
每天学一句表白小情话 哪一句最动人?

时间:2023-06-27 03:40:01


每天学一句表白小情话 哪一句最动人?

想想你。 请画家画,贴在杯子上,每天喝水接吻。

Want to miss you. Ask the painter to draw, stick on the cup, drink water and kiss every day.


The greatest luck in my life is to know you. I will hold you tight and love you.


The sweetest thing may be to be liked by you every day that I like you.


If falling in love with you is also wrong, I am sure it is the most beautiful mistake in my life, I hope to be wrong all my life......

认识你的第一天,我被你的眼神征服了。 那个时候我已经知道了。 我已经是你一生的俘虏了。

The first day I met you, I was overwhelmed by your eyes. I knew by then. I"ve been your prisoner all my life.

如果你是山,我想成为小河,我就在你周围; 如果你是茶的话,我想用热水,我想泡你; 如果你是云,我是风,我会追你。

If you are a mountain, I want to be a river, I will be around you; If you are tea, I want to use hot water, I want to soak you; If you were the cloud and I was the wind, I would chase you.

如果你冷的话,我会把你抱在怀里; 如果你恨,我会为你擦去眼泪的痕迹; 如果你爱我,我会向全世界广播; 如果你离开我,我会默默忍耐。

If you"re cold, I"ll hold you in my arms. If you hate, I will wipe the traces of tears for you; If you love me, I will broadcast to the world; If you leave me, I will endure.

我心里随时只想着你! 我爱你!

You are always on my mind! I love you!


Love is not how touching people, but what you say is I like.

如果有本事的话请照顾好自己。 否则,我会乖乖照顾你。

Take care of yourself if you can. Otherwise, I"ll take care of you.

世界上有很多监狱。 你不巧进入了我的心。

There are many prisons in the world. You just happened to enter my heart.


He knows you do not want to leave, casually hurt.


Raise your hand, hold you forever, rest till you die.


How many boys are there in the starlight world? You are the only one in the moon world.


I hold your hand, from heart to ancient!

最难忘的是你的笑容。 当它绽放在你脸上的时候,春风吹过,温暖融化,似乎融化了我的心。

The most unforgettable thing is your smile. When it blooms in your face, the spring breeze blows, warm and melting, it seems to melt my heart.

没有像太阳一样狂热的爱,也可能没有像水一样长久的爱。 只是,我只知道继续爱你。 尽量为了你。

There is no love as wild as the sun, and there may be no love as long as water. Just, I just know to continue to love you. Try to do it for you.

我得到了你的爱,所以我想拥抱每一个人。 因为你的爱让我感受到了这个世界的美丽。

I got your love, so I want to hug everyone. Because your love makes me feel the beauty of the world.


Say the most extravagant words, I want to wait for you through youth.

我很久不相信了。 因为我不知道那个有多久。 我不相信永远。 因为你不知道那有多长? 我爱你,它不离开,这样的爱才是一生。

I haven"t believed it for a long time. Because I don"t know how long that was. I don"t believe in forever. Because you don"t know how long it is? I love you, it does not leave, such love is life.

  1. 东少D陈子豪2023-12-10 03:20东少D陈子豪[香港网友]
  2. 天魔舞2023-09-18 03:30天魔舞[辽宁省网友]
表白小句子|好想立马跑去见你 然后抱紧你

表白小句子|好想立马跑去见你 然后抱紧你

I want to run to see you right away, and then hold you tight 我真的想放下一切顾虑,放下一致迟疑,马上马不停蹄的跑到你的身边,对你说一句我喜欢你


「表白小句子」按照大自然的规律 你也应该想我了

「表白小句子」按照大自然的规律 你也应该想我了

According to the laws of nature, you should also miss me 是不是觉得我有点调皮,咱用大字来威胁你


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2 最想牵的还是你的手,最想念的还是你笑脸,虽然时间改变了我们的容颜,却始终改变不了我爱你的诺言,亲爱的,我爱你,一生不变
