
很现实的感悟句子 精致入心 句句触动人心!

时间:2022-12-30 02:41:01


很现实的感悟句子 精致入心 句句触动人心!

1.随着年龄的增长 ,现实会告诉你,曾经的理想 、年少时坚定的信念 ,是多么的幼稚 。

With the growth of age, the reality will tell you, once the ideal, young firm belief, is how naive.

2.如果你被现实说服了 ,便会改变自己 ,拔掉身上所有的刺 ,你若试着反抗, 除了被现实无情的改变之外 ,还要承受煎熬的苦楚 。

If you are convinced by the reality, you will change yourself and pull out all the thorns. If you try to resist, you will not only be mercilessly changed by the reality, but also bear the suffering.

3.世界那么大, 我害怕的不是我看到的一切,而是我没有看到的世界那么大 ,如何才能抉择一条属于自己的路呢?

The world is so big, what I fear is not what I see, but what I don"t see. How can I choose my own way?

4.现实中的你我,在选择面前 ,会觉得这是以一次很漫长的旅途 ,更多的时候, 我们必须在理想和现实中摸索着前进 。

The reality of you and I, in the face of choice, will feel that this is a very long journey, more often, we must grope forward in the ideal and reality.

5.在你第一次受到挫折的时候 ,肯定不愿意面对 ,觉得自己一无所有,无法重新生活 ,这个世界对你是那样的不公 。

When you are frustrated for the first time, you must not be willing to face it. You feel that you have nothing and can"t live a new life. The world is so unfair to you.

6.可当你一次次被伤害之后 ,你不再像个受伤的孩子 ,不会再绝望 ,而是会默认现实的残酷 ,承认曾经的判断。

But when you are hurt again and again, you are no longer like an injured child, no longer despair, but will acquiesce to the cruelty of reality and admit your judgment.

7.而这些过往的经历只会让你更加坚强,迎刃而上 ,你已经学会想尽办法让自己更坚韧的面对一切 。

These past experiences will only make you stronger. You have learned to try your best to face everything more tenaciously.

8.所谓成长 ,就是将哭声调成静音的过程 ,把情绪收到别人看不到的地方 ,一个人学会坚强 。

The so-called growth is the process of turning the cry into silence, receiving the emotion where others can"t see, and learning to be strong.

9.你以为你经历了命运所给的最大的苦, 然而人生还有不断困难在等着你 ,我们只有不断地打磨修炼自己 ,变成一个内心强大的人 ,坦然面对生活所给的一切痛苦和不安。

You think that you have experienced the greatest suffering given by fate, but there are constant difficulties in life waiting for you. We have to constantly Polish ourselves, become a strong person in our heart, and face all the pain and anxiety given by life.

10.这一生我们一直在做选择题 ,而且是没有标准的答案 ,谁都无法预知未来,我们只能走好自己选择的每一步。

In this life, we have been doing multiple-choice questions, and there is no standard answer, no one can predict the future, we can only take every step of our own choice.

11.更多的时候 ,我们觉得生命如此短暂 ,我们不停的努力 ,想让人生留下痕迹 ,可不知何来人间惊鸿客 ,只是尘世一俗人。

Most of the time, we feel that life is so short, we keep trying to leave traces of life, but I don"t know where to come from, just a layman on earth.


The real strong man is good at finding the shadow from the prosperity, the light from the adversity and the goal of his own progress.

13.人生如同走秀,每个人都有自己的姿态,当你不在乎别人的想法和目光,才能走出自己的姿态。Life is like a show, everyone has their own attitude, when you don"t care about other people"s thoughts and eyes, can walk out of their own attitude.


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一 * 没人会为了你的将来买单,你要不努力向上爬,要不烂在社会最底层的泥淖里,这就是生活。二 * 很久之后的我才想明白,你刚开始和我说的那句真的对不起,不过是飞机场广播里那种抱歉的通知又延误了您的班机。你最后...


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关于人生成长的感悟句子 寓意深远 句句都是大实话

一 * 人生有很多的选择题,选择适合自己的,选择自己想做的,选择不会让自己后悔的。人生的舞台剧里,做自己人生的主角,演绎自己的人生,别为他人的眼光而活,更不要因畏惧现实而逃避。二 * 前行路上的插曲,没有任何...


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朋友圈很精辟走心的句子 道出成长感悟 哪一句触动了你的心?

