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中印尼经贸合作在疫情下持续拓展,充分彰显出两国发展的高度互补性,两国关系的强大生命力和巨大潜力。今年上半年,中国继续成为印尼最大贸易伙伴和第二大投资来源国,两国贸易额达355.3亿美元,其中中国从印尼进口额同比增长9%。中国对印尼投资增长172%, 雅万高铁、“区域综合经济走廊”等战略对接项目稳步推进。两国建立人员往来“快捷通道”,逐步恢复直航,在确保防疫前提下便利人员往来,维护产业链供应链稳定畅通,助力彼此经济复苏。




This year marks the 70th anniversary of China-Indonesia diplomatic ties. Looking back at the past 7 decades, our two countries have achieved tremendous growth in bilateral ties and established comprehensive strategic partnership. Now China is Indonesia"s largest trading partner, second largest source of foreign direct investment(FDI), second largest host of Indonesian students and a major source of foreign tourists. Our friendly relations and deepening cooperation across all sectors are bringing benefits to our two countries and peoples and contributing to regional and global stability and prosperity.

Continuous Growth Despite Covid-19. The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 poses a formidable challenge to China and Indonesia as well as our bilateral ties. Yet true friendship stands out in difficult times. In face of the outbreak, we have rendered each other support and pulled together to overcome the most difficult time. We have further deepened bilateral ties despite Covid-19 and strengthened friendship in the fight against the epidemic. Indonesia was among the first countries to dispatch medical supplies to China and has received active support from China in its own fight against the virus. As of now, enterprises from both countries are pushing ahead cooperation on vaccine R&D, production and technological transfer, which I believe will make Indonesia among the first countries to gain access to vaccine.

Undeterred by the epidemic, two-way trade between China and Indonesia have achieved continuous growth, which is a testament to the strong complementarities in our respective development as well as the strength and potential of bilateral ties. In the first half of 2020, China remains as Indonesia"s largest trading partner and second largest investor with trade volume reaching 35.53 billion US dollars. China"s import from Indonesia has increased by 9% and investment to Indonesia grew by 172%. Signature cooperation projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridors are making steady progress. China and Indonesia have launched "fast lane" arrangement and gradually resumed direct flights with necessary control measures in place, all in an effort to facilitate two-way travels and maintain stable industrial and supply chains to support each other"s economic recovery.

Growing Relations at New Starting Point. Both China and Indonesia are major developing countries with large population and enjoy rapid economic growth and increasingly important roles in the region and beyond. China-Indonesia relations are mutually-beneficial and win-win in nature and mutual respect is an honored tradition in bilateral cooperation. The development of China-Indonesia ties serves the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples. We welcome both countries to respectively engage in friendly exchanges and cooperation with other countries. Nonetheless, we shall guard against any attempt to interfere or undermine the friendship between China and Indonesia. We are ready to work with the Indonesian side to act upon the fundamental and long-term interest of our two countries and peoples and resist external interference and stay steadily on the right course to continue develop ties and win-win cooperation.

The past 70 years have been a journey of both challenges and productive cooperation. As the world today is confronted with profound changes of a kind unseen in a century, China-Indonesia relations have come to a new starting point endowed with new opportunities. Let us continue to stand in solidarity against Covid-19 and work together to recover our economy, so as to bring more benefits to our two countries and peoples and make greater contribution to the peace, stability and prosperity in our region and beyond.


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