
道德信仰 moral belief英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-09 09:07:40


道德信仰 moral belief英语短句 例句大全

道德信仰,moral belief

1)moral belief道德信仰

1.On the predicament and surpassing of college studentsmoral beliefs;大学生道德信仰的困境及其超越

2.Marxist Contemporary Value and Its Significance to Moral Belief;马克思主义当代价值及其对道德信仰的意义


1.ON the Harmonization of Moral Beliefs and Political Beliefs in the Confucian Culture;论儒家文化中道德信仰与政治信仰的相融互动

2.Moral faith:value orientation of moral education of realm in universities道德信仰:高校境界德育的价值取向

3.Karma and Moral Belief--Concurrent remark on religion as moral assurance因果报应与道德信仰——兼评宗教作为道德的保证

4.Towards the meaning world on rational faith--implication of Kante’s moral faith走向理性信仰的意义世界——康德道德信仰观对我们的启示

5.On the Education of Mord Faith of College Students in Ideological and Political Education大学生思想教育中的“道德信仰”教育

6.An Analysis of Religion as a Resource of Moral Faith--From Religious Morality to Moral Religion;宗教的道德信仰资源探析——由宗教道德擢升为道德宗教

7.On the Cultivation of College University Students" Moral and Legal Beliefs in the Teaching of the "Elementary Course"论“基础课”教学中大学生道德信仰与法律信仰的培育

8.Interpretation of Traditional Filial Piety--In the Perspective of Moral Beliefs;对传统孝道的解读——从社会道德信仰视阈的审视

9.On the Moral Belief Construction of Contemporary China from the View of Risk Society;风险社会视野下的当代中国道德信仰建设论略

10.Chinese Contemporary Social Morals Crisis;当代中国社会的道德信仰危机与原因分析

11.Moral Belief Crisis during the Period of Social Transition in China : Cause Analysis;我国社会转型期道德信仰危机成因分析

12.On Function of Ethical Eelief in Construction of New Socialist Countryside;浅论道德信仰在建设社会主义新农村中的作用

13.Marxist Contemporary Value and Its Significance to Moral Belief;马克思主义当代价值及其对道德信仰的意义

14.On the Logic Development and Surpassing of Socialist Citizen Moral Beliefs;社会主义公民道德信仰的逻辑发展和超越

15.On the Main Reflects, Social Origin and Turning Measures of Moral Belief Crisis;道德信仰危机的表现、社会根源及其扭转

16.Studies on Moral Belief Education in Contemporary Chinese University当代中国高校大学生道德信仰教育探究

17.On the Lack of Moral Beliefs and Reconstruction in Transformation of Our Society论我国社会转型时期道德信仰的缺失与重建

18.The essence of moral belief is the self- transcendent in moral personality.道德信仰的本质就是人在道德人格上的自我超越。


moral beliefs道德信仰

1.From the point of inherrent moral reason,the main reason for the loss of credibity is the ignorance of moral self-discipline, the basic reason for it is the weakening of moral responsibility and the loss ofmoral beliefs is its further cause.从道德内因看,诚信失范的主要原因是道德自律意识的淡化,诚信失范的根本原因是道德责任的弱化,诚信失范的深层原因是道德信仰的危机。

2.From the new perspective of themoral beliefs,we found a lack of filial piety in today s society has reached an extremely serious stage.站在道德信仰这个全新的视角上,我们发现孝道观念在当今社会的沦丧已经到了极其严重的地步。

3.First,it is shown in the transition of value logic from "be-ought" to "ought-be" in which an intermediary —moral beliefs — is needed.在“应当到是”的逻辑过程中,这一转变需要一逻辑中介即道德信仰。

3)moral faith道德信仰

1.On the Moral Faith and Cultivate National Spirit of China;道德信仰与民族精神的培育

2.It is amoral faith,a life faith and a philosophical faith ultimately.生态伦理学重建人的信仰——对生命和自然的信仰,它是一种生命信仰、道德信仰,从最根本的意义上说,是哲学信仰。

3.The cultivation of socialistmoral faith of juveniles is the gist of moral education to juveniles.培育未成年人的社会主义道德信仰是对其进行道德教育的主旨。

4)moral belief crisis道德信仰危机

1.During this period,people are facing amoral belief crisis.当代中国社会转型时期出现了道德信仰危机,其原因有:我国市场经济不成熟带来的负效应,分配机制不完善及法治不力的负面效应,缺乏道德奉献与道德回报的机制使道德失去感召力,高新科技革命、外来文化的冲击和中国传统道德自身的失落,道德教育偏重抽象的道德原则,主导性的道德规范体系尚不成熟,道德主体的错误选择。

2.The main reflects ofmoral belief crisis are: the collapse of moral ideal goals and the loss of moral codes, the numbness ,puzzle,lack of moral emotion,the lack or distortion of moral living power and abruption of moral personality,etc.道德信仰危机的主要表现有:道德理想目标的丧失和道德失范,道德情感的麻木、困惑、缺失,道德生活动力的欠缺或扭曲和道德人格分裂等。

5)moral-belief"s lost道德信仰缺失

6)system of moral belief道德信仰体系



  1. 空灵歌声2024-05-09 09:35空灵歌声[云南省网友]
  2. KamilZ19912024-05-09 09:21KamilZ1991[贵州省网友]
道德传统 moral tradition英语短句 例句大全

道德传统 moral tradition英语短句 例句大全

2.Goodmoral traditions should be inherited and spread, bad ones must be abandoned.道德建设不能割断传统,好的道德传统如整体主义必须予以弘扬


道德意义的例句集:Exploring the Moral Significance in English Sentences

道德意义的例句集:Exploring the Moral Significance in English Sentences



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