
颇具格调的情感文案 幸福感满满 满怀爱意


If you want to say something, you will naturally say it If you dont want to say it, what you hear will only be false 想说什么,自然会说出来

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Take a deep breath, it"s just a bad day, not a bad life.


If you want to say something, you will naturally say it. If you don"t want to say it, what you hear will only be false.


Those people in the circle at the bottom of my heart are a group of guys who will still smile when you come to seven old to think of it. When you have nothing at all, stay with you and never give up. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will be told that it is all right and they are here. . It"s not when you are in the best time, but when you are there, I have the best time.


Always thinking about telling that person that although we are separated by a long distance, we can walk in one place and confirm each other. I always press the text message to tell what I saw: every plant, every meal, every fire in Yi Deng, and every person.


Time, starting from zero. The story can"t end at the end.


Many things don"t have a long way to go, and many people just leave.


Making friends with each other is not perfunctory, but telling me that I won"t be cold and attentive. At least I can be considerate.


Is your hand warm enough or not enough to accommodate my so-called loneliness?


Sometimes, we struggle to finish a cup of bitter coffee, and we don"t taste the sweet sugar at the bottom of the cup until the last sip. This is life, added with sugar, but not activated by agitation.


A man who achieves great things can"t care about others everywhere, and he spends his time arguing with others, which not only damages his own temperament, but also loses his self-control. As far as possible, you might as well be humble to others. Instead of walking with the dog, let the dog go first. If you give the dog a bite, even if you kill the dog, it will not cure your wound.


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