

时间:2023-08-09 03:50:01





1.(1分)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?()

A.enter relate B.swim title

C.crowded allow

2.(1分)Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word "sugar"?()

A.stairs B.suit C.sure

3.(1分)Which of the following words doesn"t have the same stress as the others?()

A.Supply B.Insect C.Request

4.(1分)Songhua River is our mother river.It runs___________ our city—Harbin,and it attracts millions of visitors every year.()

A.across B.over C.through

5.(1分)When you are tired with studying,close your eyes and do eye___________ to relax.()

A.exercise B.exercises C.exercising

6.(1分)I can"t find my student ID card.I think I have lost___________.()

A.it B.one C.them

7.(1分)Read carefully!If you__________ from facts,you can make a good choice.()

A.refer B.infer C.prefer

8.(1分)The new bridge which is about___________ long will give us in Harbin better and faster public transport to the airport.()

A.4.8 kilometers B.4.8﹣kilometer

C.4.8 kilometers"

9.(1分)—___________will the examination that decides your future arrive?

—In less than fifty days.()

A.How long B.How soon C.How often

10.(1分)—___________magical effect her words have on us!We are sure to complete the work.

—OK.Let"s start right now.()

A.How B.What a C.What

11.(1分)—Mom,I failed twice.I feel upset.

—Don"t worry.Why not try___________ time?()

A.a third B.third C.the third

12.(1分)—What are you going to do tomorrow?

—If there___________ tomorrow,we will go hiking.()

A.isn"t rain B.won"t rain

C.isn"t rainy

13.(1分)Friends are those___________ always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed.()

A.that B.who C.which

14.(1分)She smiled at me kindly but now I can"t recall ___________her before.()

A.meet B.to meet C.meeting

15.(1分)Some of the students___________ their homework for more than four hours every day,so they can hardly have any time to do sports.()

A.are made do B.are made to do

C.made do

16.(1分)—Educated is really a wonderful book.

—I think so.___________times I read the book,___________I get in it.()

A.The more;the more interesting

B.The most;the most interest

C.The more;the more interested

17.(1分)﹣What did the teacher say to you just now?

﹣She asked__yesterday.()

A.why was Mike not here

B.why is Mike not here

C.why Mike was not here

D.why Mike is not here

18.(1分)When driving in England,you should drive___________.It"s different from what we do in China.()

A.along the right side of the road

B.along the left side of the road

C.along either side of the road

19.(1分)There are various ways to keep your personal information safe when you go online.To protect yourself online,you should___________.

①not use free Wi—Fi

②be smart about your password(密码)

③reply to all the e﹣mails requesting personal information

④use your own computer if you can

⑤keep operating system out of date()

A.①②④ B.②③④ C.③④⑤

20.(1分)We have made a survey among 1000 students about their ways to improve English.According to the information in the form below,___________students improve their English by communicating with others.


A.250 B.450 C.600


21.(10分)Sometimes,when all our doubts,fears and worries fill ourselves up,most people are better than us—when(1) most people are more frightened than us.

We(2) a young successful businessman and say "Wooh…what(3) could he ask for?" He looks at himself at the mirror and talks to himself, "I hate my big eyes…I(4) why my friends won"t talk to me."

Isn"t it funny?We look at other people,admiring them for looking so unusually perfect and wish we could trade places with them,(5) they look at us and think of the same thing.

One of Whitney Houston"s songs says "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all." True enough!In order to love others,you must love yourself first.Remember,you cannot give (6) you do not have.Self﹣improvement makes us better people.Be(7) to other people,and then the rest of the world will follow.

Stop thinking of ourselves as imperfect people.Forget the thought of "If only I was richer…if only I was (8) " and so on.Accepting your true self is the first step to self﹣improvement.

Nobody is perfect.We always wish we had better things,better features,better body parts

Self﹣improvement and(9) yourself are not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best.They"re the emotions of acceptance(接受)and(10) .When we begin to improve ourselves,we then begin.





(1) has the happiest memory about Sunday dinner.




(2)Haruka used to eat with her sister"s son and daughter.




(3)Justin and his brothers used to play together.




(4)Did Rosa use to live together with her great﹣grandma?



C.We don"t know.

(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.In the blended family,Justin and all of his brothers liked bread a lot.

B.Rosa"s grandma used to keep candy in her pockets.

C.Justin"s father married a woman with two sons.

23.(5分)Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are busy trying to make money in order to pay for my brother"s education and mine.They don"t act in the ways that I read in books or I see on TV.My father has a bad temper(脾气),and it"s easy for him to lose his temper.

