,以管理水平的提升和与相关方的合作为切入点,论述了施工总承包企业如何有效实施HSE管理体系的问题。


1.Every organization has interested parties, each party having needs and expectations. Interested parties of organizations include每个组织都有相关方,而每个相关方都有各自的需求和期望。组织的相关方包括:

2.Either of two correlative entities;a correlate.相关一方两个相互关联的方面之一;相关一方

3.The relation of covariance,correlation coefficient and correlation;关于协方差、相关系数与相关性的关系

4.Something that corresponds;a correlative.相互关联的东西相互关联的一方

5.Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials《水及相关物料试验方法》

6.bearing-dependent phase modulation方位角关连相位调制

7.Testing for Homogeneity of Variances and Correlation in Longitudinal Models with Uniform Correlation and Exponential Correlation;具有一致相关和指数相关的纵向数据模型中异方差和相关性检验

8.Solving Regression Equation of Multivariable Correlation Using Statistical Parameters of Two variable Correlation;用简相关的统计参数求复相关回归方程

9.A Method to Overcome S&T Evaluation Indicators" Correlation--Correlation Ratio Adjustment科技评价指标相关消除方法——相关系数调整法

10.Normalization of Autocorrelation Function for Multiple-tau Photon Correlator多tau光子相关器中自相关函数的归一化方法

11.A Buffer Sizing Approach in Critical Chain Scheduling with Attributes Dependent属性相关的关键链计划缓冲设置方法

12.of or relating to the government of a municipality.地方政府的或者与地方政府相关的。

13.The government stepped in to introduce appropriate policies and counter-measures to address the problem.政府方面,出台相关政策,制定应对方案。

14.Did A or B share relevant information?有任一方与对方分享相关的资讯吗?

15.The Literature Review on Western Local Production Networks西方“地方生产网络”相关研究综述

16.Established the relevant database and input interrelated acupuncture prescriptions literature data.建立相应数据库,录入相关针灸处方文献资料。

17.They studied the ways in which the relativity theory bears on the history of science.他们研究相对论与科学史相关联的方式

18.Research on EHV Transimission Line Protection Based on Adaptive Residual Current Compesnsation Method and Concerned Problems超高压线路保护按相补偿方法及相关问题研究


correlation between prescription and syndrome方证相关

1.Discussion on significance of studying the connotation of the theory ofcorrelation between prescription and syndrome;试论开展方证相关内涵研究的意义

3)relationship between taditional medical formulae and syndrme方-证相关

4)correlation equation相关方程

1.By analyzing and calculating the comparing measurement records,thecorrelation equation between ADCP and conventional flow velocity meter was derived for flow measurement and calculation at Nanning Hydrometric Station.介绍了声学多普勒剖面仪(ADCP)的测流原理和流量计算方法,通过ADCP与常规流速仪同步测流进行比测试验,分析计算这两种方法在南宁水文站的比测资料,求出了ADCP与常规流速仪在南宁水文站测流计算的相关方程。

2.Based on the analysis of column shear experiment, thecorrelation equations and the strength calculation formulae are presented.文中对双向不等肢配箍矩形截面柱的受剪性能进行了试验分析,在此基础上分析并提出了两个主轴方向不等肢配箍柱双向受剪承载力的相关方程和承载力计算公式。

3.Thecorrelation equation of bearing capacity of beam-column with CFRP restrained concrete was deducted based on prevenient theoretical analyzing results on mechanical properties of that.在以往对CFRP约束混凝土压弯构件力学性能理论分析结果的基础上 ,推导了CFRP约束混凝土压弯构件承载力相关方程 ,计算公式形式简单 ,概念明确 ,便于实际应用。

5)interaction equation相关方程

1.On the basis of the complete analyses of CFST members subjected to compressiontorsion and bending- torsion,interaction equations of the bearing capacity of two kinds ofmembers are deduced in this paper.本文在对钢管混凝土压扭、弯扭构件进行全过程分析结果的基础上,推导了钢管混凝土压扭和弯扭构件承载力相关方程。

6)mean square correlation(MSC)均方相关


相关方相关方interested partyx泊r棍旧uanfang相关方(inte找纷ted详川y)关注组织的业绩或受组织业绩影响的个人或团体,如顾客、所有者、股东、员工、供方、竟争对手、政府、公众、工会、各种利益集团等。相关方中包括了各方面受益者,但相关方并不限于受益者。如竞争对手是组织的相关方,但却不一定会在组织的成功中受益。相关方对于组织的影响有时不像受益者那样直接,但对于组织也仍然具有同样的重要性。组织应注意与相关各方建立联络渠道,确保信息的杨通和及时,切实把握相关各方的期望和要求。 (徐京悦)

  1. 飘叶也流泪2024-07-03 14:08飘叶也流泪[浙江省网友]
  2. 9k0oyw2l2024-07-03 13:599k0oyw2l[贵州省网友]
  3. 黄梁一梦2024-07-03 13:51黄梁一梦[四川省网友]
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