


Go afterMeaning: Pursue in an attempt to catch another 试图抓住另一个人Example: Go after him and apologize 跟着他去道歉

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86 Useful Phrasal Verbs with GO (with Meaning and Examples) 英语中带有GO的86个有用的短语动词

Common Phrasal verbs with GO with meaning and examples. 常见的短语动词与GO有意义和例子。

Go after

Meaning: Pursue in an attempt to catch another 试图抓住另一个人Example: Go after him and apologize. 跟着他去道歉。Go after

Meaning: Pursue an object or a goal 追求一个物体或一个目标Example: Inspired, the scientist went right after the new idea. 受到启发,科学家在新想法之后立即行动。Go against

Meaning: Violate; to breach; to break 违反; 违反; 打破Example: What he did goes against the rules. 他所做的违反了规则。Go against

Meaning: Be unfavourable to someone 对某人不利Example: The court’s decision wentagainst them. 法院的判决违背了他们。Go against

Meaning: Be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle 与趋势,感觉或原则相悖Example: This goes against my instincts. 这违背了我的直觉。Go against

Meaning: Oppose; to resist 反对; 抵抗Example: He dared not go against the King. 他不敢反对国王。Go ahead

Meaning: Proceed; to begin 继续; 开始Example: Go ahead and eat without me; I expect to be very late. 没有我就去吃饭; 我希望很晚。Useful phrasal verbs with GO | Image 1. GO有用的短语动词 图1

Go all out

Meaning: Reserve nothing; to put forth all possible effort or resources 储备;提供一切可能的努力或资源Example: They went all out for his eightieth birthday party and chartered a tour boat on the bay. 他们全力以赴参加他八十大寿的晚会,并在海湾上租了一艘游船。Go along

Meaning: Participate, cooperate, or conform 参与,合作或遵守Example: I refuse to go along with another of his dangerous schemes. 我拒绝接受他的另一个危险计划。Go around

Meaning: Move or spread from person to person 在人与人之间移动或传播Example: There’s a cough going around. 周围有咳嗽。Go around

Meaning: Share with everyone 与大家分享Example: There’s plenty of fish to go around. 周围有很多鱼。Go at

Meaning: Try to solve a problem a specific way; to undertake a task 尝试以特定方式解决问题; 承担任务Example: I went at the issue for hours but could not come up with a way around it. 我在这个问题上花了好几个小时但是却找不到解决方法。Phrasal verbs with Go – “Go away” meaning and example. 短语动词与Go - " Go away "的意思

Go away

Meaning: Depart or leave a place 离开或离开一个地方Example: I’m not going to buy it. Please go away and don’t come back. 我不会买它的。请走开,别回来。Go away

Meaning: Travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation 去某个地方旅行,特别是在假期Example: Are you going away this year? 你今年要走吗?Go away

Meaning: Become invisible, vanish or disappear 隐形,消失或消失Example: This cold just won’t go away. 这种感冒是不会消失的。Go back

Meaning: Abandon, desert, betray or fail someone or something 放弃,抛弃,背叛或失败某人或某事Example: You promised me that you’d pay up today, no going back on your word. 你答应过我,你今天会付清的,决不食言。Go below

Meaning: Go below deck on a ship; to leave the top deck of a ship 在甲板上下船; 离开船的顶层甲板Example: The weather’s getting bad; you had better go below! 天气变坏了; 你最好去下面!Go by

Meaning: Pass or go past without much interaction 通过或过去没有太多的互动Example: I like to sit and watch the world go by. 我喜欢坐着看世界。Go by

Meaning: Be called, to use as a name 被称为,用作名称Example: His full name is Ernest Tinkleton, but he goes by Ernie. 他的全名是欧内斯特·丁克尔顿,但他的全名是厄尼。Go by

Meaning: Follow; to assume as true for the purposes of making a decision, taking an action, etc. 关注; 为了做出决定,采取行动等而假设为真。Example: I’m only going by what my teacher said. 我只是按照老师所说的去做。Phrasal verbs with Go – “Go down” meaning and example. 短语动词与Go - " Go down "的意思和例子。

