

时间:2023-07-04 03:53:01




一.单项选择(共10小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的选项。

1.(1分)I can"t eat anything because there is something wrong with my ________.()

A.feet B.arms C.ears D.teeth

2.(1分)—Have you ever heard"A thousand﹣mile ________ begins with the first step"?

—Yes.It"s a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.()

A.cloud B.journey C.decision D.spirit

3.(1分)Everyone has a different ________ on the same subject at the meeting.()

A.opinion B.alarm C.protection D.stress

4.(1分)—You look very________.What"s the matter?

—I stayed up late last night and didn"t sleep well.()

A.bright B.angry C.weak D.happy

5.(1分)Hefei is a beautiful city.It has many places of interest.So lots of ________come to visit it every year.()

A.adults B.tourists C.terrorists D.neighbors

6.(1分)Tik Tok(抖音)is one of ________ applications(软件)in China.()

A.popular B.the more popular

C.the most popular D.more popular

7.(1分)—Have you seen Li Wei recently?

—No,he ______ Beijing for vacation.He"ll be back next week.()

A.have gone to B.have been to

C.has gone to D.has been to

8.(1分)The book is really great.So I can"t ________ .()

A.put it up B.put it down

C.put it on D.put down it

9.(1分)I think the movie is______ .I feel ______ about it.()

A.exciting;excited B.exciting;exciting

C.excited;excited D.excited;exciting

10.(1分)—I haven"t been to the Great Wall.What about you?

—________.I am planning to go there this weekend.()

A.Me,too B.Me,neither

C.So do I D.Neither do I

二.完形填空(共2小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)请阅读下面两篇短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出 一个最佳选项。

11.(10分)Jack was an office worker.He worked in an office in a small town.One day his boss(老板)(1)

to him, "Jack,I want you to go to an office in London to(2) Mr.Brown."

Jack went to London(3) train.When he got to London he thought, "The office isn"t(4) from here,I can go there on foot.I"ll (5) it easily."

But after an hour,he was still looking for it,so he stopped and asked (6) old woman.She said, "Go (7) this street, (8) on the left at the end and it"s the second building on the right." Jack went and found it.

(9) days later,he went to the same city,but again he did not find the office(10) .It was the same old woman.She was very surprised and said, "Are you still looking for that place?"

12.(10分)During an important war(战争),a general(将军)decided to lead(带领)(士兵)to fight back bravely.He believed that they would win the war.But most of his soldiers had different(1) .The soldiers thought they might(2) the war because they were not(3) enough.

But they had to obey(遵守)the general"s order.(4) the way to front(前线),they felt very tired after walking for a long time.They stopped at a temple and decided to stop to have a rest.The general(5) a coin and said, "I will throw this coin.If it is heads,we will win.If it is tails(硬币反面)(命运)will now show itself."

He threw the coin into the air and all soldiers watched(6) carefully.Everybody wanted to know the(7) .It was heads!The soldiers felt so excited and(8) when they saw the heads.

During the war,they fought(9) and finally won the war.After the war,a soldier walked to the general and said. "God changed our destiny."

"No,we ourselves changed our destiny." The general(10) and showed him the coin.The coin was special and it had heads on both sides.



A:What are you reading,Linda?

B:Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.


B:It"s about a man named Robinson who

lives alone on an island.

A:Really?I can"t imagine!What"s Robinson like?


A:Is the story interesting?

B:Sure.(3) I can"t stop reading the book.

A: (4)

B:Of course!I"ll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.


B:It won"t take long.



(1)The purpose of climbing Qomolangma again was to .

A.have fun

B.take risks

C.measure the new height of it

D.clean the rubbish there

(2)The climbers reached the top of Qomolangma .

A.on May 6th,2020

B.on May 27th,2020

C.on May 8th,2020

D.on May 30th,2020

(3)Which of the following is true?

A.The text may come from a travel magazine.

B.Only four climbers reached the top successfully.

C.The Chinese survey team included 45 members.

