第一句子大全 > 标签 > Teeth
家庭亲子英文用语——妈妈和孩子关于“洗脸 刷牙”的英文对话

家庭亲子英文用语——妈妈和孩子关于“洗脸 刷牙”的英文对话

...o wash your face. 起床洗脸了哦。Mom:Wash your face and brush your teeth. 洗脸刷牙。Mom:Wash your neck, too. 脖子也要洗哦。Mom:Who wants to wash up first? 谁要先洗?Mom:Want Mom to help you? 需要妈妈帮你吗?Daughter:Can you help me, Mom? 妈妈,你可以帮...

2022-12-11 #经典句子

喜欢科普的娃 千万不能错过这套英语分级阅读读物!

喜欢科普的娃 千万不能错过这套英语分级阅读读物!

...插图:有讲人的身体相关的,比如第一册第一篇:How Many Teeth?Here is PaulHe is a new babyHe has no teethHe does not need themHe drinks milk and orange juice但从语句来看,这些句子是不是都挺简单的呢?朗读起来也是非常的顺口,也有节奏感。How m...

2023-09-19 #经典句子

英语音乐启蒙:Brush Your Teeth 刷牙英文儿歌

英语音乐启蒙:Brush Your Teeth 刷牙英文儿歌


2023-12-18 #经典句子

英语启蒙:陪娃学英文 只要抓住这3点就可以了!

英语启蒙:陪娃学英文 只要抓住这3点就可以了!

...父母可以边做动作,边说出第一个单词。例如,brush your teeth 刷牙。父母一边刷牙,一边说brush...... 因为孩子已经非常熟悉这个表达方式了,所以,就会接着说出your teeth.当然,即使如此,也还不算双向交流,不算真正的英语口...

2023-05-24 #经典句子



...一下子好了很多。对了,记得Body里面还有一节主题词是teeth这个核心词。Teeth, teeth, teeth, are how we chew and eat. Teeth, teeth, teeth, cut through fruits and meat. 而平时挑食的小家伙在学完之后中午居然吃了好多包子,真的想不到学英语还会有...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...他做早餐并吃早餐。然后他离开了公寓。brush 刷,梳brush teeth 刷牙brush hair 梳头shave 剃须,刮脸剃须的时候需要用到razor(刮胡刀和shaving cream(剃须膏)take a shower 冲澡需要区分冲澡和泡澡,冲澡take a shower, 泡澡take a bathdry off (使...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

有趣的土味情话文案 可爱又撩人 越看越爱!

有趣的土味情话文案 可爱又撩人 越看越爱!

...感到恶心和恶心,那就不要在镜子前刷牙。Don"t brush your teeth in front of your teeth, do n" t brush your teeth in front of the mirror.上课之前见过你,到了学校以后,我不会再想你了。I met you before class, and after school, I won"t miss you again.究竟该如...

2023-05-07 #经典句子

充满个性的文案句子 句句懂你的心 深沉而有意义

充满个性的文案句子 句句懂你的心 深沉而有意义

... times大家都咬紧牙关想着撑一撑会过去Everyone clenched their teeth and thought they would make it之后,我突然想起了那个念头Then I suddenly remembered the idea一次又一次的艰难困苦支撑着我Difficulties and hardships again and again supported me面临没把握的...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

双语——牙医现在会来看你的(The Dentist Will See You Now)

双语——牙医现在会来看你的(The Dentist Will See You Now)

...take resulted in Marek walking out of the dentist"s office with all the 32 teeth missing.【译】这个愚蠢的错误导致马雷克走出牙医的办公室,32颗牙齿都不见了。【短语】result in 表示“结果是;导致”。如:They result in poor capital allocation. 它们会导...

2023-10-31 #经典句子



...t me have a look.You should take some medicine.They pull all the tiger’s teeth out.He becomes a toothless tiger.II.单项选择:The emperor can see _______clothes. A. some B. any C. a D. anHe is wearing ________clothes. A. some B. any C. a D. anIt’s _____happy day. A. some B....

