
这些英文句子 看完之后让人瞬间默默的流泪 每一句都超真实!

时间:2023-08-31 07:54:01


这些英文句子 看完之后让人瞬间默默的流泪 每一句都超真实!

1.每个人每个年龄段都有自己的孤独 有些人的不合群是表面的孤独 有些人合群了却是内心更孤独.

Everyone at every age has his own loneliness. Some people are not in groups. Some people are lonely on the surface. Others are in groups, but they are loner on the inside.

2.我喜欢那种经历了大风大浪 却还平静地像只是下雨时踩湿了裤脚一样的人 那样的人性格里有一种从容不迫的力量 也温柔 也不慌不忙.

I like the kind of person who has gone through storms and waves but is still calm like stepping on his trousers feet when it rains. There is a calm force in his personality, and he is gentle and not hurried.

3.当你试图忘记一个人时 其实你心里已经想他好几百次了 既然忘不掉 不如在心里放好 时间终会将这段感情磨平 或许你今后不会再喜欢像她这样的人了 但会记得自己曾经喜欢她的感觉 很痛 但还好她出现了 让你明白 没有一个人非要另一个人才能过一生.

When you try to forget a person, you already think about him hundreds of times. Now that you can"t forget it, you might as well put some time in your heart and eventually smooth the relationship down. Maybe you won"t like someone like her anymore, but you will remember how painful it felt to like her once, but she appeared to let you know that no one can live without another person.

4.后来的我们都没有眼泪了 我们已经学会用很淡很淡 很淡的微笑 来祭奠那些付诸东流的全心全意了 虽然那些微笑让人心疼 没准儿 更让人想哭 不过 说起来还是该开心一些 虽然生活这么丑 但我们微笑的样子 真的挺好看的

Later, we did not cry. We have learned to memorize those heartfelt and heartfelt smiles that went down the drain. Although those smiles are painful, maybe even more crying, they should be happy. Although life is so ugly, the way we smile is really good-looking.

5.人的自私是有参考系的 如果我丢了一块钱 也许连找都不会去找 可是如果我用一块钱买了瓶水 却一口都没喝到 全不小心洒在地上 不免觉得不开心 同样 如果我是不费吹灰之力 得到的你 那就算你和别人跑了 我也不会难过 可是如果我费劲全力才拥有的你 你肯定不知道那种不许任何人碰你一下的占有欲有多强

People"s selfishness has a reference system. If I lost a dollar, maybe I couldn"t even find it. But if I bought a bottle of water with a dollar and didn"t drink it all carelessly, I would feel unhappy. If I didn"t take the trouble to get you, I would not feel sad if you ran with others. But if I tried hard to get you, you would certainly not know. How possessive is it that you are not allowed to be touched by anyone

  1. 6542023-12-26 00:40654[山西省网友]
  2. 谁拿了我的流年@2023-10-28 16:17谁拿了我的流年@[北京市网友]


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