
公民参与 citizen participation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 10:39:18


公民参与 citizen participation英语短句 例句大全

公民参与,citizen participation

1)citizen participation公民参与

1.The significance of thecitizen participation in policy-making;公民参与在公共政策制定中的意义

2.From "Citizen Participation " to " Mass Participation"——Transcending Paradigm and Practicing Logic of Community Participation in Urban during Social Transformation;从“公民参与”到“群众参与”——转型期城市社区参与的范式转换与实践逻辑

3.The Summarizes of the Government Achievements Assessment——From the angle ofcitizen participation;政府绩效评估研究综述——基于公民参与的视角


1.The Attitude of Citizens "Participation and the Growth on the Awareness about Citizens" Rule of Law公民参与态度与公民法治意识之成长

2.Public Policy and Citizen s Participation: Value,Difficult Position and Countermeasure;公共政策与公民参与:价值、困境与对策

3.The Statistical Analysis of "Citizen Participation in the Budget" of the Condition of Non-parametric Test;非参数检验的“公民参与预算”统计分析

4.The Rising of Citizens Participation and the Realization of Public Management;论公民参与的兴起与公共管理的实现

5.Online Participate New Path of Citizen Participate Modern Public Management;在线参与:公民参与现代公共管理新途径

6.Democracy, Governance and Citizens" Participation Facility民主、施政和公民参与融资

7.Citizen Participation, Deliberative Democracy and the Reconstruction of Rural Public Order;公民参与、协商民主与乡村公共秩序的重构

8.Research on Citizen Engagement Problem of Public Management in China;我国公共管理中的公民参与问题研究

9.Study on Public Participation in Chinese Public Policy Making;中国公共政策制定中的公民参与研究

10.The Study of Citizen Participation under the Visual Angle of Public Governance;公共治理视角下的公民参与问题研究

11.Research on the Citizen Participation in Public Policy-Making of China;我国公共政策制定中的公民参与研究

12.Study on the Improvement of the Public Management System of Chinese Citizen s Participation;论中国公民参与公共管理的制度完善

13.On the civil participation in the public policies in China;我国公共政策中的公民参与问题研究

14.On Probe into Citizen s Participation from the Angle of Public Service Supply;公共服务供给视角下的公民参与探究

15.A Summary of Citizen s Participation to Public Decision-making in Western Countries;西方国家公民参与公共决策情况概述

16.Research on Citizen"s Participation in Terms of the New Public Service新公共服务视角下公民参与模式研究

17.The Study on Citizen Participation in Public Crisis Governance of China我国公共危机治理中的公民参与研究

18.The Research of Mechanism of Citizen Participation in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的公民参与机制研究


Civil Participation公民参与

1.Media Politics andCivil Participation: A Reflection on Sustaining Democracy:Journalism and the Politics of Objectivity;媒介政治与公民参与——读《维系民主?西方政治与新闻客观性》

2.On the civil participation in the public policies in China;我国公共政策中的公民参与问题研究

3.A Exploration ofCivil Participation in China s Political Civilization;政治文明视野下公民参与公共管理初探

3)public participation公民参与

1.On the Construction of the System of Policy Evaluation of the Public Participation in Local Government——From the Perspective of the Policy Network Theory论公民参与地方政府政策评估制度建设——以政策网络理论为视角

2.Survey on enthusiasm and willing ofpublic participation:taking Yangzhou City for example公民参与之热情与愿望调查——以扬州市为例

3.This article summarizes the strengths and weaknesses in the practice ofpublic participation and finds that the rapid development of information technology cannot guarantee that civic participation will be fully effective.本文在阐述了公民参与的重要性基础上,从公民参与中信息流动方式的不同、参与深入的程度以及政府和公民的关系等方面,分别总结了在电子政务环境下公民参与机制的三个层次的特点、积极意义和不足。

4)citizens participation公民参与

1.The level ofcitizens participation reflects the society s construction quality.公民参与水平是社会建设质量和水平的重要体现。

2.Thecitizens participation is an inseparable part of a country s political democracy and political civilization.广泛的公民参与是国家走向政治民主和政治文明不可分割的部分,它的兴起与发展,在技术、制度、组织、理论和文化等层面都有其深厚的价值基础。

3.The process ofcitizens participation in administration is the basic demand and the concrete embodiment of democratic administrative equal administration,high effective administrative and harmonious administration.公民参与行政过程是现代民主行政、公正行政、高效行政、和谐行政的基本要求和具体体现。

5)civic participation公民参与

1.At present,China scivic participation in public policy making mainly base theoretical basis and actual basis in life.公共政策中的公民参与就是指当政府做出与公民具有利害关系的决定和政策时,公民个人或团体通过一定的方式、途径和程序直接或者间接进入政府的决策过程,了解相关的政策信息,并对决策发表意见和看法,以此来影响政策结果的行动过程。

2.Cancivic participation really actualize virtual democracy? Traditionally, the monopoly of "discourse" was held by the close administrative system,in which even if citizens participated, being a type of "fake democracy".公民参与是否必定能够实现实质的民主?传统封闭的行政系统掌握着"话语"的垄断权,即使公民参与,也至多是一种"伪民主"。

3.The Interest Representative Model stresses the issue on the function ofcivic participation in the control administrative discretion,but this model being a universal project has some efficiency.行政法的利益代表模式是由美国著名行政法学家斯图尔特针对行政法的传统模式而在《美国行政法的重构》一书中提出来的,该模式强调公民参与在行政自由裁量权控制中的作用。

6)citizen participation power公民参与权



  1. 玲珑香木2024-04-29 11:15玲珑香木[国外网友]
  2. Rocker2024-04-29 11:03Rocker[新疆网友]
  3. 心若向阳2024-04-29 10:51心若向阳[海南省网友]
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