2023-07-22 #经典句子

爆笑校园:A仔端茶不慎脚滑 呆头说一口正宗的“日版英文”

爆笑校园:A仔端茶不慎脚滑 呆头说一口正宗的“日版英文”

...他所学的英文说了一句让人听不懂的话。“His, eight gird teeth way! Your, big big good!”众人的头顶都是一通大写的问号?到底是什么个意思呢?一分钟过后,大家总算弄明白其中的含义。his, eight gird teeth way! Your, big big good! 翻译过来就...

2019-04-29 #经典句子

赞爆朋友圈的沙雕句子 顽皮可爱 句句有趣!

赞爆朋友圈的沙雕句子 顽皮可爱 句句有趣!

...对着镜子刷牙了。If you feel nauseous and retch while brushing your teeth, please don"t brush your teeth in the mirror.6、你说你是我朋友,我知道,动物的确也是人类的朋友。You say you are my friend. I know that animals are also friends of human beings.7、我同学给...

2023-05-07 #经典句子

舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 简单而大方 简单又文艺!

舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 简单而大方 简单又文艺!

...,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。Baby: My teeth hurt recently, because I miss you so much at night. It feels so sweet, it will decay my teeth.我是很慢热的人,但是我保温性能很好,一旦热起来,就不会凉下去,比如喜欢你。I am very slow...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

送给自己的治愈文案 字里行间的伤心 深情难忘记

送给自己的治愈文案 字里行间的伤心 深情难忘记

...,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。Baby: My teeth hurt recently, because I miss you so much at night. It feels so sweet, it will decay my teeth.人心换人心,从来都是一场血肉模糊的交易。People for people, has always been a bloody deal.爱上你,只...

2009-10-15 #经典句子

土狗英语语录:英文版“爱屋及乌” 咋翻译?来看大佬翻译

土狗英语语录:英文版“爱屋及乌” 咋翻译?来看大佬翻译

...知识点*:1. "lie" v. 说谎;撒谎;编造谎言# "lie through your teeth" 满口谎言;撒弥天大谎;睁眼说瞎话The witness was clearly lying through his teeth. 那证人分明是在睁着眼睛说瞎话。2. "on account of" 因为,由于,为了某物He has a bad name on accoun...

2023-11-22 #经典句子

温馨的情绪短句 深情又温柔 现实又心疼

温馨的情绪短句 深情又温柔 现实又心疼

...,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。Baby: My teeth hurt recently, because I miss you so much at night. It feels so sweet, it will decay my teeth.

2023-05-20 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文写作 家长辅导英语写作 《方策的日常生活》

小学英语双语作文写作 家长辅导英语写作 《方策的日常生活》

...一些小甜点。At about nine o’clock in the evening, he brushes his teeth and has a bath.晚饭后,他开始做作业。晚上九点左右,他刷牙洗澡。Then he goes to bed.然后他上床睡觉。Fangce’s LifeFangce is a good student. He is 11 years old. He studies at the Second Expe...

2023-09-30 #经典句子

学语言 先构建语言框架!英语语言的核心规律 总结起来16个字

学语言 先构建语言框架!英语语言的核心规律 总结起来16个字

...,He took the cigarette(烟) out of his mouth and smiled with his yellow teeth.句子看起来很长,但是我们找出这句话中所有的介词,并且把它后面的名词全部括起来,你会发现句子就剩下主干了,He took the cigarette (out of his mouth) and smiled (with ...

2023-07-20 #经典句子



...o say, adhere to, there is no mistake is their choice, can only bite their teeth to go on, themselves, strange但依他曾最鄙视的,下一不断有没有给自己留下,再次弯曲的,等待变得困惑而bite their teeth to go on,themselves,strangeBut the next thing he despisedIs there a ...

2022-12-30 #经典句子

关于高考励志的句子 拼搏努力 励志加油!

关于高考励志的句子 拼搏努力 励志加油!

... be you.咬咬牙,赌一把,你比想象中的自己更强大。gnyour teeth and bet, you are stronger than you think yourself.愿你苦尽甘来的那一天,山河星月都做贺礼。May you come that day, mountains, rivers and moon do gifts.生活需要烟花,也需要静静的美好。Li...

2022-11-19 #经典句子