
北师大版_二年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

时间:2023-11-28 06:05:01


北师大版_二年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总



Unit 7(10个单词)


·fruit英 [fru:t] / n.水果;果实I want some fruit.(我想要一些水果。)·it英 [t] / pron.它It was sitting in a tree.(它正站在一棵树上。)·banana英 [bnɑ:n] / n.香蕉Do you like bananas?(你喜欢香蕉吗?)·*nut英 [nt] / n.坚果Squirrel likes to eat nut.(小松鼠喜欢吃坚果。)·*pear英 [pe(r)] / n.梨Do you like pears?(你喜欢梨吗?)·*strawberry英 [str:bri] / n.草莓I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.(我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶。)·yes英 [jes] / adv.是;是的Yes,I do.(是的,我喜欢。)·*lemon英 [lemn] / n.柠檬A lemon is an acid fruit.(柠檬是一种酸味水果。)·an英 [n] / art.一(个,只)This is an orange.(这是一个橙子。)·orange英 [rnd] / n.橘子Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)Unit 8(14个单词)


·vegetable英 [vedtbl] / n.蔬菜I want rice and vegetables.(我要米饭和蔬菜。)·are英 [ɑ:(r)] / v.是They are my mother and father.(他们是我的爸爸和妈妈。)·these英 [i:z] / pron.这些I""m going to eat all of these.(我要全部吃完这些!)·they英 [e] / pron.他(她;它)们They are happy together.(他们在一起很开心。)·tomatoes英 [t""mɑ:tz] / n.西红柿I want some tomatoes and eggs.(我想要一些西红柿和鸡蛋。)·those英 [z] / pron.那些Whose dirty socks are those?(那些是谁的脏袜子?)·*beans英 [""bi:nz] / n.豆角We grow beans on our farm.(我们的农场上种植豆角。)·*mushrooms英 [""mrmz] / n.蘑菇There are many types of wild mushrooms.(野生蘑菇有很多种。)·*cabbages英 [kbdz] / n.卷心菜Look at those lovely cabbages.(看那些漂亮的卷心菜。)·*onions英 / n.洋葱Will you chop an onion up for me?(你能帮我把一个洋葱切碎吗?)·potatoes英 [p""tetz] / n.土豆I want some meat and potatoes.(我想要一些肉和土豆。)·*carrots英 [""krts] / n.胡萝卜Bring some carrots in from the garden,so we can cook dinner.(从菜园拔一些胡萝卜来,这样我们就可以做晚饭了。)·*eggplants英 [""eɡplɑ:nts] / n.茄子I have eggplants for lunch.(我午餐吃的是茄子。)·*peppers英 / n.辣椒Halve and deseed the peppers.(把辣椒切成两半并去籽。)Unit 9(21个单词)


·*number英 [nmb(r)] / n.数字What is this number?(这个数字是什么?)·bird英 [b:d] / n.鸟It""s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)·how many英 [hau meni] / 多少How many books?(有多少本书?)·there英 [e(r)] / adv.那里How many birds are there?(那里有多少只鸟?)·*nest英 [nest] / n.(鸟)巢;窝The actual nest is a work of art.(真实的鸟巢十分精致。)·too英 [tu:] / adv.也The box is too small for him to sit in.(这个盒子太小了,它坐不下。)·egg英 [eg] / n.卵;蛋I want egg.(我想吃鸡蛋。)·flower英 [fla(r)] / n.花I like flowers.(我喜欢花。)·eleven英 [levn] / num.11My favorite number is eleven.(我最喜欢的数字是11。)·thirteen英 [θ:ti:n] / num.13There""s a number thirteen on my shirt.(我的T恤上印有数字13.)·twelve英 [twelv] / num.12Twelve eggs makes a dozen.(一打鸡蛋是十二个。)·small英 [sm:l] / n.小This is a small model of my real house.(这是我房子的一个小模型。)·*crocodile英 [krkdal] / n.鳄鱼Crocodile babies to be born!(鳄鱼宝宝要出生了!)·big英 [bg] / n.大It""s a big hamburger,but I can finish it!(这么大一个汉堡包,但是我能吃完!)·fourteen英 [f:ti:n] / num.14February fourteen is Valentine""s Day.(2月14日是情人节。)·fifteen英 [ffti:n] / num.15My son will turn fifteen years old this year.(我儿子今年就要十五岁了。)·sixteen英 [sksti:n] / num.13She got a special gift when she turned sixteen years old.(当她年满16岁时,收到了一份特殊的礼物。)·seventeen英 [sevnti:n] / num.17The number on the ball is seventeen.(球上的数字是17。)·eighteen英 [eti:n] / num.18I am eighteen years old.(我十八岁了。)·nineteen英 [nanti:n] / num.19After nineteen years,I still felt young.(过了十九年,我仍然觉得年轻。)·twenty英 [twenti] / num.20Twenty is a good age.(二十岁是个好年纪啊。)Unit 10(15个单词)