One day,my mother was sewing(缝)a quilt.I quietly sat down beside her and looked at her. "Is there love between you and Dad?" I asked her in a very low voice.My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes.She didn"t answer my question Immediately.Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.I was afraid that I had hurt her feelings.

I felt so embarrassed that I didn"t know what to do.But at last I heard my mother say the following words, "Look at this thread(线).Sometimes it appears,it disappears in the quilt.The thread really makes the quilt strong.If life is a quilt,then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime

I listened carefully but I couldn"t understand until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly got sick seriously.After they were back from the hospital,my mother helped him to walk slowly on the beautiful country road every morning.My father had never been so gentle.But after two months he still couldn"t walk by himself.All of us were worried about him. "Dad

"Susan,don"t worry about me." he said, "To tell you the truth,I know he loves my mother deeply.

Once I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses.But from this experience,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside


(1)At first,Lucy doubted whether there was love between her parents.

(2)The mother doesn"t love her husband.

(3)The father got sick seriously the next spring.

(4)In fact,two months later,the father wasn"t fine enough to walk by himself after coming back from the hospital.

(5)From the story,we understand that love is inside,making life strong and warm just like a thread in the quilt.

24.(5分)The warm weather outside may look perfect for outdoor exercise.But for those who are not fond of sports,what could be nicer than having a relaxing afternoon tea with a few good friends and taking a break from studying?

"Afternoon tea" first appeared in the UK in the middle of the 1800s.It was introduced in England by Anna Maria Russell.The evening meal in her house was normally served late at 8 p.m.,but she felt hungry at 4 p.m.every day.So she started asking for a tea along with butter,bread and cakes at that time.Several days later

Traditional afternoon tea is a small meal which is served from 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.once a day.Traditional afternoon tea is a dainty(讲究的)meal.Therefore,the order of enjoying the food is from the bottom to the top and from salty to sweet.

Sandwiches are eaten first(烤饼),then the sweet snacks like cakes and desserts.When drinking the tea,they taste slowly rather than "glug" it down.It"s also a social activity.

Nowadays,you can enjoy a traditional afternoon tea in many restaurants and hotels.It is also enjoyed to celebrate a special event such as a birthday or baby shower party with a group of friends.So far,afternoon tea activities have become far beyond friends getting together and eating.It has been a part of the traditional culture as well as a fashion for British.


(1)The underlined word "glug" in the passage probably means " ".




(2)Afternoon tea was introduced in England by .

A.those who are not fond of sports

B.Anna Maria Russell

C.Anna Maria Russell"s friends

(3)Traditional afternoon tea is served .

A.before 4 p.m.

B.from 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.

C.late at 8 p.m.

(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage above?

A.Afternoon tea first appeared in the UK in the middle of the 800s.

B.Afternoon tea is enjoyed to celebrate a special event such as a birthday or baby shower party with a group of friends as well.

C.Afternoon tea has been not only a part of the traditional culture but also a fashion for British.

(5)What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The popularity of the afternoon tea.

B.The order of enjoying the afternoon tea.

C.The development of the afternoon tea.


The number of Chinese students studying abroad is increasing.Many families only have one child and the parents would like to offer them the best education.

(1) Study abroad programs give you the chances to experience the world.Instead of picking things up from books and Internet,the experience abroad may open your eyes to culture,history or a new language. (2)

As you learn to say "hello" in a foreign language,make friends or eat exciting new foods in a foreign country,the different experiences help to build up your confidence and teach you to be more independent.

Studying abroad also has some disadvantages.Among all the problems,languages are the biggest problem to the students managing to study in another country. (3) They will feel lonely and homesick(思乡).Parents also have to pay a lot for the children"s tuition(学费).(4)

(5) Follow your heart instead of following others.


26.(5分)A:Yesterday,we learned some important geographical facts.I hope you all still remember them.I"m going to test you now by asking a few questions. (1)

B:Qomolangma!It"s higher than any other mountain in the world.

A: (2) And who can tell me what the Sahara is?

C:It is the biggest desert in the world.

A:Very good.And which is the deepest salt lake in the world?

D:The Caspian Sea.

A: (3) Now,for the last question,which is the longest river in the world?

B:I know!(4)

E: (5)

A:It seems that you know the answers to all my questions.Good job!

27.(5分)A:Hello,Peter speaking.

B:Hi,Peter.(1) Eric here.Weekend is around the corner.Do you have any plans?

A:Yes,I"m going to do some sports.Would you like to join me?

B:I"d love to.What sports do you like?


