
超暖心的治愈系文案 懂你心意 适合发圈


If you act wild, this life I take wine to accompany 有了地球,月球从未走出它的轨道;有了天空,星星总在它的怀抱闪耀;有了你,我无法说出思念的美妙

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If you act wild, this life I take wine to accompany.


With the Earth, the moon never got out of its orbit;With the sky, the stars always shine in its arms;With you, I can"t say how wonderful I miss you.


In fact, it is the best after not demanding


I don"t want what doesn"t belong to me.I don"t want anything that"s not really given to me.


He won"t care, the disappointment on your face, the red eyes.


If God were to destroy a man, he would make him mad.But I"ve been crazy for so long why hasn"t God destroyed me?- guo


If you quit smoking, you"ll be in a fog!


Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily.


The best feeling in the world is to live up to it.


I like you, but has nothing to do with you, secret admirer"s duty, is silent.


One day I will walk away from you in silence, without making a sound.I missed a lot, I was always a sad person.


With the promise of love, after breaking up will only be more sad.

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