
超暖心的治愈系文案 懂你心意 抚慰心灵!


Hide in a certain time, miss a period of time palmprint;Hiding in a certain place, miss a standing in the way to also st

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Hide in a certain time, miss a period of time palmprint;Hiding in a certain place, miss a standing in the way to also stand in the way, let me worry about the people.


For so many years, you have been living in my wound, I put down heaven and earth, never put down you.


Too familiar with your outline, so even in the crowd to find a similar figure with you are so luxurious.


We had a lot of luck, but we didn"t have the right one.


Love is like the leaf, green in the neglected, appeared in the bud in patience.─ ─ throught light


Life is a know, cut a fleeting time, holding the warm along the way, the most dull day combed into poetic scenery.


Snow no trace, love no end!Snow invisible, love has shadow!!In winter, the snow is light;Love comes, love comes.Winter, snow melt water;Love is still, love is always.


Girls think a little bit less will really be happy a lot a lot?


Even when you are drunk, it is also a kind of memory, because you can never forget something.


We said with a smile: we stay in the original place of time, in fact, has long been silent flood swept away.


I do not allow you and I bicker, I let you you can win, to now and girls fight in addition to MY mouth, or can not win me.


At one time, I like a piece of music;Listen to a piece of music, I miss a time.

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