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原创 中国驻东盟使团 中国驻东盟使团











COVID-19 Vaccines Open New Prospect for China and ASEAN Cooperation

Deng Xijun, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to ASEAN

As COVID-19 vaccines donated by the Chinese government or purchased from China have arrived at ASEAN countries recently one batch after another, China and ASEAN countries are writing a new chapter of close anti-pandemic cooperation. These vaccines are set to play a critical role in assisting ASEAN to put the pandemic under effective control.

The concerted endeavors of China and ASEAN to combat the pandemic over the past year set a good example of anti-pandemic cooperation for the region and beyond. When China was in the darkest moment of its struggle with the virus early last year, the governments and peoples of ASEAN countries offered China timely, valuable and selfless support and assistance. Right after China brought the domestic situation under control, China returned the favor to meet the most urgent needs of ASEAN.

The health sectors of both sides have maintained hot line communication, including more than ten video conferences between the health experts. China has provided a great number of emergency medical supplies to ASEAN, sent multiple medical expert teams to several ASEAN countries and assisted several ASEAN member states to build virus-testing labs. China and many ASEAN countries have established fast tracks and green lanes to facilitate the movement of personnel and goods and worked hand-in-hand with ASEAN to stabilize regional industrial and supply chains. China was also ASEAN’s first partner to complete the process of contributing one million US dollars to the ASEAN COVID-19 Response Fund.

Vaccines are the powerful weapon to confront the virus and bring about the final victory. As one of the front-runners in global vaccine research and development, China is a firm believer in making COVID-19 vaccines a public good, a committed front-runner in promoting international vaccine cooperation and a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution.

China’s firm political resolve to carry out vaccine cooperation with ASEAN remains consistent and clear. As President Xi Jinping solemnly declared at the 73rd World Health Assembly last May, China’s vaccines will be a global public good, and China will work in earnest to improve vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries. As Premier Li Keqiang stated at the 23rd China-ASEAN Summit last November, China has been actively discussing cooperation in vaccine research and development and production with many ASEAN countries. China would actively consider the ASEAN countries’ request for COVID-19 vaccines after the vaccines were developed and put into use. China would take practical actions to make the vaccines available and affordable.

While conducting its vaccine cooperation with ASEAN, China doesn’t have any geopolitical agenda, vie for any economic gains or attach any political conditions. The only thing that is on China’s mind is to make the vaccines a public good that is accessible and affordable to the people in ASEAN countries, so that they help ASEAN prevail over the pandemic as early as possible.

Vaccine cooperation between China and ASEAN has been highly productive. Back in August, 2020, the Phase III clinical trial of vaccines developed by Sinovac Biotech started in Indonesia. To date, three million doses of ready-to-use vaccines, one million doses of semi-finished vaccines and 35 million doses of vaccine bulk, all produced by Sinovac, were delivered to Indonesia. And the Phase III clinical trial of China’s recombinant COVID-19 vaccines also kicked off in Indonesia recently.

China has provided nine ASEAN Member States with COVID-19 vaccines through aid or the commercial channel. In the meantime, ASEAN countries are also set to benefit from China’s decision of contributing 10 million doses of vaccines to the WTO-led COVAX program.

ASEAN countries attach great importance and give their high acclaim to Chinese vaccines. For instance, leaders of several ASEAN countries attended the vaccine delivery ceremonies personally and were among the very first group to be vaccinated. According to these leaders, the vaccines are gifts from the Chinese people that demonstrate solidarity and friendship, serve as a testament to strong ties, and will be critical for ASEAN to fight and win.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the dialogue relations between China and ASEAN, signaling a new starting point for both sides. China is ready to work with ASEAN to usher in an even brighter future of China-ASEAN relations. China will remain committed to prioritizing the needs of ASEAN countries by strengthening public health cooperation with and anti-pandemic assistance to ASEAN. China and ASEAN will continue to enhance joint prevention and control, establish the reserve for emergency medical supplies and the liaison mechanism for public health. Our two sides will work concertedly to train professionals and enhance capacity building in public health. Together China and ASEAN will be more capable of meeting public health challenges as we strive for a China-ASEAN community of health for all!






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