D.There were 8 people that reached the top in the end.

15.(8分)Parents play an important role in their children"s life.If they love each other,it will make their children healthy,fun

"They are my example ,"seventeen﹣year﹣old John says ."My mother tells me even if I do anything wrong ,she will still love me .This always makes me happy ."(He is one of the 1,280 young people.Someone asks them to tell what makes them happy by answering some questions.)

★Children who have parents" love and help are healthier .

★Students with parents are easy to get higher grades ,have better living skills ,and are easier to finish their education and continue a higher education.

★Children can have better communication skills when their parents can understand their needs and feelings.

★When parents control the children"s time and space,children may do many bad things like smoking,drinking(烈酒)and soon .

(1)Parents" love can"t make their children .





(2)John"s mother"s love makes him feel .





(3)When parents are with the children ,children will be able to .

A.get better education

B.get better living environment

C.make themselves popular

D.be happy all the time

(4)The children will be good at if their parents understand them well .

A.looking for a good job

B.making more friends

C.helping others

D.communicating with others

16.(8分)Long,long ago,there was a man.He lived in a village.One day

He looked at the boxes.He didn"t know how to use the boxes.He thought it over and decided to do something special.He decided to put all of his happiness in the yellow box and all of his sadness in the black box.He thought that it was funny to do that.

A few days later, the yellow box was very heavy,but the black box was still light.

He didn"t know why.He decided to open the two boxes and found out the truth.He opened the yellow box and found nothing.Then he opened the black box and saw a hole (洞)at the bottom(底).

(1)Where did the man buy the two boxes?

A. In a market.

B. In a small store.

C. In a big store.

D. In a bookshop.

(2)He put his happiness into .

A. the red box

B. the yellow box

C. the black box

D. the white box

(3)A few days later, the black box was .


B. heavy

C. light

D. small

(4)What"s the best title(题目)of the passage?

A.The Yellow Box.

B. A Good Market.

C.A Silly Man.

D.Two Boxes.

17.(6分)Do you know what punk rock music is?I love it very much.Now let me tell you something about punk rock music.Punk rock music started in the late 1960s in the UK and it"s a way to expect the singer"s ideas about society(社会).

The first punk rock bands (乐队) Ramon"s and Black Flag came to the world in the early 1970s.Then more new punk rock bands came to the world such as the Sex Pistols,the Clash

Why did punk rock music go so fast?Because people at that time needed some ways to express themselves.There are lots of punk rock bands nowadays,such as Distillers,the Cure,but the new punk rock bands do care about their clothes when they are out for functions(典礼).

(1)Where did punk rock music start?

A.The USA.




(2) is a way to express the singer"s idea about society.

A.Punk rock music

B.Folk music


D.Pop music

(3)Which is the first punk rock band?


B.Black Flag.

C.Iggy Pop.

D.Both A and B.

18.(6分)Long time ago,there were two talented boys,John and Joe.They showed great talents from an early age

They grew up but they chose different ways.John used all of his talents to find a good job.He took part in many activities and visited the most important people and places.Everyone thought that he would be the most important person in the world.

But Joe was different.He always took a heavy responsibility(责任).He was always busy looking for ways to help others.

One day,bad things happened and they met many problems.John didn"t know what to do.But Joe always tried his best to solve all kinds of problems.He thought of some good ways and didn"t let the bad things affect(影响)the people in his town.From then on,he was more famous than John.

John then knew that our best talents were not only for ourselves.He learned from Joe that we should always help other people.

(1)What did John use his talents to do?

A.To make others happy.

B.To find many problems.

C.To find a good job.

D.To help others

(2)What does the underlined word "solve" mean in Chinese?





(3)Why was Joe more famous than John?

A.Because he always helped others.

B.Because he visited many places.

C.Because he took part in activities.

D.Because he had a good job.

