
新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析


1 colossal adj 庞大的 = huge vast immense enormous giant gigantic tremendous astronomical2 watertight adj 不漏水的;无懈可击

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1. colossal adj.庞大的 = huge vast immense enormous giant gigantic tremendous astronomical

2. watertight adj.不漏水的;无懈可击的 tight adj.紧的 (loose) waterproof adj防水的

3.compartment n.(轮船的)密封舱 part, port-词根 部分;分开 partial adj部分的;有偏见的 impartial 公正的 particular 特别的;各自的 apartment 公寓 counterpart 相对物 depart v.分开;离开 department 部门 participate v.参加;参与

capsule 太空舱;胶囊

4. flood v.充满水 n.洪水(drought 干旱) be flooded with 被……淹没;大量涌入;充满 The room was flooded with moonlight.

She blamed her husband in a flood of words on seeing him.

5.float v.漂浮 drift 漂流

6. tragic adj.悲惨的 = unfortunate miserable bitter

tragedy n.悲剧 comedy 喜剧 science fiction 科幻 action动作片 documentary 纪录片 martial arts 武打片 military movie 战争片 romance 爱情片 thriller 惊悚片 drama 剧情片 detective 侦探片 mystery 悬疑片 animation 动画片

7.liner n.班船(a large ship in which people travel long distances, especially on holiday) raft 木筏 canoe 独木舟 boat 小船 lifeboat 救生船 clipper 快速帆船;快艇 yacht 游艇 ship 大船 freighter 货船 submarine 潜水艇 ferry 渡轮 cruiser 巡洋舰 aircraft carrier 航空母舰

8.voyage n.航行;旅途(尤指海上旅行) trip 短途旅行 journey 长途旅行并带有一定的目的地 travel 泛指旅游,目的地不明确

navigation 航海术

9.lookout n.瞭望员 look out 向外看;当心 crew 全体船员 captain 船长 first/ chief mate 大副 sailor 水手 navigator 航海士 pirate 海盗

10. collision n.碰撞 collide vi 碰撞 The car collided with the tree

crash v坠毁 It is said that an airplane crashed in the mountains

conflict 冲突 My idea conflicts with yours

11.narrowly adv.刚刚;勉强地 narrow adj.狭窄的 a narrow escape 九死一生

12.tremble v颤抖 shiver 瑟瑟发抖 shudder 战栗

13.faint adj.微弱的 = weak v.昏倒

14.horror n.恐惧 horrible = fearful dreadful frightened frightening afraid

15.abandon v.抛弃= desert v.抛弃 n.沙漠 dessert n.点心

16.plunge v.投入;跳入 = dive plunge into plug 插座


1.sail for = set off for = leave for set sail 启航

2.by…standards 按……的标准

3.regard…as 把……当作= treat…as = consider…as = think of …as = refer to…as

4.go down 下降;下沉

5..to one’s horror = to one’s surprise

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