
满是难过的情感文案 高级而个性 温柔而美好


Who dont want to live up to the people, the last is likely to live up to their own 想你,思绪如连绵的流云飘向你,时间仿佛不再流动,停留在那美妙的一刻

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Who don"t want to live up to the people, the last is likely to live up to their own.


Think of you, thoughts such as continuous clouds floating to you, time as if no longer flow, stay in that wonderful moment.


Misty sky, light parting, this love is gone, wish you many memories.I want to walk alone four seasons, sad hate phase continued, indifferent has no language.


Step forward is happiness step back is lonely, and now I can only stand in situ.


Female: very hungry, where to eat?Male: that you promise to do my girl friend first, ability have a meal!W: Why?M: It"s a restaurant for couples.


Do not say that others have a brain disease, the premise of the brain disease is that there must be a brain.


The kind that slaps me and gives me a candy, I really don"t want it.


Unhappy, you quietly sit beside me, even if nothing said, I will feel a lot better......


The only way a woman can maintain her figure is to be in love;The only way for a man to maintain his worth is to continue to succeed.


My love is not so complicated, two hearts, a family, love me, good to me, other are not much.


Do you have a boyfriend?If not, do you want to have one? If yes, do you want to change one? If not, do you mind one more?

都会眷恋着夕阳和晨光 捕捉生活美好瞬间的人

People who love the sunset and the morning light and capture the moments of life


Take the most urgent is the most beautiful scenery, hurt the deepest is the most real feelings.


If he likes you, your temper is more personality.If he does not like you, even if you meek like a cat, he disrelish you shed hair.

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