19.(6分)Yuan Longping is a Chinese scientist.He was born(出生) in 1930 in Beijing.He works and lives in Changsha now.He is called the father of hybrid rice.Hybrid rice is a super rice.It can grow more rice than the common plant (普通品种).The super rice helps many hungry people around the world.They are so happy

Yuan Longping likes reading.He reads for 1 hour every day.He also likes playing the violin.He puts his violin on the table in his bedroom.His wife can play the piano.So they often play together.How happy they are!Oh,he can speak English very well.

Mr.Yuan has a dream.In his dream,he is sleeping under the rice plant(水稻) and there is a smile on his face.

(1)Is Yuan Longping a teacher? (不超过5个词)

(2)What does Yuan Longping like? (不超过10个词)

(3)What is Yuan Longping doing in his dream?(不超过15个词)

五. 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据首写字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。

20.(1分)An i is a piece of land in the middle of the sea.

21.(1分)I felt n (紧张的) when I first made a speech in public.

22.(1分)You may not believe that I saw many different kinds of t (坐便器) in the museum.

23.(1分)The Spring Festival is the most important to Chinese both at home and a (国外).

24.(1分)Leo is so h (诚实的)that he never tells a lie.








Dear teacher,

There are many ways for us middle school students to relax ourselves .___________

With best wishes to you !


Li Hua












6.解答:根据题干,可知考查one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数。


7.解答:根据题干"He"ll be next ,所以答语第一句的意思是:他去北京度假了 gone to"去了...",故用has to。


8.解答:put up提供;建造;put down放下。当代词作其宾语时。故D项错误。


9.解答:excited兴奋的,修饰人,修饰事物,是事物。第二个空主语为I 。


10.解答:A选项Me too用于肯定句中;C选项So did I用于肯定句,C选项,neither。


11.解答:(1)C.考查动词。A.say说;C.said说(过去式);根据say sb对某人说 sb问某人 day可知是过去时态,此处选said,意为"跟某人说"。

(2)A.考查动词。A.see看见;C.saw看见(过去式);根据look sb看某人 sb见某人,选动词原形see。故选A。

(3)C.考查介词。A.on在上面;B;C.by乘;D;根据on/in the+交通工具,,空格后面为train。故选C。

(4)B.考查形容词。A.near近;C.big大的;根据"I can on 。故选B。

(5)D.考查动词短语。A.looked ;B.look ;C.found找到(过去式);根据句意可知是找到。故选D。


(7)A.考查介词。A.along沿着;C.with和;根据句意可知,go 。故选A。

(8)A.考查动词。A.turn转动;C.get得到;根据"on the left"可知。故选A。

(9)D.考查代词。A.little一点;B.A ,表示肯定;C.Few一些,修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定,空格后为days。故选D。

(10)C.考查名词。A.street街道;C.way道路;根据"but he not find office"可知是问路。故选C。

12.解答:(1)A.考查名词。A.ideas主意;C.surveys调查;根据上句"He that would the ,这里应该是一些士兵有不同的想法。



(4)D.考查介词。A.To到;C.In在里面;根据题干 the to为固定搭配。故答案是D。

(5)B.考查动词短语。A.worked out算出;C.looked after照顾;根据上句"I throw coin."可知,应该是拿出一枚硬币。

(6)C.考查代词。A.him他;C.it它;根据上句"He the into air"可知,应该是大家看着这枚硬币。

(7)A.考查名词。A.result结果;C.cause起因;根据上文"If it heads will tails ,we lose."可知。故答案是A。

(8)C.考查形容词。A.sad难过的;C.happy开心的;根据"The felt excited ,应该还有开心。

(9)B.考查副词。A.slowly慢慢地;C.sadly难过地;根据"finally the ,他们赢得了战争。故答案是B。

(10)B.考查动词。A.questioned质问;C.believed相信;根据上句"No.We changed destiny"可知。故答案是B。


(1)C.结合下文,It"s a man Robinson alone an ,因此判断问句是询问这本书是关于什么的。

(2)G.结合上文,What"s like,因此判断其回答为他是一个足够聪明能克服很多困难的人

(3)B.结合下文,I can"t reading book.可知读书读得停不下来,故选B。

(4)A.结合下文,Of !I"ll it you soon I finish !一完成我就把它带来给你。故选A。

(5)E.结合下文,It take ,因此判断空格处要表示的含义为迫不及待地想读这本书。

14.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据表格Purpose(目的):To the height Qomolangma.目的:测出珠峰的新高度

(2)B.细节理解题。根据表格The of the 27th,故选B.