B: (2) the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.

A:It is just the time for it.I enjoy swimming in the evening and on rainy days.

B:OK.After swimming how (3) watching the football match on TV at my home?

A:Fantastic!I"m a big fan of soccer.

B:Which team do you support?

A:Argentina.Of course!I"m crazy about Messi.He"s the brightest star on the field.

B:I like him,too.Well,let"s go swimming first.(4) and where shall we meet?

A:We can meet at the swimming pool at 3 p.m.

B:Great!It"s a(5) .See you then.

A:See you.



My dearest friend,

How have you been?I sincerely hope that this letter finds you in a perfect condition.This long distance is killing us;I miss the times we were (1) and near to each other.I(2) very happy and excited when I heard about your wonderful success in the exam.I cannot tell you about my feelings.Your success is the result of your hard work and the supports of your parents.Your(3) have also done a great job.You have turned your dream into reality(现实).

I congratulate you on this great success.I also congratulate your parents and teachers for their great efforts.I must say that your success has(4) me.You have set an example for others,especially for(5) .I am sure that in the next exam,I shall give you a surprise.Next time,you will be congratulating me on my success.I already feel the great energy in me.

May God give you many more (6) and successes in your life.I am sure that you will make your name in the world.Our country needs students like you to become a(7) country.You are the person that we (8) .

Pay my congratulations to all at home.



29.(7分)For people around the world,it is important to help others by volunteering.People volunteer in many different ways—many people help friends,neighbors,but others want to help in a more traditional way.

In the US,many people volunteer through their churches,animals,the communities,there are volunteer centers in most cities and large towns,and these centers help people to find volunteer chances.In both countries,where they may share their skills,knowledge

In Canada,the UK,and the US,high schools help to design volunteer work in companies for their students.Having certain "work experience" activities can help students get accepted to university programs.


(1)c :a large and important town

(2)d :to draw the plans for


Many high school students volunteer as a way to find out what kind of work they might enjoy in the future.

Many high school students volunteer as a way(3) (4) out what kind of work they might enjoy in the future.


(5)For people around the world,is it important to help others by volunteering?

(6)In which countries do some people choose to volunteer abroad to share their skills,knowledge,or even teach English?

(7)Why do high schools in the UK help to design volunteer work in companies for their students?

30.(5分)Moscow offers a mix of old and new buildings with many of the city"s buildings dating in the years between 1400 and 1500.The whole city looks like a wheel.Over 75 museums,many art galleries(美术馆)and theaters are located within the city.

The oldest part of the city,is in the center.It is also the busiest area including many shops as well as cultural and governmental buildings.Just outside the Kremlin walls is the famous Red Square,which takes its name from an old Russian word meaning both beautiful and red.St.Basil"s Cathedral is also on Red Square.Built about 400 years ago to honor success















Wednesday,May 12th Cloudy

Today,our class held an English class meeting.









4.解答:A.across 横过 在......上方 穿过 从表面穿过 从内部穿过,它流经我们的城市哈尔滨。可知C.through 。


5.解答:当exercise作"习题和练习"时为可数名词,作"锻炼和运动"讲时为不可数名词;B.exercises练习。固定搭配:eye 。


6.解答:it它、代指前面的名词、代指同类不同的一个。根据I can"t find my student ID card"我找不到我的学生证了"可知。用it代指student ID card。


7.解答:A.refer 提到;B.infer ,推论。根据句意:仔细阅读,你可以做出一个好的选择。


8.解答:"4.8公里长"的表达是"7.8 kilometers long",C选项只能作定语,所以排除。


9.解答:How long多久,对一段时间或长度提问;How often多久。根据In less than fifty days"不到五十天"可知。


10.解答:在感叹句中,what修饰名词,根据magical her have us,句型结构为:What +a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语动词,不定冠词用a.


11.解答:a third再一、又一;the third第三,为什么不"再试一次"呢。


12.解答:由题干答句可知,if引导的条件状语从句,所以空处应填入一般现在时;再结合there be句式,如果没有雨。




14.解答:句子中recall doing sth表示回忆起做某事,强调这件事已经做过。


15.解答:句子中make sb do sth表示让某人做某事,后面跟动词原形,应该把省略的to还原出来。


16.解答:本句使用的句型是"the +比较级,the +比较级",根据空格后的times可知第一空是many的比较级more get it可知主语是I。



根据She asked__yesterday.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,排除掉 asked__yesterday,那么宾语从句就要相应的用过去时,不符合时态要求.故选:C。

