第一句子大全 > 标签 > desk


...桌子; 台子; 几;一桌人; 表; 一览表;音标:英[tebl] 美[tebl]Desk释义:书桌; 写字台; 办公桌; 问讯台,服务台,工作台;音标:英[desk] 美[desk]桌子的英语单词怎么读短语:on the table adv.在桌面上,公开地 吃饭时at table adv.在餐桌边table te...

2023-12-03 #经典句子

语法系列第13讲 there be 句型(讲解版)

语法系列第13讲 there be 句型(讲解版)

...学到的。一.例句呈现,感知知识点。1. There is a book on the desk.2. There are two pens on the desk.3.There is some milk in the bottle.4. There is a book and two pens on the desk.5. There are two pens and a book on the desk.6. There is a bottle of water in the bottle.7. There are two b...

2011-04-07 #经典句子

英语三年级下册(外研版)Module 8 Unit 1 It’s on your desk

英语三年级下册(外研版)Module 8 Unit 1 It’s on your desk

...“齐鲁校园在线” 关注山东教育Module 8 Unit 1 It’s on your desk.停课不停学,,在家也可以轻轻松松地学英语,跟动画视频一起读课文了,跟着老师一起学重点内容,让您在家一样学到正规的英语课程,每天更新一课,欢迎小伴们...

2023-09-08 #经典句子

图说英语:许国璋英语权威语法 含有引导词 there 的句子

图说英语:许国璋英语权威语法 含有引导词 there 的句子

...,there are 在句中无语句重音。肯定式There is a book on the desk.There are some books on the desk.否定式There isn’t any book on the desk. There is no book on the desk.There aren’t any books on the desk. There are no books on the desk.疑问式及简略答语Is there a book on t...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

学英语 There be句型不会用?那就看看我怎么使用它

学英语 There be句型不会用?那就看看我怎么使用它

...:存在+一只鸟+在你的书桌上-> = =There is a bird on your desk.(√)常见错误:There is a bird is on your desk.(X)注意:一个句子只能有一个动词,所以第2个is不能写。③句子2:有一只鸟在你的书桌上吗?-> 英文:存在+一只鸟+在...

2023-01-11 #经典句子



...n 在上,in在里, under 表示在下面;Chair, chair 是椅子, desk 书桌带抽屉;小船boat ,球是ball,小汽车 car四处跑;地图 map用处大,环球旅行随身带。重点句型:1. Let’s go home! 我们回家吧!2. Where is my pencil box?我的铅笔盒在哪儿...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

Calling the Front Desk:“打电话给酒店前台”用英语怎么说呢?

Calling the Front Desk:“打电话给酒店前台”用英语怎么说呢?

A:Yes, sir. Front desk. How can I help you?是的,先生。(这里是)前台。我可以怎么帮您?B:I"m Amy Duncan in room 2046.I want to know if you have an adapter available,because my wife has to charge her phone.我是2046房间的Amy Duncan。我想知道你们有没有转换器,因为...

2024-01-12 #经典句子

中考重点句型:There be 句型

中考重点句型:There be 句型

...最靠近be的名词决定。Thereisa map,a computer and some books on the desk.书桌上有一幅地图、一台电脑和一些书。Therearetwo bedrooms and a small study on the second floor.二楼有两间卧室和一间小书房。Thereissome water in the bottle.瓶子里有些水。2、There be...

2023-09-19 #经典句子



...不是为了交流,不同语种的语言其实没有任何关系,比如desk这个词我们的第一反应就是桌子,可是桌子又分很多种,有办公桌,学习桌,餐桌,我们来看一下desk的英文释义:A desk is a table, often with drawers, which you sit at to write or wo...

2024-01-13 #经典句子

解析there be句型 助力英语学习

解析there be句型 助力英语学习

...数名词复数,be用复数are或were。例如:There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。若当be后所接的主语为多个并列名词或代词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近主语保持数的一致,体现就近...

2023-07-13 #经典句子



...哦。来,跟着小雅一起听音跟读哦。Steven: Is this the front desk?史蒂芬:是前台吗?2.Front desk: Yes, sir, What can I do for you?前台:是的,先生,请问有什么需要吗?3.Steven: This is Room 705, The air conditioner in my room doesn"t work.史蒂芬:这里...

2023-11-19 #经典句子



...No, it is not.5. 不客气。You are welcome.6. 它是谁的书桌?Whose desk is it ?7. 它是Tom的书桌。/它是他们的书桌。/它是我们的书桌。It is Tom"s desk. / it is their desk. / It is our desk.8. 真是一团糟!What a mess!9. 放好你的东西!Put away your things !10. ...

2024-01-12 #经典句子



... look?为什么不上楼看看?4. How many model planes are there on the desk ? Only one. 桌上有多少飞机模,只有一架。5. How much water is there in the bottle? Only a little. 瓶子里有多少水 ?只有一些。6. How much is the meat ? It’s ¥8. 肉多少钱 ...

2023-06-09 #经典句子

“there be”句型快速记忆

“there be”句型快速记忆

...is,当主语是复数名词时,be用are.例如:Thereis a ruler on the desk.桌子上有一把尺子。There are four appleson the tree.树上有4个苹果。当主语时两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要遵循就近原则。例如:There is a sofa,a desk,some books and so on....

2023-09-19 #经典句子



...现句。桌子上有一本书。 我有一本书。There isa book on the desk. I have a book.这2个句子中的“有”意义不一样。前一个“有”表示客观存在,后一个“有”表示主观拥有。前一个句子是存现句,后一个是主谓宾(123)。该句型的旗...

2022-12-25 #经典句子

指示代词 指代上文还是下文?替代词与指代词 你分清了吗?

指示代词 指代上文还是下文?替代词与指代词 你分清了吗?

...词;those= the ones替代:the +复数名词比如:1. The book on the desk is better than that/the one under the desk.2. The books on the desk are better than those/the ones under the desk.3. He gave me a book, one that I have never read.4. He gave me some books, ones that I have never ...

2014-02-03 #经典句子



...们排排坐,今天来上英语课,计算机computer, 讲台teacher"s desk,四面墙壁wall白又净,地板floor无灰尘, fan是风扇转呀转,陪我学习做贡献。【习惯搭配】near the window 在窗户旁边put up the picture 张贴图画close the window 关上窗户 clean the d...

2020-04-27 #经典句子

七上英语Unit4 Self

七上英语Unit4 Self

... D、In ( )6、 alarm clock and pen are on the computer desk. A、An ;a B、A ;an C、A ;a D、An ;an ( )7、---- Who is Andy?---- boy next to the desk. A、A B、The C、An D、/ ( )8、---- Where are your...

2023-09-19 #经典句子

小学英语语法练习题 there be句型

小学英语语法练习题 there be句型

...空1.There__________ a bed in the room.2.There__________ two pens on the desk.3.There__________some desks in the classroom.4.There__________ some soup on the table.5.There __________ a pair of shoes behind the door.6.There__________ many apples in the fridge.7.There__________ a pen and two rubbers i...

2023-09-14 #经典句子

pep四年级下册英语unit1My schlool单元复习卷 附答案

pep四年级下册英语unit1My schlool单元复习卷 附答案

...不同的画“×”。1、we she(√) 2、bed he (×) 3、desk me(×) 4、egg desk(√)5、pen egg(√) 6、me he (√) 7、bed she (×) 8、me desk(×)二、把单词按“e”的不同发音分类。desk egg she me pen he these g...

2023-07-25 #经典句子