·color英 [""kl(r)] / n.颜色The kids painted different colors on their hands.(小孩子们把各种颜色都画在手上。)·*butterfly英 [btfla] / n.蝴蝶It is a very pretty butterfly.(这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶。)·beautiful英 [bju:tfl] / adj.美丽的She is such a beautiful lady.(她是一位如此美丽的女士。)·red英 [red] / n.红;红色Show me red.(给我看看红色。)·yellow英 [jel] / n.黄;黄色It""s yellow.(它是黄色的。)·blue英 [blu:] / n.蓝;蓝色A blue balloon!(一个蓝色的气球!)·green英 [gri:n] / n.绿;绿色A green balloon!(一个绿色气球!)·brown英 [bran] / n.棕;棕色I""m painting the wall in brown.(我在把墙刷成棕色。)·orange英 [rnd] / n.橙色;橘黄色Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)·look at英 [luk t] / 看;考虑Now look at the blackboard.(现在看着黑板。)·all英 [:l] / 全部All hers answers were correct,so she got a 100.(她所有的答案都对了,所以她得了100分。)·white英 [wat] / n.白;白色The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak.(积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。)·black英 [blk] / n.黑;黑色A big black balloon,please.(请给我一个又大又黑的气球。)·*pink英 [pk] / n.粉红色My favourite colour is pink.(去最喜欢的颜色是粉色。)·*purple英 [p:pl] / n.紫;紫色Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.(巨大的云层形成紫色云团。)Unit 11(15个单词)


·can英 [kn] / aux.能;可以You can make that dream come true.(你可以让那个梦想实现。)·*climb英 [klam] / v.攀;爬Children love to climb.(孩子们爱爬上爬下。)·tree英 [tri:] / n.树There are trees in the park.(公园里有棵树。)·see英 [si:] / v.看见;看到See you tomorrow!(明天见。)·house英 [has] / n.房屋The house and garden were perfection.(房屋和花园都非常漂亮。)·*catch英 [kt] / v.抓住;接住The cat is happy to catch the mouse.(抓到了杰瑞,汤姆很开心。)·walk英 [w:k] / v.走;走路I went for an early morning walk with my dogs today.(今天早上,我带着我家的狗狗溜了一圈。)·*carry英 [kri] / v.背;搬He was carrying a briefcase.(他提着公文包。)·listen英 [lsn] / v.听Listen,somebody is beating at the door.(听,有人在敲门。)·read英 [ri:d] / v.读;看书Have you read this book?(你看过这本书吗?)·write英 [rat] / v.写There""s no time for me to write a letter to him.(我来不及写信给他了。)·sing英 [s] / v.唱;唱歌She wanted to hear him sing in person.(她想听他现场演唱。)·dance英 [dɑ:ns] / v.跳舞He asked her to dance.(他邀请她跳舞。)·talk英 [t:k] / v说;交谈The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)·draw英 [dr:] / v.画;绘画Draw an outline before you fill in the details.(先画个轮廓,再画细部。)Unit 12(6个单词)


·open英 [pn] / v.开He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)·door英 [d:(r)] / n.门What""s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)·candy bar英 / n.条形糖果To satisfy his hunger, he ate a candy bar.(他吃了根条糖充饥。)·*cookie英 [kki] / n.饼干Each cookie has a letter!(每块饼干上有一个字母。)·monkey英 [mki] / n.猴子Act like a monkey.(扮演一只猴子。)·animal英 [nml] / n.动物Every kind of animal went on the boat.(每一种动物都上了船。)《北师大版_二年级英语下册_一年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

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