
人教精通版六年级英语下册 - 三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总


Unit 133个单词准备好去沙滩了吗?·go to the beach英 去沙滩Are you ready to go to the beach?准备好去沙滩了吗?·enjoy sunbathing


人教精通版六年级英语下册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含3个学习单元,96个单词。

Unit 1(33个单词)


·go to the beach

英 / 去沙滩Are you ready to go to the beach?(准备好去沙滩了吗?)·enjoy sunbathing英 / 享受日光浴We can enjoy the sunbathing and poolside cocktails.(我们能享受到阳光浴和池边鸡尾酒会。)·enjoy the sun and stars英 / 看月亮和星星Go outside, look up, enjoy the sun, the moon, and the stars.(走出去,抬起头,享受阳光、月亮和恒星。)·stay at home英 / 待在家里I would rather stay at home.(我宁愿待在家里。)·have a party英 / 聚会We have a party this Saturday.(这周六我们有一个聚会。)·enjoy Spring Festival英 / 过春节I""ll be home to enjoy Spring Festival with you.(我将回家与你们共度春节。)·by plane英 / 乘飞机I usually go to school by plane.(我通常坐飞机上学。)·sun英 [sn] / n.太阳The sun was shining.(阳光照耀。)·moon英 [mu:n] / n.月亮The moon was low in the sky.(月亮低悬在天空。)·star英 [stɑ:(r)] / n.星星There are innumerable stars in the sky.(天空中有无数颗星。)·at night英 / 在晚上I go to bed round 11:00 at night.(我大约晚上11点上床睡觉。)·at home英 / 在家里I happened to be at home.(我凑巧在家。)·listen to English英 / 听英语I often listen to English recordings.(我经常听英语录音带。)·speak English英 / 讲英语Do you speak English?(你会讲英语吗?)·read English英 / 读英语You must often read English aloud.(你必须经常朗读英语。)·write English英 / 写英语I can speak and write English fluently.(我能用英语进行流利的会话和写作。)·talk in English英 / 用英语交谈I want to talk in English.(我想要用英语交流。)·play in English英 / 用英语玩游戏So Likes to play in English.(英文打出来很好玩。)·learn英 [l:n] / vt.&vi.学;学习;学到I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·a lot of英 / 很多There are a lot of flowers!(那儿有很多花!)·word英 [w:d] / n.单词;词The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)·blackboard英 [blkb:d] / n.黑板He chalked the message on the blackboard.(他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。)·say英 [se] / vi.说Why do you have to say it so loudly?(你为啥要说这么大声?)·do tasks英 / 做任务You promise to do tasks which then go undone.(你答应要做的事情最后都没完成。)·have an English party英 / 举办英语聚会When will you have an English party?(你们什么时候举行一次英语晚会?)·act in drama英 / 表演戏剧Some of us will act in a short drama.(我们有些人将在一出短小的戏中演出。)·learn from each other英 / 互相学习You two should learn from each other.(你们两人应互相学习。)·subject英 [sbdkt] / n.学科Her subject matter is herself.(她作品的主题就是她自己。)·lesson英 [lesn] / n.课The teacher taught us an interesting lesson.(老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。)·but英 [bt] / conj.但是I thought I would succeed,but I failed.(我以为我会成功,但是我失败了。)·yesterday英 [jestde] / n.昨天We went to the factory yesterday.(我们昨天去工厂了。)·why英 [wa] / adv.为什么Why do I have so many questions?(为什么我会有这么多问题?)·use英 [ju:s] / v.用I use a pencil to draw a picture.(我用一支铅笔来画画。)

Unit 2(31个单词)


