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...track评判委员会 jury水上运动-跳水Aquatics-Diving* 10m platform Men 男子个人10米跳台* 3m springboard Men男子个人3米跳板* synchronized diving 10m platform Men 男子双人10米跳台* synchronized diving 3m springboard Men男子双人3米跳板* 10m platform Women女子个人...

2011-02-17 #经典句子

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

...sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing and have no observation, in the true sense of the world.这句话选自英国神学家John Henry Newman所著的《大学教育的范围...

2023-12-17 #经典句子

感悟人生的句子 句句净化心灵 读后受益匪浅

感悟人生的句子 句句净化心灵 读后受益匪浅

...alled romance, and making the wrong call at the wrong time is called harassment我不能像你一样赚自己的家庭生意,所以我必须分享男人的成功。但这没什么。女人生来就是为了分享男人胜利的果实!I can"t earn my own family business like you, so I must share ...

2023-01-20 #经典句子



...一面镜子。1975年著名社会语言学家Robin Lakoff引入了 “women’s register” (女性语域)这个概念,她观察到,美国女性为了缓和谈话或者为了减弱表达观点时的侵略性,会出现以下这些特征:Tag questions使用很多反义疑问句“This ele...

2023-09-11 #经典句子

朋友圈特养眼的高质量句子 独特有风格 值得收藏!

朋友圈特养眼的高质量句子 独特有风格 值得收藏!

...life, and eternal love sees eternity. May you reap lasting love and please men and yourself.女性要想收获美丽的爱情,就需要针对邪恶的人性恶做出对症下药的改变。If women want to harvest beautiful love, they need to make the right change for the evil human nature.但是...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

初级每日英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载阅读-24 轻松学习英语

初级每日英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载阅读-24 轻松学习英语

...来做了计划。‘I’ll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,’ I said to myself.“我将试图去救一个野人们的俘虏,”我自言自语。‘He’ll be happy to be live and perhaps he’ll help me to escape.’“他将因为活着而高兴,也可能他会帮助我逃...

2023-11-29 #经典句子

可以让人舒缓的情感文案 懂你不易 不缺乏雅致!

可以让人舒缓的情感文案 懂你不易 不缺乏雅致!

...as soon as they met, looked at each other for thousands of years; Some movements, once started, the water under the bridge.我曾经认为独处是最孤独的事情。后来我意识到,比孤独更孤独的事情是,虽然身边有很多人,但我发现没有人能真正理解自己。I used...

2012-12-04 #经典句子

2020高考英语七选五 语法和改错试题解析一

2020高考英语七选五 语法和改错试题解析一

...fluence a woman’s lifespan more than it does a man’s.The study found women who lived to 90 were,on average,taller and had put on less weight since the age of 20 as compared to women who were shorter and heavier.1_____. However,men saw more benefit from physical activity than women.In 1986 ...

2008-12-11 #经典句子

说到心坎里的丧句子 句句揪心 发人深思

说到心坎里的丧句子 句句揪心 发人深思

...的时候,会很懂事地从自己找问题,甚至自卑…Even when men are no longer enthusiastic about themselves, they will find problems from themselves, and even inferiority complex而且一个人高级自律,只有一个字:不依赖!And a person"s advanced self-discipline has only ...

2022-10-22 #经典句子

代替晚安的句子 看一眼就爱上!

代替晚安的句子 看一眼就爱上!

...口吻来表达,而是互相请求。Unfortunately, in life, when many women need men to do something, they don"t express it in a begging tone, but ask each other.说得对:“在感情上,男人适当地怕女人,这样更有利于感情的发展。”Right: "emotionally, men are appropriat...

