
最让男生心动的一句话 既暖心又有魅力!

时间:2023-08-05 07:52:01


最让男生心动的一句话 既暖心又有魅力!

一,如果我有幸成为你的妻子 我将用我的一生的爱你 陪伴你 守护你 我会将毕生的温柔都给你 让你觉得人间值得.

If I am lucky enough to be your wife, I will accompany you with the love of my life to protect you, I will give you the gentleness of life to make you feel that the world is worth it.

二,我的男孩不是玩具也不是长期饭票 他是唯一的宝贝 在我这 他可以永远有台阶下 我会给他所有温柔.

My boy is not a toy nor a long meal ticket he is the only baby in me he can always have steps down I will give him all tenderness.

三,我不想随随便便谈恋爱 我想恋爱到结婚 我不想辜负你我不想让我的男孩受伤.

I don"t want to fall in love casually. I want to fall in love until I get married. I don"t want to disappoint you. I don"t want my boy to get hurt.

四,你对我的态度 说的话决 决定了我今天开不开心 晚上几点能睡 我这样讲 你能懂吗 懂你对我的重要性了吗 所以你很重要.

What you say to me determines if I"m happy today and what time I can sleep at night. Can you understand how important you are to me? So you"re important.

五,如果你感觉很辛苦 那就转过身来我怀里躲一躲叭 就算我比你小怀抱也不够大 不够温暖 但我会用全身力气抱紧你 不会松开的 对你会很温柔的 因为我爱你吖.

If you feel very hard, then turn around and hide in my arms. Even if I am not big enough or warm enough than your little arms, I will hold you with all my strength and will not let go. It will be very gentle to you because I love you.

六,有时候其实没有生气 就是故意闹小脾 因为你的紧张在意会让我特别安心.

Sometimes not angry is deliberately making a small spleen because your nervous care will make me particularly at ease.

七,手不要给别人牵 拥抱也要留给我 不然我会生气吃醋哒.

Don"t give anyone a hug. Leave it to me, or I"ll be angry and jealous.

八,我想谈一场公开的恋情 爸妈同意 亲戚知道 共同奔赴未来的恋爱 如果可以这谈着一场与你.

I want to talk about an open relationship. Mom and Dad agree that relatives know that they are going to the future together. If you can talk about this, talk about it with you.


I won"t lie to you, I won"t be perfunctory, you won"t see the news, you won"t talk back, you won"t suddenly disappear, you love to think about it, you don"t feel safe, I will give you what you want


I said that I like you not to ask you for a relationship, but to express my heart. On a dark day, at least I can think of me and make you feel that you deserve to be loved. You are also excellent


Please be sure to check in. All the stars, the moon, the spring, the stream, the cream with the sugar, all the good things in the world are just to describe you

十二,我不要唾手可得 你尽管来我陪你吃苦太阳很大我替你晒一点

I don"t want you at my fingertips. Come on. I"ll work with you. It"s sunny. I"ll get you some sun

十三,想埋在你的颈窝里 告诉你我很想你.

I want to be buried in your neck socket and tell you how much I miss you.

十四,你一笑 连空气都是甜的啦

You smile, even the air is sweet


I love waking up to a message from you

十六,你值得我珍藏一生 疯狂整个青春 这辈子和你在一起才叫将来

You deserve a lifetime of madness. A lifetime of youth is the future when I"m with you

  1. 掘地三丈2023-12-18 13:18掘地三丈[江西省网友]
  2. ♚离否2023-10-11 22:35♚离否[云南省网友]
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根据某网站统计,以下6个句子多说,就能让对方心动,甚至爱上你!想脱单的女孩们,赶快学起来! 幸好有你如果遇到困难,希望对方帮忙,而对方也义不容辞
