

时间:2023-09-01 04:31:01





*Unit 1(19个单词)


·too much英 [tu: mt] / adj.太多We shouldn""t eat too much candy.(我们不应该吃太多糖果。)·candy英 [""knd] / n.糖果I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)·go to bed英 [ɡu tu: bed] / 去睡;就寝I go to bed at 21:00.(我21:00睡觉。)·early英 [""l] / adj.早It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·exercise英 [""ekssaz] / vt.锻炼Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育锻炼有助于增强体质。)·tired英 [tad] / adj.困倦的;疲倦的He is tired, he sleeps like a log.(他累了,睡觉很沉。)·drink英 [drk] / vt.喝;饮Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)·before英 [b""f] / prep.在…之前There""s only one person before me in line.(在队伍里我前面就只有一个人。)·dirty英 [""dt] / adj.肮脏的My hands are dirty.I must wash them.(我的手很脏,必须得洗了。)·always英 [:lwez] / adv.总是This store is always open.(这家商店一直营业。)·stomachache英 [""stmkek] / n.胃疼She got a stomachache.(她胃痛了起来。)·headache英 [""hedek] / n.头疼I had the beginnings of a headache.(我有了头痛的先兆。)·toothache英 [""tuθek] / n.牙疼His face swelled up with the toothache.(牙疼使他的脸都肿了。)·a lot of英 [ lt v] / adj.大量;许多There are a lot of flowers!(那儿有很多花!)·sleepy英 [""slip] / adj.困的;欲睡的She felt sleepy when she was eating her breakfast.(她吃早饭的时候觉得很困。)·subject英 [sbdkt] / n.主题Her subject matter is herself.(她作品的主题就是她自己。)·mark英 [mɑ:k] / n.分数He did well to get such a good mark.(他表现不错,得了这么高的分数。)·advice英 [dvas] / n.建议Permit me to give you some advice.(请允许我给你提点建议。)·more英 [m:(r)] / adj.更多的It""s obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)

*Unit 2(20个单词)


·New Year""s Day英 / n.新年New Year""s Day is a public holiday throughout china.(元旦是全中国的公众假日。)·Tree Planting Day英 / n.植树节When is Tree Planting Day?(植树节是什么时候?)·Mother""s Day英 / n.母亲节I bought a gift for my mother on Mother""s Day.(母亲节我买了一份礼物给我妈妈。)·Children""s Day英 / n.儿童节It""s Children""s Day. (今天是儿童节。)·Father""s Day英 / n.父亲节Today is father""s day, you do not have?(今天是父亲节,你祝福没有?)·Teachers"" day英 / n.教师节Teachers ""day is coming, you""re so hard!(教师节来了,老师您辛苦了!)·National Day英 / n.国庆节The National Day is coming [ drawing near].(国庆即将来临。)·Christmas Day英 / n.圣诞节It""s Christmas Day.(今天是圣诞节。)·birthday英 [b:θde] / n.生日Hey,it""s my Birthday!Let""s celebrate.(嘿,今天是我的生日!让我们庆祝一下。)·fifth英 [ffθ] / num.第五Today is my daughter""s fifth birthday.(今天是我女儿的五岁生日。)·tenth英 [tenθ] / num.第十I felt good after winning the tenth time.(第十次也赢了让我感觉爽爆了。)·twelfth英 [twelfθ] / num.第十二The twelfth day of the month is when my vacation begins.(这个月12号我的假期就开始了。)·twenty-fifth英 / num.第二十五Elections will now take place on November the twenty-fifth.(选举现定于11月25日举行。)·plant英 [plɑ:nt] / vt.种植We often plant trees.(我们经常种树。)·make a poster英 [meik pust] / n.制作海报I would like to make a poster about smoking.(我想做一个关于吸烟的海报。)·celebrate英 [selbret] / v.庆祝It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate.(这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。)·have a picnic英 [hv piknik] / 野餐We are also going to have a picnic together.(我们也一起去野餐。)·office英 [fs] / n.办公室He dropped by my office this morning.(今天早晨他到我办公室串门来了。)·together英 [tge(r)] / adv.在一起;共同We went on long bicycle rides together.(我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。)·special英 [spel] / adj.特殊的;特别的The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival.(端午节是中国的一个特殊节日。)

*Unit 3(10个单词)


·send an email英 / 发送电子邮件I want to send an email to my father.(我想给我父亲发一封电子邮件。)·write a letter英 [rait let] / 写信I want to write a letter to my father.(我想给我父亲写封信。)·make a phone call英 / 打电话I need to make a phone call.(我要打一个电话。)·send a short message英 / 发送短消息I want to send a short message to my mother.(我想给我妈妈发个短信)·mail a present英 / 邮寄礼物I want to mail a present to my mother.(我想寄一份礼物给我妈妈。)·make a video call英 / 打视频电话I want to make a video call to my father.(我想给我父亲打视频电话。)·say英 [se] / vi.说;讲Why do you have to say it so loudly?(你为啥要说这么大声?)·make a card英 [meik kɑ:d] / v.制作卡片Let""s make a card for Mom.(我们来做张卡片送给妈妈。)·everywhere英 [evriwe(r)] / adv.各处;到处Dust is everywhere.(到处都是灰尘。)·flower show英 [flau u] / n.花展There is a large entry for the flower show this year.(今年的花展有大量花卉参展。)

