
Pie in the sky这句话是咱们工人创造的


Pie is a type of pastry filled with meat,vegetables, fruits then baked to golden It tastes crispy out

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Pie is a type of pastry filled with meat,

vegetables, fruits then baked to golden.

It tastes crispy outside and tender inside.

Pie 是一种酥油糕点,内填有肉,蔬菜或各种水果然后烤至金黄。吃起来外脆里嫩,香甜可口。

pie in the sky | 用来形容渺茫的希望,开空头支票,有点画饼充饥的意思。

该词来源于上世纪初,工人运动领袖为了号召工人起义,时常自创歌曲鼓舞士气。1911年,歌曲“The rebel girl and the preacher and the slave" "反叛的女孩,牧师和奴隶”开始被广为传唱,该歌曲讽刺当时的国际基督教组织愚昧人们应该接受人间苦难。于是该组织派出牧师告诉工人们,“You will get pie in the sky after you die” 你们死后会在天堂得到馅饼,于是短语pie in the sky 就这么被流传下来,用来形容空头的许诺,不能实现的空想。

What you dream about is just pie in the sky. 你梦想的只是异想天开。

这里还有几个与pie 有关的短语

finger in every pie|插手每一件事,喜欢干涉。起初来源于馅饼太多,无法决定要吃哪一个,于是每个都用手指头抠一点尝一下,后来就用来形容每件事都想干涉一下。

Tom always has her fingers in every pie.

Tom 总是什么事情都想干涉。

easy as pie|非常容易,像做馅饼一样简单

Do these thing is as easy as pie.


eat humble pie|认错道歉,含垢忍辱

You should stand straight, you needn"t eat

humble pie.


I had to eat humble pie for my mistake. 我不得不为自己的错误道歉。

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