18.解答:along the side the ;along left of road沿着路的左边 either of road沿着路的任何一边,沿着路的左边驾驶。


19.解答:not use Wi—Fi不使用免费Wi﹣Fi smart your ;reply to all the e﹣mails requesting personal information回复所有要求提供个人信息的邮件 your computer you ;keep operating system out of date保持操作系统过时,为了保护个人信息,小心你的密码。而回复所有要求提供个人信息的邮件会泄露自己的个人信息。故①②④是可以保护我们的个人信息的方法。




21.解答:(1)B 短语辨析,B事实上,根据We believe someone rather people better us—when(1)most are frightened us.我们通常相信别人比我们好,大多数人,故答案是B。

(2)B 短语辨析,浏览,C照顾 young businessman ,故答案是B。

(3)A 代词辨析,B别的,D三者及以上另一个,应该是他还能要求什么呢。

(4)B 动词辨析,B想知道,根据语境I my eyes…I(4)why friends talk me.",故答案是B。

(5)C 连词辨析,B结果是,同时,羡慕他们看起来如此完美,同时,故答案是C。

(6)B 疑问副词辨析,B什么,根据题干,作have的宾语,你不能给予你没有的东西。

(7)A 短语辨析,B实验,根据语境:be an ,给别人一个鼓舞。故答案是A。

(8)B 形容词辨析,用的是比较级,故答案是B。

(9)C 时态辨析 and(9)yourself ,要用动名词。

(10)C 名词辨析,B形容词,根据 ,and是并列关系,故答案是C。

22.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据文中的第2段All my aunts and uncles used to come over for Sunday dinner and there were always about 12 ,Russia 以前我所有的姑姑和叔叔都来周日聚餐 ,故选B.

(2)C.细节理解题。根据文中的第3段I used to go over there a lot,Japan我过去经常去那里,可知Haruka经常吃巧克力 .


(4)B.细节判断题。根据and always us when came visit可知我们来看望她时。因此可知Rosa没有和她的曾祖母住在一起

(5)B.细节判断题。根据My memory about great﹣grandmother.She used keep in pockets可知我最快乐的记忆是关于我的曾祖母。因此可知不是Rosa的祖母而是曾祖母


(1)A.根据"Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.有时我真的怀疑父母之间是否有爱。"可知起初。故答案为A。

(2)B.根据"Is there love between you and Dad?" I asked her in a very low voice.My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes.你和爸爸之间有爱吗。我妈妈停下工作,眼里充满惊奇,then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,那么爱就是其中的线,但是它却实实在在地存在着,他们是相爱的。

(3)A.根据" I listened carefully but I couldn"t understand until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly got sick seriously.我仔细地听着。那时。"可知第二年春天。故答案为A。

(4)A.根据"But after two months he still couldn"t walk by himself.但两个月后,他仍然不能一个人走,两个月后。故答案为A。

(5)A.根据"But from this experience,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside,我明白了爱只是我们生活被子里的一根线,让生活变得坚强而温暖,我们明白了,使生活变得坚固而温暖。故答案为A。

24.解答:(1)C.词义猜测题。根据When drinking the tea,他们会慢慢品尝。根据前后文含义以及结合选项可知,故选C.

(2)B.细节理解题。根据 "Afternoon tea" first appeared in the UK in the middle of the 1800s.It was introduced in England by Anna Maria Russell.可知"下午茶"最早出现在19世纪中期的英国。故选B.

(3)B.细节理解题。根据Traditional afternoon tea is a small meal which is served from 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.once a day.可知传统下午茶是一种小餐。故选B.

(4)A.细节判断题。根据 "Afternoon tea" first appeared in the UK in the middle of the 1800s.可知"下午茶"最早出现在19世纪中期的英国,故选A.

(5)B.段落大意题。根据Therefore,followed by scones(烤饼),享用食物的顺序是从下到上,先吃三明治,然后是甜点心。可知第三段主要介绍了享用下午茶的顺序


(1)C.根据后句"Study abroad programs give you the chances to experience the world.留学项目让你有机会体验这个世界,"可知说的是留学,应说出国留学有一些优势。

(2)A.根据后句"As you learn to say "hello" in a foreign language,make friends or eat exciting new foods in a foreign country、交朋友或吃令人兴奋的新食物时,教会你更加独立,结合选项。故选A。

(3)E.根据前句" Studying abroad also has some disadvantages.Among all the problems,languages are the biggest problem to the students managing to study in another country.出国留学也有一些不利因素。"可知说的是存在的问题,应说此外,因为缺乏生活经验和照顾自己的能力差。

