第一句子大全 > 标签 > Pronounced


...是有可能有不同的读音的For example,比如The reason why they are pronounced differently is that they have different meanings.之所以如此,是因为它们有不同的意思And when you want them to mean what you want them to mean,当你想要这些单词表示你想要让它们表示...

2023-08-17 #经典句子



... you pronounce this word?2.这个单词你念得很好。This word is well pronounced.3.注意这个单词的发音,它的重音在第二个音节。Please pay attention to the pronunciation of this word its stress is in second syllable. 4单词use里的字母S有两个不同的发音。作动词...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

...何发音的线索。So as a noun this is a type of bird, right and it"s pronounced /dv/. Dove. It"s that short vowel sound.因此,作为名词,这是鸟的一种,对,发音是/dv/。鸽子。是短的元音。But this word is also a verb. It"s the past tense of "dive".但是这个词也是...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

新一期英语笔记出来了 这次词汇的意思你都知道吗?

新一期英语笔记出来了 这次词汇的意思你都知道吗?

...疑问则为肯定。79) 反义疑问句怎么读?If a tag question is pronounced in raising tone, it means hat I am waiting your reply, while a tag question is pronounced in a downing tone, it means that I am sure about it.【如果是升调,则表明说话人期待对方的回答,如果是...

2013-04-28 #经典句子

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

... good example.否定前缀“in-”就是一个很好的例子。It may be pronounced as [in], [i] or [im]when occurring in different phonetic contexts, e. g. indiscrete [indiskri:t ] (alveolar), ink [ik] (velar), input [imput](bilabial).它可能发音发作[in], [i] or [im] 当出现在不同的...

2012-04-24 #经典句子

英语中的不发音字母 Silent Letters in English

英语中的不发音字母 Silent Letters in English

...循这条规则。Though often is a bit of an exception because it can be pronounced often with a silent T or it can be pronounced as often. You"ll hear native speakers saying both.尽管 often 一般来说是个例外,因为它的 T 既可以不发音,也可以发出来。你会听到母语人...

2023-07-11 #经典句子



...is an indispensable dish, just because the Chinese character “fish” is pronounced in the same way as “abundant”. In many places in China, dumpling is also considered an important delicacy for its symbolic meaning of fortune and good luck.2020年12月英语四级翻译真题:团圆饭的内...

2011-12-10 #经典句子



...ex Transitive Verb)We made him our spokesman.They elected him president.He pronounced himself in favour of the plan.二、基本句型的转换与扩大基本句型都是陈述句、肯定句和主动句,这些句型可以转换为疑问句、否定句和被动句。The tourists have arrived----Ha...

2023-06-07 #经典句子

被别人用英文叫错名字的你 该如何用英文回复他?

被别人用英文叫错名字的你 该如何用英文回复他?

...为对方虽然知道你的名字,但“发音”出现问题。Hey, you pronounced my name wrong.嘿,你把我的名字念错了。pronounce:发音,尤其指准确发出词、音节等的音。它的反义词是mispronounce,表示发错音、读错,所以这句话也可以表达为:Yo...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

适合发动态的唯美句子 充满睿智 引人深思

适合发动态的唯美句子 充满睿智 引人深思

...止,我也在等你爱我"-"I"m waiting." meaning "I"m waiting for you", pronounced "love", my love for you has never stopped, I"m waiting for you to like me""别比,别比,她站在这里就是赢家""No, no, no, she won right here."如果你不哭的话,我就不会答应你任何不好的...

2022-12-18 #经典句子

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 满是悔恨 深沉又深情!

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 满是悔恨 深沉又深情!

...我就不想再和你说话了。"agoni" means pain in French, but it is pronounced as "loved you" in Chinese.“agoni”在法语中是痛苦的意思,但在汉语中发音为“爱过你”。Back to poetic simplicity. There is no limit to time, and sometimes it gathers and disperses. Because of...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

... and Wednesday, and receipt.Some words have silent letters which were once pronounced, but aren"t pronounced anymore.比如说 quiche,还有 hiccough , draught , Wednesday ,还有 receipt。有些单词里面有不发音的字母,它们曾经是发音的,但是现在不发音了。And th...

2023-10-18 #经典句子

英语中连词叠用的定义 规则和有趣的例子

英语中连词叠用的定义 规则和有趣的例子

...in her book Pride and prejudice, “But they liked her and admired her and pronounced that she was a nice girl and a girl they would like to know more about.”In the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, we see an example of polysyndeton in the following phrase “There was a rumbling of boot...

2023-09-03 #经典句子



...确。 生义:v 正式宣布(或公布、授予等) 例句:She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. 到达医院时她被宣布已经死亡。 25raise 熟义:v 提升;举起 例句:She raised a hand in greeting. 她扬起手表示问候。 生义:v 募集;抚养;养育...

2012-06-13 #经典句子



...is nothing.3.The past years, across the Chinese landscape, haveWitnessed a pronounced phenomenon that......4.Topping the list is that.....(不要再用first of all了!)5.This hot button has triggered considerable public concern.6.It is my belief that.....(不要再用I think了!!!)7....

2023-12-03 #经典句子



...。I’m John Russell.*This is a rough estimate of the name that Chappelle pronounced. It is not an exact spelling.*这是Chappelle发音的名字的粗略估计。这不是确切的拼写。_____________________________________________________________Words in This Storypunctuation– n. the marks i...

2008-09-30 #经典句子



...d by her repetitive facial gestures. According to experts,these are more pronounced than those of most other world leaders.Her speech was illustrative: many of those following along on Twitter struggled to concentrate on her big policy announcement – a promise of a vote on a second EU referendum...

2023-11-23 #经典句子

高级英语词汇 详细描述天气的10种方式

高级英语词汇 详细描述天气的10种方式

...较是a的音:muggy。So, " muggy" is how I pronounce it although it is pronounced by other speakers as " muggy."那么,muggy是我的发音方式,虽然其他人是发成muggy的音。Next, we have " smog."接下来,我们有smog(雾霾)。Smog is a noun, and it"s a combination of the words...

2023-12-29 #经典句子

大学英语学习|你一定不知道“Cannot”与“can Not”的区别!

大学英语学习|你一定不知道“Cannot”与“can Not”的区别!

...构形式。A good example is “e’er,” a shortened form of “ever” pronounced like the words “air” or “heir.” Most experts say that the contraction “can’t” functions in this way and, therefore, is a shortened version of “cannot” rather than a joining of “can” and “not...

2023-10-08 #经典句子

英文人名拼法千千万 那些外国人到底是如何念对的?

英文人名拼法千千万 那些外国人到底是如何念对的?

...非常大,Katrina.”Person Two: "Thank you so much! My name is actually pronounced Katarina."你:“谢谢你!我的名字其实是Katarina.”Person One: "Oh, I"m so sorry about that."对方:“啊,不好意思。”Person Two: "No worries! It happens all of the time. I blame my parents....

2017-04-09 #经典句子