·bank英 [bk] / n.银行I have placed money on deposit in a bank.(我已把钱存入一家银行。)·in front of英 / 在……前面We dried our clothes in front of the fire.(我们在火前烘干了衣服。)·bookshop英 [bkp] / n.书店He is at the bookshop.(他在书店里。)·behind英 [bhand] / prep.在……后面Bad people should be standing behind here.(坏人应该站在这后面。)·hotel英 [htel] / n.宾馆The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel.(从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。)·clothes shop英 / 服装店A clothes shop for men next to the department store.(是家男子服装店,就在百货店隔壁。)·supermarket英 / n.超市We""re going to the supermarket!(我们要去超市!)·across the road英 / 在马路对面The cafe is just across the road over there.(咖啡馆就在那边马路对面。)·hospital英 [hsptl] / n.医院I""m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)·river英 [rv(r)] / n.河流This is a long river.(这条河很长。)·near英 [n(r)] / prep.在……附近The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.(这个球滚到离洞很近的地方,差一点就进了。)·beside英 [bsad] / prep.在……旁边The loyal dog is lying beside her master.(这只忠诚的狗狗正趴在主人旁边。)·between英 [btwi:n] / prep.在……中间The balloon is between the two girls.(气球在两个女孩中间。)·healthy(food)英 / 健康的(食品)Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.(猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。)·vegetable英 [vedtbl] / n.蔬菜I want rice and vegetables.(我要米饭和蔬菜。)·go down this street英 / 顺着这条街走Go down this street, you""ll find the bank.(沿着这条街走,你就会找到那家银行。)·turn right at the traffic lights英 / 交通灯处右转Walk along the road and turn right at the traffic lights.(沿着这条路走,在交通灯处向右转。)·cross the street英 / 穿过马路I watched he cross the street.(我看见她穿过马路。)·street英 [stri:t] / n.大街;街道There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·turn right/left英 / 右转/左转Go straight and turn right at the first crossroads.(一直往前走,在第一个十字路口向右转。)·on the right/left英 / 在右边/左边Take the next turning on the right.(在下一个路口向右拐。)·minute英 [""mnt] / n.分钟;一会儿She can type 70 words a minute.(她一分钟能打70个字。)·City library英 / 城市图书馆The city library is for the benefit of the public.(市立图书馆是供大众用的。)·restaurant英 [restrnt] / n.饭店This restaurant is famous for being built on the sea.(这家餐厅因建在海上而闻名。)·post office英 / 邮局I need to go to the post office to send this letter to my pen pal.(我要去邮局把这封信寄给我的笔友。)·by bike英 / 骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.(我通常骑自行车上学。)·by subway英 / 乘地铁I usually go to school by subway.(我通常乘地铁上学。)·on foot英 / 步行I usually go to school on foot.(我通常步行上学。)·half an hour英 / 半小时I only slept about half an hour that night.(我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。)·city英 [sti] / n.城市I like the city,there""s always something to do.(我喜欢城市,那里总有事情可做。)·library英 [labrri] / n.图书馆The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)

Unit 3(32个单词)


·America英 [""merk] / n.美国America is a great place for travel.(美国是一个旅游圣地。)·Shanghai英 / 上海Shanghai is a technologically advanced city.(上海是中国的一个技术先进的城市。)·Xi""an英 / 西安I got to Xi""an safely.(我安全到达了西安;)·Dalian英 / 大连Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.(大连位于辽东半岛南部。)·by plane英 / 乘飞机I usually go to school by plane.(我通常坐飞机上学。)·by train英 / 乘火车I usually go to school by train.(我通常乘火车上学。)·by ship英 / 乘轮船I usually go to school by ship.(我通常坐船上学。)·travel英 [trvl] / vi.旅行I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)·know英 [n] / v.知道How can I know?(我怎么会知道呢?)·hear英 [h(r)] / vt.&vi.听见I hear the alarm.(我听到闹钟响了。)·lake英 [lek] / n.湖;湖泊The lake is hidden among the mountains.(胡泊四周群山环绕。)·the Ming Tombs英 / 明十三陵I suggest you visit the Ming Tombs first.(我建议你先去明十三陵看看。)·the Temple of Heaven英 / 天坛The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.(天坛的建筑结构很别致。)·the Forbidden City英 / 紫禁城The Forbidden City is located on the central axis of old Beijing.(紫禁城位于老北京的中轴线上。)·Beihai Park英 / 北海公园Does the bus pass the Beihai Park?(这汽车经过北海公园吗?)·tomorrow英 [tmr] / n.明天I""ll go and see him tomorrow.(我明天去看他。)·visit英 [vzt] / vt.&vi.参观The three paid a visit to the wise man""s house.(刘关张三人拜访了诸葛亮。)·the Great Wall英 / 长城They visit the Great Wall.(他们参观长城。)·them英 [m] / pron.他们;她们;它们(they的宾格)I told them that long ago.(我早已告诉他们了。)·Britain英 [brtn] / n.英国I was not in Britain at the time.(当时我不在英国。)·Tower Bridge英 / 伦敦塔桥This is Tower Bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.(这是塔桥,是伦敦最有特色的大桥。)·Big Ben英 / 大本钟You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·Niagara Falls英 / 尼亚加拉瀑布The Niagara Falls is one of the natural wonders of the world.(尼亚加拉瀑布是世界天然奇景之一。)·Canada英 [""knd] / n.加拿大I""m from the Canada.(我来自加拿大。)·CN Tower英 / 加拿大国家电视塔Landscape of Toronto from CN tower.(加拿大电视塔鸟瞰多伦多。)·Australia英 [""strel] / n.澳大利亚I""m from the Australia.(我来自澳大利亚。)·sydney Opera House英 / 悉尼歌剧院Who designed the Sydney Opera House?(悉尼歌剧院是谁设计的?)·Disneyland英 / 迪士尼乐园If you go to the USA,you can visit Disneyland.(如果你去美国,你可以参观迪斯尼乐园。)·want英 [wnt] / v.想I want to find a job from the newspaper.(我想从报纸上找到一份工作。)·see英 [si:] / vt.&vi.看见See you tomorrow!(明天见。)·favorite英 [""fevrt] / adj.最喜欢的Gym is his favorite sport.(体操是他最喜爱的运动。)·place英 [ples] / n.位置;地点I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。)

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