(4)D.根据前句"Parents also have to pay a lot for the children"s tuition(学费)."可知父母也要为孩子付很多学费,结合选项,这些孩子并不一定能成功。

(5)B.根据后句"Follow your heart instead of following others.跟随你的心而不是跟随别人。"可知说的是看法,应说你对出国留学有什么看法。


(1)C.结合下文,Qomolangma higher any mountain the ,因此判断问句是询问世界上最高的山是什么。

(2)F.结合上文,Qomolangma higher any mountain the ,因此判断空格处要表达的是说得对。

(3)E.结合上文,The Sea.可知对方回答出了问题,故选E。

(4)D.结合上文,which the river the ?可知问句是询问哪一个世界上最长的河流。故选D。

(5)B.结合上文,which the river the ?可知问句是询问哪一个世界上最长的河流,因此判断空格处的含义为而且亚马逊河是世界上的第二长河。


(1)This is.结合上文,Hello speaking.可知是在打电话,用this is。



(4)When.结合下文,We meet the pool 3 p.m.可知约定了见面的时间和地点,故答案为When。

(5)deal.结合上文,We meet the pool 3 p.m.可知约定了见面的时间和地点,故答案为deal。








(8)are proud of.考查动词短语。结合句意,结合选词,we后be动词用are

29.解答:(1)city.单词填空题。根据a and town.可知。所以阅读短文;故答案为:city.

(2)decide.单词填空题。根据to draw the plans for.可知。所以阅读短文;故答案为:decide.

(3)to .句型转换题。根据Many high school students volunteer as a way to find out what kind of work they might enjoy in the future.可知。所以阅读短文,都有了解的意思

(4)check .句型转换题。根据Many high school students volunteer as a way to find out what kind of work they might enjoy in the future.可知。所以阅读短文,都有了解的意思;

(5)Yes,it is.细节理解题,it is important to help others by volunteering.可知,通过志愿服务来帮助他人是很重要的,it is.

(6)In the US and 。根据.,or through their activities.Others volunteer with local organizations which help people,the communities,there are volunteer centers in most cities and large towns,some people choose to volunteer abroad,knowledge,在美国。其他人志愿服务与当地帮助人、社区或环境的组织合作,让人们知道他们在做什么,大多数城市和大城镇都有志愿者中心。在这两个国家,在那里他们可以分享他们的技能,甚至教英语,有些人选择到国外做志愿者来分享他们的技能,甚至教英语 and

(7)Because having certain "work experience" activities can help students get accepted to university programs.推理判断题。根据In the UK,在英国。有一定的"工作经验"活动可以帮助学生接受大学课程。故答案为:Because having certain "work experience" activities can help students get accepted to university programs.

30.解答:(1)mix.考查名词。根据第1段Moscow a mix old new with of city"s dating the between and ,可知需要填入一个名词,用mix.故答案为mix。

(2)more.考查短语。根据第1 段Over museums art theaters located the ,很多美术馆和电影院都坐落在这个城市,表示"超过"。

(3)center.考查名词。根据第8段The part the ,Kremlin in center.可知这个城市的最老的部分。可知需要填入一个名词单数,故答案为center。

(4)Named.考查动词。根据第1段Just the walls the Red ,which its from old word both and ,名字来源于一个俄罗斯很古老的意味着漂亮和红色的单词,结合时态是一般过去时,放句首首字母要大写。故答案为Named。

(5)centuries.考查名词。根据第1段St.Basil"s is on Square.Built 400 ago honor ,可知St.Basil"s 。前面有6。故答案为centuries。

31.解答:Wednesday,May th Cloudy

Today,our held English meeting.The topic was about how to make good use of the time after class to warm up for exams.(班会主题)【高分句型一】

Contents of class meeting:(内容)

(1)Study time is limited:only 40 days away from the entrance examination.

(2)Students" time allocation is unreasonable.

(3)In view of how to make good use of the time after class,the students give a lot of useful suggestions.

I think we should arrange our time reasonably while we review carefully. 【高分句型二】Only when we relax properly and have a good spirit can we get twice the result with half the effort.(建议)

  1. 平湖瞧月2023-12-19 17:06平湖瞧月[山西省网友]
  2. 紫罗榄2023-10-14 10:28紫罗榄[新疆网友]
备考中考 初三学生有效进行语数英三大主科的复习 需要抓住要点

备考中考 初三学生有效进行语数英三大主科的复习 需要抓住要点











中考英语常考7类题型与答题技巧 注意事项汇总!

中考英语常考7类题型与答题技巧 注意事项汇总!





