自我保护性记忆,Self-Protective Memory
1)Self-Protective Memory自我保护性记忆
2)memory protect记忆保护
3)the self-memory自我记忆
4)Self and Memory自我与记忆
5)self-protection medical treatment自我保护性医疗
1.Thus, the justifiedself-protection medical treatments depe.自我保护性医疗是近年来医方为应对医患关系重构而采取的一种行为模式 ,其本身和影响具有全新特点、充满价值冲突 ;这种行为模式 ,客观上是对应医疗风险尤其是重大医疗风险的 ;主观上同医方免责期待的张扬以及对知情同意的解读直接相关 ;因而 ,正当的自我保护性医疗既取决于医方合理的免责期待 ,以及改变对知情同意的误读 ,更依赖于自身的医学伦理综合素质的打造和完善。
1.The Ethical Analysis of Self-protection Medical Treatment--the discussion on the patients informed consent and doctors impunity;自我保护性医疗的伦理扫描——论患方知情同意与医方规避风险
2.Cultivating the Self-protection of the Medical Workers from the Interns;医务人员的自我保护意识应从实习医生抓起
3.U.S.Protection to Medical Methods with Patent and Its Enlightenment to China;美国以专利保护医疗方法及其对我国的启示
4.An inquiry into application of Law for Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers to disposal of medical disputes;处理医疗纠纷中应用消费者权益保护法之我见
5.Research on China"s Legislation on Protection of Consumer"s Rights and Interests in the Field of Medical Services我国医疗服务领域消费者权益保护立法研究
6.Rational thought of building up hospitalization insurance major in medical colleges and universities;我国医学院校医疗保险专业建设的理性思考
7.We hope you can improve your self-care and cherish the medical resources.希望您能增进自我的照护并珍惜医疗资源。
8.Miami Medical Centers USA, Inc- Global managed care network offering healthcare solutions, providing referral sources for patients and cost containment strategies for payors.全球性的医疗保健网络,提供有关治疗保健方案、患护理和医疗支出费用控制的信息。
9.The Fairness and Efficiency about the Reform of Medical Insurance System Reform;我国医疗保障制度改革的公平性与效率性探讨
10.International Protection of Traditional Medicine and China s Possible Choice;传统医药的国际保护及我国的可行性选择
11.The status of carrying out the medical liability insurance for nurses and countermeasures against it;当前我国护士实行医疗责任保险的现状分析与对策
12.The Study on the Equity of the Basic Medical Insurance of Urban Employees;我国城镇职工基本医疗保险公平性研究
13.Issues of the Compatibility of the Social Medical Insurance Model;我国社会医疗保险模式兼容性问题研究
14.Necessity of Maintaining Personal Account for Medical Insurance Billing in China;论我国现阶段医疗保险个人账户存在的必要性
15.The Necessity of Perfecting Current Medical Guaranfee System in Society Transition;论转型期我国完善医疗保障制度的必要性
16.Reflection on the Respect to Informed Consent Right of the Patients under the Protective Medical System关于在保护性医疗制度下尊重患者知情同意权的思考
17.Analysis on Criminality of Induced Treatment and its Legal Remedy医生诱导治疗的犯罪性及解决途径——以加强被害人保护为视角
18.Medical Behavior and Application of Consumer Protection Law.;医疗行为与消费者权益保护法的适用
memory protect记忆保护
3)the self-memory自我记忆
4)Self and Memory自我与记忆
5)self-protection medical treatment自我保护性医疗
1.Thus, the justifiedself-protection medical treatments depe.自我保护性医疗是近年来医方为应对医患关系重构而采取的一种行为模式 ,其本身和影响具有全新特点、充满价值冲突 ;这种行为模式 ,客观上是对应医疗风险尤其是重大医疗风险的 ;主观上同医方免责期待的张扬以及对知情同意的解读直接相关 ;因而 ,正当的自我保护性医疗既取决于医方合理的免责期待 ,以及改变对知情同意的误读 ,更依赖于自身的医学伦理综合素质的打造和完善。
6)The principle of self-preservation.自我保护的天性
连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-