Go down

Meaning: Descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one 下降;从更高的地方搬到更低的地方Example: You’ll need to go down two floors to get to that office. 你需要走两层才能到那间办公室。Go down

Meaning: Disappear below the horizon; to set 消失在地平线下;设置Example: It’ll be cooler once the sun goes down. 太阳下山后天气会凉快一些。Go down

Meaning: Decrease; to change from a greater value to a lesser one 减少;从更大的价值变成更小的价值Example: The unemployment rate has gone down significantly in recent months. 近几个月来,失业率大幅下降。Go down

Meaning: Fall (down), fall to the floor 掉下来,掉到地板上Example: The boxer went down in the second round, after a blow to the chin. 拳击手下巴挨了一拳,在第二轮比赛中倒下了。Go down

Meaning: Be received or accepted 被接受或接受Example: The news didn’t go down well with her parents. 这个消息没有受到她父母的好评。Go down

Meaning: Be recorded or remembered (as) 被记录或记住(as)Example: Today will go down as a monumental failure. 今天将成为一个巨大的失败。Go down

Meaning: Take place, happen 发生,发生Example: A big heist went down yesterday by the docks. 昨天在码头发生了一起特大抢劫案。Go down

Meaning: Perform oral sex 进行口交Example: He felt nervous about going down on his girlfriend for the first time. 他第一次跪在女朋友身上感到紧张。Go down

Meaning: Stop functioning, to go offline 停止运行,脱机Example: Did the server just go down again? We’ll have to reboot it. 服务器是否再次停机? 我们必须重新启动它。Useful phrasal verbs with GO | Image 2. GO有用的短语动词 图2。

Phrasal verbs with Go – “Go for” meaning and example. 短语动词与Go - " Go for "的意思和例子。

Go for

Meaning: Try for, to attempt to reach 尝试,试图达到Example: I’ll go for the world record. 我要争取创世界纪录。Go for

Meaning: Undertake (an action) 承担(一项行动)Example: His phone was off so I couldn’t ask his permission, so I decided to just go for it. 他的电话关机了,所以我不能征得他的同意,所以我决定去接他。Go for

Meaning: Attack 攻击Example: Careful, he’ll go for your throat! 小心点,他会咬你的喉咙的!Go for

Meaning: Develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner; to be infatuated with 培养强烈的兴趣,尤指以突然的方式;被迷恋Example: Clyde took one look at Bonnie and really went for her. 克莱德看了一眼邦妮,真的很喜欢她。Go for

Meaning: Favor, accept 支持,接受Example: Management won’t go for such a risky project now. 管理人员现在不会去做这种冒险的项目了。Go for

Meaning: Apply equally to 同样适用于Example: Stop taking my food from the fridge! That goes for you too, Nick! 别从冰箱里拿走我的食物!你也一样,尼克!Go for it

Meaning: Put maximum effort into achieving something 尽最大的努力去完成某事Example: He really went for it. 他真的很喜欢。Go for it

Meaning: Decide to do something; especially after a period of hesitation 决定做某事;尤其是在犹豫了一段时间之后Example: May I use your bathroom? ― Go for it! 我可以用你的浴室吗?-加油!Go in

Meaning: Be obscured by clouds 被云遮住Example: It’s chilly now the sun’s gone in. 太阳出来了,天很冷。Go into

Meaning: Get involved in; to investigate or explore 参与;调查或探索Example: I don’t want to go into the details now. 我现在不想细讲细节。Go into

Meaning: Divide exactly; to be a factor of 完全分离;成为…的因素Example: 11 goes into 88 and 99 but not 100. 88和99除以11,但不是100。Go off

Meaning: Explode 爆炸Example: The bomb went off right after the president left his office. 总统一离开办公室,炸弹就爆炸了。Go off

Meaning: Fire, especially accidentally 火灾,尤其是意外火灾Example: The gun went off during their struggle. 在他们搏斗时,枪走火了。Go off

