

时间:2020-02-13 11:26:12




思南县,Sinan county

1)Sinan county思南县

1.Viewpoints in Constructing Strong Traveling Culture County——Take Sinan County Guizhou Province as an Example推进旅游文化大县建设的思考——以贵州省思南县为例

2.The state ground sample inSinan county is one of 100 agricultural remote sensing monitoring sites in our country.思南县国家级地面样方是全国100个农业遥感地面监测网点之一。

3.Sinan County created new images of Harmonious Family Planning, by strengthening coordination among various departments to improve the system, changing the ideas and methods to make full use of social resources and continuously improving the system of policies, establishing interest-oriented mechanism of family planning, created a good populational environment to construct a Harmonious Sinan.思南县通过加强部门协作,健全各项制度,转变工作思路和方法,充分利用社会资源,不断完善政策体系,建立计划生育利益导向机制,塑造了"和谐计生"新形象,为构建"和谐思南"营造了良好的人口环境。


1.The Practice & Ponder of Trying out "Topic Service" in Sinan County;思南县试行“点题服务”的实践与思考

2.Viewpoints in Constructing Strong Traveling Culture County--Take Sinan County Guizhou Province as an Example推进旅游文化大县建设的思考——以贵州省思南县为例

3.Expanding Sources of Revenue: An Effective Way of Improving Finances in Poverty-stricken Counties in Guizhou--An Analysis Based on a Survey of Finances of Sinan County,Guizhou;财源建设:改善贵州贫困县财政的有效途径——基于贵州省思南县财政状况调研的思考

4.Empirical Study on the Circulation of Rural Collective Land Ownership;贵州省思南县农村集体土地所有权流转实证研究

5.Aesthetic Thoughts over Ancient Village Architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Yi County, Southern Anhui;皖南黟县明清古村落建筑的美学思考

6.Reflections on Developing Tourism Culture Industry in the County of Hunan Province;对发展湖南县域旅游文化产业的思考

7.How to Carry out Cultural Research in Inland Residing Area of Returned Overseas Chinese at County Level--Taking Honghe Counry as an Example;关于县域陆疆侨乡文化研究的若干思考——以云南红河县为例

8.A Finding Report and Reflections of the Spreading System of the Basic-level Agricultural Technology;基层农业技术推广体系的调查与思考——以湖南省衡山县、衡东县为例

9.Investigation and Thinking on Development of Local Industries in Southem counties of Yulin City;榆林市南部县特色产业发展的调查与思考

10.Practice and Consideration on the Construction of the County-level Vocational Education Center--The Case of Hu nan Province;县级职教中心建设的实践与思考——以湖南省为例

11.Investigation and Consideration of Agricultural Comprehensive Development Project Area in Hengnan;衡南县农业综合开发项目区调查与思考

12.Thought on Construction Course and Mode of Bamboo Industry in Suijiang County;云南绥江县竹产业建设进程与模式的思考

13.A Survey and Reflection on the Development of Public Libraries in Counties or Cities of Hainan;对海南省县(市)级公共图书馆发展的调查与思考

14.Practice in Land Consolidation in Hilly Regions of South China:Ca se study of Shangsi County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;南方丘陵地区的土地整理——以广西上思县为例

15.Hunan developing county economy"s problem,thinking and countermeasure analysis湖南发展县域经济的问题、思路与对策分析

16.Reflection on fulfiment of wood purchasing policy in the major wood producing counties in Southern collection forest region关于落实南方集体林区重点产材县木材收购政策的思考

17.The Lahu nationality is the major of Lancang Lahu nationality autonomous county in Simao region of Yunnan Province.拉祜族是云南省思茅地区澜沧拉祜族自治县的主体民族。

18.New Ideas of Preventing Land Desertification in the South Edge of Maowusu Area毛乌素沙地南缘土地沙漠化防治中的新思路——以靖边县为例


Nanxian County南县

1.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site ofNanxian County,1990-1990~南县国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

2.The temporal and spatial characteristics of land use change inNanxian County of Hunan Province was analyzed according to the materials from 1983 to .利用1983~土地统计资料,运用数理统计分析方法,选取土地利用动态变化相关模型,对湖南南县土地利用变化的时空特征进行了分析。

3.The research on LUCC inNanxian County is a typical regional case study.湖南南县地处洞庭湖平原西北部,作为南方水陆交错的典型代表,生态环境脆弱。

3)Nanxian Count湖南南县

4)Nanchang county (Tangnan)南昌县(塘南)


1.Formation Mechanism and Treatments of Landslideat the Back Side of Anti_flood EmbankmentinSinan County of Guizhou;思南县县城防洪堤后侧滑坡形成机制及其治理

2.The Current Utilization Rate of Arable Lands by Analyzing the Situation of Winter Fallow Land inSinan County;从思南冬闲田土状况看当前的耕地利用率

3.Kunshan Industry Soaring GivesSinan Enlightenment how to Develop Industry从昆山工业腾飞看思南工业发展

6)Guinan county贵南县

1.Dynamic Analysis of Land Use and Landscape Pattern Changes in Guinan County, Qinghai, in the Past 30 Years近30年青海贵南县土地利用与景观格局变化

2.This article emphatically talks about the chief features of initiating national education inGuinan county,First:insist on taking the boarding system as the principal thing and the other forms of running schools as the supplementary thing & actively explore the new ways of developing national education.文章着重谈了贵南县兴办民族教育的主要特点 :一、坚持以寄宿制为主 ,其它办学形式为辅 ,积极探索发展民族教育的新路子 ;二、建立“财政拨教为主 ,群众集资为辅 ,以土地资源为依托”的投入保障机制 ;三、“分级办学 ,分级管理” ,充分调动群众办学的积极性 ;四、注重师资队伍建设 ,努力培养和造成一支适合当地民族教育发展需要的师资队

3.By using three-period(1976,1996,) remote sensing images and under the support of RS and GIS techniques,spatial information of land desertification inGuinan county was interpreted and extracted,and the spatio-temporal pattern of desertification information change was analyzed in this paper.利用1976年、1996年、3期遥感影像,在RS与GIS支持下,解译提取贵南县土地荒漠化信息,分析其时空变化。



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