
温情动人的情感文字 深邃而含蓄 渴望美好


Love is a game that turns a couple of strangers into lovers and a couple into strangers again 你还梦不梦,你还痛不痛,回忆这么重,你怎么背得动

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Love is a game that turns a couple of strangers into lovers and a couple into strangers again.


You still dream not dream, you still pain, memories so heavy, how can you move back.


Break up, I"m making you tired.


The most afraid of and their care about the people, slowly become far, light, become strange process, really is from the heart of pain.


I am willing to use my own heart, well with you, love you.Accompany you to where you want to go, carefully walk the rest of our life journey.


Love can let people forget time when love is sweet, love tasteless time can let people forget love.


I believe that if you are here and I am here, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble.


What you see is the real me!A kind of endless moving!!Moved this world has you and I this most beautiful existence!!


I"m really sorry to bother you so late, but I just wanted to ask: have you slept yet?


I ran to you as close as I could, thinking that you would be moved by my persistence.


Thoughts of you, like patches of white clouds, floating heart day;More like a long water, to stop.


I do not know whether there is really such a coincidence, can only say that there are too many words are not clear.

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