第一句子大全 > 标签 > Dialogue
好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

...中外文学交流史·中国-印度卷》的英文版《China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations》在印度出版发行。该书由深圳大学印度研究中心郁龙余教授、广东省社科院刘朝华研究员撰著,印度尼赫鲁大学狄伯杰教授翻译,印度Pentagon出版社出...

2023-11-25 #经典句子

百度飞桨又开源中文NLP开源工具箱:主打工业应用 支持6大任务

百度飞桨又开源中文NLP开源工具箱:主打工业应用 支持6大任务

...中文语料外,ERNIE 还引入了论坛对话类数据,利用 DLM(Dialogue Language Model)建模 Query-Response 对话结构,将对话 Pair 对作为输入,引入 Dialogue Embedding 标识对话的角色,利用 Dialogue Response Loss 学习对话的隐式关系,进一步提升模型...

2023-10-01 #经典句子

ACL 2019论文分享:自我进化的对话机器人

ACL 2019论文分享:自我进化的对话机器人

ACL 2019 收录论文分享:《Know More about Each Other: Evolving Dialogue Strategy via Compound Assessment》。摘要现有的基于监督学习的对话系统,缺乏对多轮回复方向的控制和规划,导致对话中发生重复、发散等问题,使得用户的交互体验较差。...

2011-11-29 #经典句子



...在精打细算的基础上得出来的。Common Conversations 常用对话Dialogue 1A: Good afternoon. I am Mr. Brown, the Import manager of Atlantic Industries Ltd, Sidney, Australia. This is my card.B: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. My name is Mrs. Anderson, manager of the sales department.A: Nice to...

2023-05-27 #经典句子



...的装扮、优雅的谈吐及亲和力,这样面试才能得高分。 Dialogue 1CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer)I: What made you decide on this type of occupation? (什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢? )A: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a ch...

2024-01-18 #经典句子

在餐厅吃不完东西要打包 英语怎么说?

在餐厅吃不完东西要打包 英语怎么说?

...sertn.甜点不知吃什么?问问推荐有什么!万能对话例句:Dialogue (W=Waiter; G=Guest)G:Excuse me,what would you recommend?打扰一下,你有什么推荐吗?W:I"m happy to recommend the fish, it tastes delicious, and it is today"s special.我特别向您推荐这道鱼...

2007-11-11 #经典句子

英语对话怎么教?这些课堂活动 让学生大呼爱了爱了

英语对话怎么教?这些课堂活动 让学生大呼爱了爱了

...教学方法今天,我就给大家分享几种对话教学活动:1. Dialogue Rebuilding我们知道,一般对话中都有两个人物,我们且说他们一个是Tom,一个是Lily吧!老师可以把这两个人的对话分别提取出来,并且打乱顺序。将班级分为两组,把To...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

《设计的语言》——60个表达 延伸设计的中英关键词

《设计的语言》——60个表达 延伸设计的中英关键词

...比 Contrast14.装饰 Decorative15.密度 Density16.设计 Design17.对话 Dialogue18.主导Dominance19.动感 Dynamic20.经济 Economy21.边缘 Edge22.优雅 Elegance23.强调 Emphasis24.功能 Function25.姿势Gesture26.网格Grid27.和谐Harmony28.主次 Hierarchy29.色相 Hue30.融合 Integratio...

2007-05-25 #经典句子

中考英语高频考点词work on等熟词搭配解析

中考英语高频考点词work on等熟词搭配解析

...耗完;弄懂;锻炼;想出We must work out our differences through dialogue and in a spirit of cooperation.我们必须本着合作精神,通过对话解决分歧。

2019-02-04 #经典句子



...来,就必须分析、提炼,把长长的对话改编成短小的"Core Dialogue" (核心对话) 下面介绍几句老师在课堂上常用的英语句子,方便同学们上课理解。1. Let"s have a dictation. Please take out your notebooks.让我们来听写,请拿出笔记本。2.Who can ...

2023-05-17 #经典句子



...s a result of," so it can be used to give areason. For example, in today"s dialogue, Samantha"s boss says "with all the changeswe want to make, we"re going to need to hirea new web developer." In this sentence "withall the changes we want to make," means"because of all the changes we want tomake." H...

2023-12-19 #经典句子



...图片启发提问到Quiz测试,再到词汇Paraphrase 和Reading阅读Dialogue对话、Discussion讨论,完全符合学生认知水平。1、创设情境,激发学生参与活动的兴趣。2、体现“以学生为中心”的课程理念,让学生做课堂的主人。3、课的结构清...

2015-08-05 #经典句子

BBC英语:英语常用口语 每天阅读英文短文「附带音频+译文」

BBC英语:英语常用口语 每天阅读英文短文「附带音频+译文」

...好英语的朋友,请关注小黑,我会每天更新英语短文】【dialogue 对话】120221.mp300:32来自小黑说英语A : Cool! You can put two SIM cards in it at once.B : With two different phone companies, l"ll get great reception.A : So if one company has bad reception , the other prob...

2020-08-05 #经典句子



...协作、诚实、开明2、开会时常用语Seminars/Workshops 研讨会Dialogue 1A: What did you learn at the workshop you went to yesterday? Do you think it was worth the investment to go?B: Yeah, I really got a lot out of the session. The workshop topic was resolving personnel problems. It was ...

2024-01-15 #经典句子



... which I would like to share here:1. Listening (Lecture listening and long dialogue listening)Lecture listening: this topic is a blank filling task. Students need to take notes while listening. After listening, they need to complete the blank filling task. Long dialogue listening: students need to d...

2022-12-14 #经典句子



...接了一个从句 (after I asked him 我向他提问之后)。In today"s dialogue, we see another example of a complex sentence, "I"m afraid it"s more work than I have time for." But it"s used to make a comparison. To do this, we just need to add a comparative adjective, and use the subordinating c...

2023-06-03 #经典句子

悲伤的文案短句 句句懂你 经典百搭值得收藏

悲伤的文案短句 句句懂你 经典百搭值得收藏

...唯一的对白。Don"t want to silence don"t want to say. It"s the only dialogue I have right now.抢眼幸福已满星光朗朗的不再闪。Eye-catching happiness is full of stars lang lang no longer flash.你为他爱的那么深,他知道的又有几分。You love him so deeply, he knows how...

2023-09-25 #经典句子

值得珍藏起来的高质量句子 优质走心 简短却不失深情

值得珍藏起来的高质量句子 优质走心 简短却不失深情

...eelings precipitate in care and let your soul have sustenance. Care is the dialogue of the soul, the call of the soul and the response of the soul.我们需要一个灯塔,我们需要一双翅膀,我们需要青春的誓言。We need a lighthouse, we need a pair of wings, and we need the oath o...

2022-12-15 #经典句子

小众的伤感文案句子 戳心入骨 让人感同身受!

小众的伤感文案句子 戳心入骨 让人感同身受!

...来不及说的对话,消散在未来的拼凑中。 Too late to say the dialogue, dissipated in the future of the patchwork.不管你在世界的哪个角落,当你的妻子想要生孩子的时候,她一定在她身边。 No matter where you are in the world, your wife will be there when she...

2022-11-15 #经典句子



...tedly show their appreciation and concern for each other in the process of dialogue.心灵单纯,世界就简单,外面的喧嚣不吵闹你,你自然就安逸地生活。If your heart is simple, the world is simple. If the noise outside doesn"t make you noisy, you will naturally live comforta...

2007-09-15 #经典句子