第一句子大全 > 标签 > accept


...没有初高中小伙伴们最近在上网课的呢?今天就来说一下accept 和receive这两个词的含义和用法。中学阶段 accept大多数时候当及物动词来用,这时,其后接宾语可以是名词、代词或由动词后加“-ing”构成的动名词,也可接动词不...

2023-12-05 #经典句子



...ement to termination of the insurance?保险责任的起讫期限有多长?Acceptance 接受1. Our price is quite reasonable and other buyers in your market have accepted it.我们的价格很合理,已经为你们市场的其他买主所接受了。2. Please accept our offer and confirm the above...

2023-08-01 #经典句子

天天英语|Accept everything about me that is different……

天天英语|Accept everything about me that is different……

...跟我们学习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽Accept everything about me that is different.That is what makes me special.接受自己和别人不同的每个地方,这让我们与众不同的。该句出自 米斯蒂·科普兰 (1982- ) 是美国芭蕾舞剧团 (ABT) ...

2007-04-05 #经典句子



How to Make and Accept an Apology in English 如何用英语表达和接受道歉Learn Different Expressions to Make and Accept an Apology in English. 学习不同的表达方式,用英语表达并接受道歉。Making and Accepting an Apology 道歉并接受道歉Making an Apology: Other Ways to ...

2013-07-01 #经典句子

口语:你怎么理解英语Let's face the music之意?

口语:你怎么理解英语Let's face the music之意?

...惯首先问:它的英语是什么?1. Well,if you face the music, you accept responsibility for something wrong that you have done.这就是face the music:you have to accept responsibility,干嘛呢? for something wrong that you have done.你把这些学过的高中英语用起来不比你...

2023-11-01 #经典句子



...un accent de sincérité诚恳的语气mettre l’accent sur强调,突出accepter [aksεpte] v.t. 接受;同意;承认【例句】①Il est trop fière pour accepter de l’aide.他自尊心强,不肯接受帮助。②J’accepte le risque pour ma rêve.为了我的梦想我甘冒风险。...

2018-08-05 #经典句子

时下最流行的句子 人见人爱 适合发朋友圈!

时下最流行的句子 人见人爱 适合发朋友圈!

...和挫折,接受突如其来的无力感。 A big part of growing up is acceptance, acceptance of parting ways, acceptance of impermanence, acceptance of loneliness and frustration, acceptance of sudden powerlessness.打翻牛奶的时候哭也没用,因为宇宙间所有的力量都在努力打...

2022-12-10 #经典句子

英语face the music是什么意思?

英语face the music是什么意思?

...少成多):1) Well, if you say You face the music, you mean:You must accept/you must face the consequences/the responsibility(=the results of)/accept the punishment for something that you have done wrong.这是比较地道的英语句子排列方式,比较符合中文思维的句子排列如...

2007-01-29 #经典句子



...ou a happy new year!让我成为第一个祝你新年快乐的人!3.Please accept my birthday wishes.请接受我的生日祝福!【词汇辨析】accept:接受(主观)receive:收到(客观)I receive a diamond but I didn’t accept it.我收到一颗钻石,但我没有接受。◆ 句式替换...

2023-12-04 #经典句子



...未来英语表达的用词能力:1. Custom:a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to,or belongs to a particular society, place, or time.见到这段英语,你是统统把它直接翻译成中文才能“理解”,还是直接把它变成“英...

2019-03-19 #经典句子

GRE阅读长难句考点解读 解题技巧透析!

GRE阅读长难句考点解读 解题技巧透析!

...onary, flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted.”这个句子中主干是creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary,即“创造性的活动被认为是革命的”句子主干后马上出现了一个短语flying ...

2023-08-11 #经典句子

成功与梦想的经典励志句子 句句触心

成功与梦想的经典励志句子 句句触心

...之外的意外,接受无能为力的挽留,接受一切无常Learn to accept each process: accept parting ways, acceptunexpected unexpected, accept powerless to retain, accept allimpermanence

2022-11-25 #经典句子

激励人生的句子|远离消极的人 放开伤害你的 爱能治愈你的!

激励人生的句子|远离消极的人 放开伤害你的 爱能治愈你的!

...是不要让它永远存在。It"s okay if your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.just dont make it forever.三、我的目标是让你快乐,但不求回报,你的微笑就足够了。My goal is to make you happy,but with nothing in return,that smile of yours is enoug...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

能让人湿润眼眶的文案 建议不要一个人看!

能让人湿润眼眶的文案 建议不要一个人看!

...肤能够接受没有考好成绩并接受自己不够完美的工作I can accept my suddenly deteriorated skin, can accept not doing well in the exam and accept my imperfect work自然,我也会接受自己与别人不同的优点。Naturally, I will accept my different advantages from others.

2010-12-26 #经典句子

英文单词「sorry」 绝非你理解的那样简单

英文单词「sorry」 绝非你理解的那样简单

...忘了吧。事情比较大,你接受道歉但也要告诫对方:11. I accept your apology.我接受你的道歉。12. Apology accepted.你的道歉我接受了。13. I forgive you.我原谅你。14. You should be, but I forgive you.你就应该这么道歉,不过我原谅你。15. Please don"...

2023-11-26 #经典句子



...,也赶紧来吧!简单易懂能学到知识哦!1 两个接受,accept和receive两者都有收到的含义,都是及物动词。但是他们又有着本质上的区别:accept,接受,表示主观意义上的接受。例句1:Mary accept the love of HanMing。Mary接...

2023-12-05 #经典句子



...。下面小编就和大家一起看看英语高频金融词有哪些?1.acceptance bank 票据承兑行2.acceptance method 承兑方式3.accepting bank 承兑银行4.accommodation of funds 资金融通5.account charges 账户费用6.account current (A/C, a/c) 往来账户7.account number (A/N) 账...

2010-02-27 #经典句子

一针见血的句子 犀利现实

一针见血的句子 犀利现实

...y yourself. 四、接受孤独,接受失去,接受自己的不完整。Accept loneliness, accept loss, accept your own incompleteness. 五、最大的遗憾,不是错过了最好的人,而是当你遇见更好的人时,却已经把最好的自己用完了。The biggest regret is not missing the ...

2022-12-20 #经典句子

让自己释然的句子 睿智通透 耐人回味

让自己释然的句子 睿智通透 耐人回味

...,接纳自己偶尔的不堪,也接纳一个人的离去。For life, acceptance is good gentleness, accept the occasional injustice, accept the occasional unbearable, also accept a person"s departure.5、所有的不如意只不过是自己的能力低于社会现实,成见不如变成理解...

2023-01-25 #经典句子

清晨精致美好的早安句子 暖心现实 句句干净治愈!

清晨精致美好的早安句子 暖心现实 句句干净治愈!

...我很不爽,谢谢你的情绪,请你继续不爽。早安~I do not accept any comments and criticism behind my back. If you see that I am not happy, thank you for your mood, please continue to be unhappy. Good morning.拐个弯,与生活和解,得失都随意,往后余生,愿自己百...

2022-11-29 #经典句子