Meaning: Explode metaphorically; to become very angry 爆炸比喻;变得非常生气Example: When the boss came to know about the scheme, he went off, shouting and throwing everything away. 当老板得知这个计划时,他走了,大喊大叫,把所有东西都扔掉了。Go off

Meaning: Begin clanging or making noise 开始发出叮当声或制造噪音Example: The alarm will go off at six a.m. 闹钟将在早上六点响。Go off

Meaning: Depart; to leave 离开;离开Example: He went off without a word. 他一句话也没说就走了。Go off

Meaning: Like less 像少Example: Ever since falling off my bike, she’s gone off cycling to work. 自从从我的自行车上摔下来,她就开始骑车上班了。Phrasal verbs with Go – “Go on” meaning and example. 短语动词与Go -“Go on”的意思和例子。

Go on

Meaning: Continue in extent 继续在程度上Example: The meeting seemed to go on forever. 会议似乎没完没了。Go on

Meaning: Continue an action 继续一个动作Example: I think I’ve said enough now; I’m not sure I should go on. 我想我已经说得够多了;我不确定我是否应该继续。Go on

Meaning: Proceed 继续Example: He went on to win a gold medal. 他继续获得一枚金牌。Go on

Meaning: Talk about a subject frequently or at great length 经常谈论一个话题,或说得很长Example: Will you stop going on about your stupid holiday. 你能不能别再提你那愚蠢的假期了。Go on

Meaning: Use and adopt (information) in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc. 使用和采纳(信息)以了解问题、做出决定等。Example: I didn’t make a decision because I didn’t have anything to go on. 我没有做决定,因为我没有什么可做的。Go on

Meaning: Happen (occur) 发生(发生)Example: What’s going on?! 怎么了?Useful phrasal verbs with GO | Image 3. 有用的短语动词与GO |图像3。

Phrasal verbs with Go – “Go out” meaning and example. 短语动词与Go - " Go out "的意思和例子。

Go out

Meaning: Leave, especially a building 离开,尤指建筑物Example: Please go out through the back door. 请从后门出去。Go out

Meaning: Leave one’s abode to go to public places 离开住所去公共场所Example: They were going to stay in and read, but instead went out shopping. 他们打算呆在家里看书,而不是出去购物。Go out

Meaning: Be eliminated from a competition 被淘汰出局Example: Our team went out in the third round. 我们队在第三轮出局。Go out

Meaning: Be turned off or extinguished 被关闭或熄灭Example: The lights went out. 电灯灭了。Go out

Meaning: Discard or meld all the cards in one’s hand 把手中所有的牌都丢掉或合并Example: Leon made two canastas, then went out by melding treys. 利昂做了两件糖果点心,然后用三件糖果点心出去了。Go out

Meaning: Become out of fashion 过时了Example: He thought Nehru jackets went out in the late seventies. 他认为尼赫鲁的夹克在70年代末就过时了。Go out

Meaning: Have a romantic relationship, one that involves going out together on dates 拥有一段浪漫的关系,包括一起约会Example: They’ve been going out for three years now, but still live apart. 他们已经交往三年了,但仍然分居。Go out

Meaning: Fail 失败Example: I’d like to help clear the field, but my knee went out on me. 我想帮助清理场地,但我的膝盖受伤了。Go out

Meaning: Spend the last moments of a show (while playing something) 在表演的最后时刻(边玩边看)Example: Thank you for introducing us to your new album. Which song should we go out on? 谢谢你向我们介绍你的新专辑。我们应该唱哪首歌?Go over

Meaning: Look at carefully; to scrutinize; to analyze 看仔细;仔细检查;分析Example: Please go over the reports to make sure we haven’t missed anything. 请过目一下报告,确保我们没有漏掉什么。Go over

Meaning: Create a response or impression 创造一个回应或印象Example: Playing a radio in the office did not go over well with his coworkers. 在办公室里播放收音机,他的同事们不太喜欢。Go so far as

Meaning: Reach an unexpected extent in doing something 在做某事时达到意想不到的程度Example: I know he suffered from depression, but surely he wouldn’t go so far as to kill himself? 我知道他患有抑郁症,但他肯定不会自杀吧?Useful phrasal verbs with GO | Image 4. 有用的短语动词与GO |图像4。

