
高中英语 词性转换 系统专项练习(附答案)


高中英语 词性转换 系统专项练习附答案 限时完成:30分钟用括号内所提供的词结合语境填空:1 Please allow me to give you a brief intro

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高中英语 词性转换 系统专项练习(附答案) 限时完成:30分钟


1. Please allow me to give you a brief ______________ (introduce) of our school, which is equipped with ____________ (advance) facilities.

2. After listening to his ______________ (explain), I was still at a ____________ (lose) and didn’t understand it at all.

3. My parents are greatly concerned about my ____________ (safe). Not until I got home ___________ (safe) did they feel ____________(relieve).

4. He was ____________ (surprise) to find a stranger waving to him in the distance

5. He found it ___________ (surprise) that a stranger was waving to him in the distance.

6. She devoted all herself to _____________ (medicine) work and made enormous ______________ (contribute) to the development of society.

7. We’re now busy making ______________ (prepare) for the coming entrance examination to college.

8. So _______________ (knowledge) is professor Zhou that he enjoys great _____________ (popular) among his students.

9. We all look up to her for her ______________ (honest), _____________ (modest) and _____________ (brave).

10. “Let’s go out for a walk for ______________ (relax).” He said, holding her hand _____________ (gentle).

11. It’s ___________ (consider) of you to take everything into ___________ (consider) and I’m ___________ (extreme) grateful to your for what you’ve done.

12. So long as everyone has a _____________ (tolerate) attitude towards others, a _______________ (harmony) society will be established in the near future.

13. He looks _____________ (trouble) for the reason that the ______________ (annoy) and ____________ (puzzle) problem has bothered him for a long time.

14. She played a ____________ (lead) role in the movie put on last week, which made her _______________ (distinguish).

15. They were chatting _____________ (noise). So _____________ (bear) was the noise that it almost drove me mad.

16. The two cars have many _______________ (similar) despite the fact that the former one is more _______________ (luxury).

17. Taking drugs has negative _____________ (affect) on us ______________ (physics) and mentally.

18. Tom, one of my close friends, is a ______________ (promise) student who is bound to have a ______________ (glory) future.

19. She is sensitive to ____________ (criticize) and always takes it _____________ (serious).

20. His ____________ (refuse) to join us in the _____________ (heat) debate really spoiled our fun.

21. To our _______________ (embarrass), she asked us a number of _______________ (embarrass) personal questions in public.

22. To apply for the post, ______________ (apply) are supposed to meet the following ______________ (require).

23. The _____________ (die) of the prime mister was ______________ (shock) news to the whole nation.

24. A _____________ (destroy) typhoon occurred the other day, causing tens of _____________ (die) and great economic ______________ (lose).

25. Growing flowers provides me with endless ______________ (please) and drives away my ______________ (lonely).

26. By managing our time properly and ______________ (reason), we’re able to improve our study ____________ (efficient).


1. introduction; advanced 2. explanation; loss 3. safety; safely; relieved

4. surprised 5. surprising 6. medical; contributions 7. preparations

8. knowledgeable; popularity 9. honesty; modesty; bravery

10. relaxation; gently 11. considerate; consideration; extremely

12. tolerant; harmonious 13. troubled; annoying; puzzling

14. leading; distinguished 15. noisily; unbearable

16. similarities; luxurious 17. effects; physically

18. promising; glorious 19. criticism; seriously

20. refusal; heated 21. embarrassment; embarrassing

22. applicants; requirements 23. death; shocking

24. destructive; deaths; losses 25. pleasure; loneliness

26. reasonably; efficiency


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