*Unit 4(16个单词)


·cleaned the window英 / (过去式)擦窗子Having cleaned the window, she began to wash the floor.(她擦完窗户之后开始拖地板。)·watched TV英 / (过去式)看电视Last night they stayed at home and watched TV.(昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。)·climbed a hill英 / (过去式)爬山I climbed a hill.(我爬上了一座小山。)·visited grandparents英 / (过去式)看望外祖父母I visited my grandparents.(我拜访了我的祖父母。)·danced英 / v.(dance的过去式)跳舞He danced well.(他舞跳得好。)·jumped rope英 / (过去式)跳绳I jumped rope.(我跳绳。)·listened to music英 / (过去式)听音乐He listened to music yesterday.(他昨天听音乐了。)·rowed a boat英 / (过去式)划船I rowed a boat.(我划船。)·played computer games英 / (过去式)玩电子游戏I played computer games in the morning.(我在早上玩了电子游戏。)·stayed at home英 / (过去式)呆在家里I stayed at home.(我呆在家里。)·played the piano英 / (过去式)弹钢琴I listened to some music played on the piano.(我听了钢琴演奏的一些音乐。)·played chess英 / (过去式)下棋I played chess with my grandpa yesterday.(我昨天和我爷爷下棋了。)·washed clothes英 / (过去式)洗衣服I hang washed clothes on the flat roof to dry.(我把洗净的衣服挂在露台上晾干。)·boring英 [b:r] / adj.单调的;乏味的This class is so boring that he falls asleep.(这堂课太无聊了,他睡着了。)·badminton英 [bdmntn] / n.羽毛球Two badminton teams ended in a draw.(两支羽毛球队打成平局。)·won英 [wn] / v.(win的过去式)赢;获胜Who won the game?(这场比赛谁赢了?)

*Unit 5(15个单词)


·went to the beach英 / (过去式)去海边I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there.(我跟朋友去海滩玩了,还在那儿吃了烧烤。)·drank cold drinks英 / (过去式)喝冷饮I drank cold drinks.(我喝了冷饮。)·swam英 [swm] / (swim的过去式)游泳They swam all afternoon.(他们游泳游了一下午。)·ate ice-cream英 / (过去式)吃冰激凌I ate ice-cream.(我吃了冰淇淋。)·the Stone Forest英 / 石林The world-famous stone forest lies within Lunan county.(举世闻名的石林胜景位于路南县境内。)·bought some gifts英 / (过去式)买礼物I bought some gifts.(我买了一些礼物。)·took photos英 / (过去式)拍照片I climbed hills and took photos.(我爬山拍照。)·saw flowers英 / (过去式)赏花I saw flowers.(我看见了花。)·slept英 / (sleep的过去式)睡觉I slept really late.(我睡得真晚。)·delicious英 / 美味的;可口的They enjoy delicious food very much.(她们很爱享受美食。)·felt happy英 / (过去式)觉得高兴I felt very happy.(我感到非常高兴。)·sad英 [sd] / adj.悲哀的;难过的You look sad in this picture.(这张照片你看起来很难过。)·left英 [left] / v.(leave的过去式)离开In Britain cars drive on the left.(在英国,汽车靠左行驶。)·French fries英 [frent fraz] / 法式炸薯条I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke.(我喜欢汉堡,薯条和可乐。)·were英 [w(r)] / (are的过去式)是They were parked behind the truck.(他们停在了卡车后面。)

*Unit 6(16个单词)


·was born英 / (过去式)出生I was born cherubic and chubby.(我出生时胖乎乎的,像天使般可爱。)·started to speak英 / (过去式)开始说话I started to speak when I was ten months old.(当我十个月大时,我开始说话。)·learned to walk英 / (过去式)学走路I learned to walk.(我学会了走路。)·learned to ride a bike英 / (过去式)学骑自行车I learned to ride a bike.(我学会了骑自行车。)·went to kindergarten英 / (过去式)上幼儿园I went to kindergarten when I was three.(我三岁的时候上幼儿园。)·went to school英 / (过去式)上学It""s time you went to school.(你该去上学了。)·learned to swim英 / (过去式)学游泳I learned to swim.(我学会游泳。)·fifteenth英 [ff""ti:nθ] / num.第十五He""s ranked fifteenth in the world.(他在世界排名第十五。)·started to buy things英 / (过去式)开始学买东西Started to buy things.(我开始学买东西。)·started to study English英 / (过去式)开始学英语He started to study English.(他开始学英语。)·started to use a computer英 / (过去式)开始使用电脑Tony has started learning to use a computer.(托尼已经开始学习使用电脑。)·all over英 [:l uv] / 到处;各处You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place.(你必须小心,这里到处是地雷。)·out of英 [aut v] / prep.离开(某处)I want you out of here.(我要你离开。)·into英 [nt] / prep.进入;到……里Yellow corn goes into the pot.(黄色的玉米进入锅中。)·chopsticks英 [""tpstks] / n.筷子Do you know how to use chopsticks?(你会用筷子吗?)·wet英 [wet] / adj.湿的,潮湿的It was still wet underfoot.(地上仍是湿的。)

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  2. 寶貝nini2023-11-17 16:22寶貝nini[香港网友]
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