(3)D.推理判断题。根据表格Members the survey members 8 of reached top.中国调查组成员:35人。可知,故选D.


(1)C.根据第一段,If love other will their healthy,smart helpful.如果他们彼此相爱,有趣。可知,故选C.

(2)A.根据第二段,"My tells even I do wrong will love .This makes happy ,即使我做错了事情。这总是让我高兴,约翰妈妈的爱使得他高兴

(3)A.根据文章,Students parents easy get grades better skills are to their and a higher ,有更好的生活技能。可知,孩子会能得到更好的教育

(4)D.根据倒数第二行,Children have communication when parents understand needs feelings.当父母能够理解孩子的需求和感受时。可知,这样的孩子会擅长和他人沟通与交流

16.解答:(1)A 细节理解题.根据第一段Oneday, Hesuddenlyfoundtwoboxes. Soheboughtthetwoboxesandtookthemhome.有一天,做了些什么购物。两个两个盒子很漂亮。所以他买了两个盒子。可知.故选A.

(2)B 细节理解题.根据第二段Hedecidedtoputallofhishappinessintheyellowbox ,这个男人把所有的幸福放在了黄色的盒子里.

(3)C 细节理解题.根据第三段Afewdayslater, , buttheblackboxwasstilllight.可知.故选C.

(4)D 主题归纳题.根据He suddenly found two boxes.Both the two boxes were very beautiful and the man loved them. So he bought the two boxes and took them home。两个两个盒子很漂亮。所以他买了两个盒子。阅读文章可知.故选D.


(1)C.根据Punk rock started the 1960s the and a way expect singer"s about ,这是一种表达歌手对社会的看法的方式。故选C。

(2)A.根据Punk rock started the 1960s the and a way expect singer"s about ,这是一种表达歌手对社会的看法的方式。故选A。

(3)D.根据 The punk bands Ramon"s Black came the in early ,拉蒙和黑旗在20世纪70年代初问世。

18.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段John all his to a good ,故选C.

(2)A.词义猜测题。根据第四段He of good and let bad affect(影响)the in town.他想到一些好方法,因此判断他擅长解决问题,故选A。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据第四段But always his to solve all kinds problems.From on was famous John.但是乔伊总是尽全力解决所有的问题,他比约翰更出名,故选A。

19.解答:(1)No,he isn"t.细节判断题,袁隆平是一位中国科学家。故答案为No

(2)He likes reading and playing the violin.细节理解题。根据 Yuan Longping likes reading.He reads for 1 hour every day.He also likes playing the violin.可知。他每天读书一小时。故答案为He likes reading and playing the violin.

(3)He is sleeping under the rice plant.细节理解题。根据Mr.Yuan has a dream.In his dream,袁先生有个梦,他睡在水稻下。故答案为He is sleeping under the rice plant.


根据An i﹣﹣is a piece land the of sea.这里放在主语的位置,an+名词单数形式,名词,岛.



22.解答:从 many kinds 各种各样的,toilet,坐便器。




24.解答:句子中is后面跟形容词形式作表语,结合后面never tells a lie.及首字母h,形容词。


25.解答:Dear teacher,

There many for middle students relax .As for me,I usually communicate with my friends,such as riding bikes,too.(空闲时间看电影,going on a trip in holiday is another way to make me relaxed(假期去旅行).I believe,we"ll live happier

With best wishes to you !


Li Hua

  1. 焱焱冬日2023-10-19 07:59焱焱冬日[重庆市网友]






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安徽省博物院馆藏文房用具精选 纸墨笔砚 样样齐全!



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