
颇具格调的情感文案 幸福感满满 现实又心疼


Not good at pleasing, disdainful of communication 人世间,除了缘分之外,我想,我们经历最多的,还是错过,相遇不易,相识太难

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Not good at pleasing, disdainful of communication.


In the world, in addition to fate, I think, we experience the most, or miss, meet not easy, know too difficult.


????Everyday anxiety, no friends,


After breaking up can not be friends, because they hurt each other, can not be enemies, because they love each other deeply, so we become the most familiar strangers.


Little girl not just, met childe to understand, what is wishful thinking.


My pleasure is to spend a lifetime with you warm.


Chuheridangwu, really hard to go to school.Have entered the school, punishment stand all afternoon.


There are many kinds of fruit in the world, but no ifs!


From now on I shall only call you you, for you are in my heart.


Think of a person for no reason, she once made you hope for tomorrow, but did not appear in your tomorrow.

这就是孤独 一个人的孤独

This is the loneliness of being alone


I will always be with you, until we grow old.

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