2023-01-08 #经典句子

精选英语长难句10例——解析 翻译及句型提炼

精选英语长难句10例——解析 翻译及句型提炼

...the association noted a number of somber research findings, including that men are four times more likely than women to die of suicide worldwide, are "far more likely" than women to be arrested and charged with intimate partner violence in the U.S. and commit about 90 percent of all homicides nation...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

深有感触的心碎句子 句句穿心 点醒迷茫的你

深有感触的心碎句子 句句穿心 点醒迷茫的你

...女性聊天室里也总是人满为患。This difference exists between men and women. Men"s chat rooms are usually empty, and women"s chat rooms are always overcrowded.男性与女性交谈时,男性都迫不及待地想要进一步确认这段关系,并且尽快地抓住对方的心。When me...

2023-04-28 #经典句子

酷拽且高冷的个性句子 字字犀利 值得一看

酷拽且高冷的个性句子 字字犀利 值得一看

...,有车有房有存款,这对现在的人们来说是一种陋习…Women ask men to have all the betrothal gifts, cars, houses and savings, which is a bad habit for people now婚姻开放后,男女之间的爱与不爱,早已不再从初心开始。After the opening of marriage, the love an...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

深夜一个人看哭的句子 刺痛内心 动人心弦

深夜一个人看哭的句子 刺痛内心 动人心弦

...的信任,自然不愿意坦诚地对待女人。The reason is simple. Women who are always suspicious will make men very tired. Men are not trusted by women, so they are naturally unwilling to treat women honestly.爱情的来临总是让人心跳加速。面对让她们感兴趣的男人,女...

2022-12-27 #经典句子

夫妻之间的语录 句句经典 句句入心

夫妻之间的语录 句句经典 句句入心

... you have only one expression, the other person may feel too simple, and women definitely have more than one emotion. 3. 少年别低头别屈服别懦弱别爱人,记住我会回来。姑娘别胡闹别哭泣别害怕别忘记,记得我永远在。Don"t bow your head, don"t be huge, don"t be we...

2023-07-19 #经典句子

柔情似水的忧伤的句子 简单又文艺 值得收藏

柔情似水的忧伤的句子 简单又文艺 值得收藏

...女人不讲理,女人觉得男人不爱自己。男人记得。Quarrel, men quarrel, women quarrel. Finally, men think women are unreasonable, while women think men don"t love themselves. Men remember.微笑,半个城市的烟和沙都无法掩埋岁月留下的伤口。再训一人Smile, half ...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

让人静心的感悟人生的句子 所有的现世静好 背后都是咬牙坚持

让人静心的感悟人生的句子 所有的现世静好 背后都是咬牙坚持

...女争夺话语权和控制经济权的战争。Marriage is a war between men and women for the right to speak and control the economy.对家庭稳定有利的是有趣的,对捍卫婚姻不利的是无聊的。What is good for family stability is interesting, and what is bad for defending marriag...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

看懂了这9个英语单词 可以让你收获更好的自己!

看懂了这9个英语单词 可以让你收获更好的自己!

...时尚界的“晴雨表”!2019伦敦男装周新品以上时装周以Women"s wear(女装)为主,近几年也增加了Men"s wear(男装),最近也有品牌开始男装女装同台走秀。独立的男装周主要有London Fashion Week Men’s (伦敦男装周)、Milan Fashion Week...

2010-12-15 #经典句子



...:Health technologyGirls uninterruptedFemtech firms are enjoying an investment boom. About time健康科技女性不受打扰女性健康科技公司正处于投资热潮。是时候了Paragraph 1:A HORMONE CALLED relaxin helps loosen up pregnant women’s hips. Without it, the pain of delivery w...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

「经典语录」纪伯伦:当你的快乐或悲伤变得很大 世界就会变得很小

「经典语录」纪伯伦:当你的快乐或悲伤变得很大 世界就会变得很小

...另一部分.3.They say to me,"Would you know yourself you would know all men."And i say,"only when i seek all men shall i know myself."他们告诉我:当你了解了自己,你就了解了全人类.我说:当我感知一切人,我了解了我自己.4.Mayhap a funeral among men is a wedding feas...

2023-11-17 #经典句子