Go through

Meaning: Travel from one end of something to the other 从某物的一端到另一端旅行Example: The train went through the tunnel. 火车穿过隧道。Go through

Meaning: Examine or scrutinize (a number or series of things), especially in a regular order 检查或仔细检查(一些或一系列事物),尤其是按正常顺序Example: Every morning, she went through her mail over a cup of coffee. 每天早上,她都会用一杯咖啡通过邮件。Go through

Meaning: Undergo, suffer, experience 经历,遭受痛苦,经历Example: She’s yet to go through puberty, although she’s already 17. 虽然她已经17岁了,但她还没有进入青春期。Go through

Meaning: Wear out (clothing etc. ) 磨损(衣服等)Example: I’ve gone through two pairs of shoes already this holiday. 这个假期我已经穿了两双鞋。Go through

Meaning: Progress to the next stage of something 进入下一阶段的进展Example: If United don’t lose by more than 2 goals, they should go through to the next round. 如果曼联没有输过2个球,他们应该晋级下一轮。Go through

Meaning: Reach an intended destination after passing through some process 经过一些过程后到达预定的目的地Example: My payment hasn’t gone through yet. 我的付款还没有通过。Go through with

Meaning: Carry out (something planned or promised) 执行(计划或承诺的事情)Example: If you decide to go through with the surgery, remember to leave time to recover. 如果你决定做手术,记得留些时间来恢复。Go to

Meaning: Attend an event or a sight 参加一个活动或一个景观Example: We went to a concert for my birthday. 我们去听音乐会庆祝我的生日。Go to

Meaning: Attend classes at a school as a student 作为学生去学校上课Example: He went to the University of Kansas for almost two years before he dropped out. 他在堪萨斯大学读了近两年才退学。Go to

Meaning: Tend to support 倾向于支持Example: The study goes to the point I was making earlier about subsidies. 这个研究涉及到我之前提到的补贴问题。Go towards

Meaning: Be a contribution to 贡献Example: This money will go towards paying off the debt. 这笔钱将用来偿还债务。Go under

Meaning: Descend into a body of water; to founder 潜入水中;以创始人Example: The boat was too heavy and went under. 船太重了,沉了下去。Go under

Meaning: Collapse or fail, e.g. by going bankrupt 破产或失败,例如破产Example: In the crisis, the company was forced to reduce its costs in order to avoid going under. 在危机中,公司被迫降低成本以避免破产。Go under

Meaning: Be named; to call oneself 命名;打电话给自己Example: He goes under the name of Mr X to remain anonymous. 他以X先生的名义匿名。Go up

Meaning: Be built or erected 被建造或建立Example: There are new offices going up in town. 城里正在兴建新的办公室。Go up

Meaning: Rise or increase in price, cost, or value 价格、成本或价值的上升或增加Example: Bananas have gone up because of a shortage. 香蕉由于短缺而涨价了。Go up

Meaning: Be consumed by fire 被火吞噬Example: The building went up in smoke. 那座大楼烧成烟雾。Go up

Meaning: Forget lines or blocks during public performance 在公共表演中忘记台词或台词块Example: The producer hopes nobody goes up opening night. 制片人希望没有人去参加首映礼。Go up for

Meaning: Of the fielding side, to appeal for the batsman or batswoman to be out 守备的一方,呼吁击球手或女击球手出局Example: The keeper went up for a caught behind. 守门员扑向被抓住的后面。Go with

Meaning: Choose or accept (a suggestion) 选择或接受(建议)Example: Although I liked your suggestion, I’ll go with my original idea.Go with

Meaning: Correspond or fit well with, to match 符合或适合于,相配Example: Does this red skirt go with this pink blouse? 这件红色的裙子和这件粉色的上衣相配吗?Go without

Meaning: Be deprived of 被剥夺Example: The poor man’s children went without supper. 这个可怜人的孩子们没有吃晚饭就去了




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