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聊英语:climate became chaotic天气瞬息万变A.I(4)

聊英语:climate became chaotic天气瞬息万变A.I(4)

...Venice. New York. Forever lost. Millions of people were displaced, climate became chaotic. Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries.阿姆斯特丹,威尼斯,纽约荡然无存。数百万人无家可归,天气瞬息万变,贫穷国家有亿万人民沦为饥民。拆解句...

2023-08-12 #经典句子



...在句子里修饰动词作为状语。丽丽成为了美国公民。Lily became a US citizen.主语(Lily)+ 动词(became)+表语(a US citizen)这个句子可以用并列结构连接起来。Lily has been living in America for several years and became a US citizen.第二种解读,丽...

2023-05-27 #经典句子



... black silk) (in the dawn). 零件 4:头发变成雪(暮)。The hair became snow (in the dusk). 【最终答案】 第一重天:Don’t you see (people feel sad) (about the gray hair) (in the mirror)(in the hall), (because the hair was) (like black silk) (in the dawn), and (the hair became l...

2023-06-27 #经典句子

属于秋天的委屈句子 心酸伤感 莫名戳中泪点!

属于秋天的委屈句子 心酸伤感 莫名戳中泪点!

...的晚霞。Later, rubber bands were replaced by watches, twelve o"clock became ten o"clock, autism became self-discipline, drinks became mineral water, and I also liked the sunset at six o"clock in the evening.图片来源网络,侵权请联系删除

2022-12-07 #经典句子



...下列词组的句意转变:As I continued to revise my paper,my points became clearer.Although my points became clearer,I continued to revise my paper.在第一句里,「创作者毕业论文关键点的画面质量」是关键,第二句注重的则是「创作者再次论文修改」。若...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

幽默一夏的句子:我问风扇我丑不丑 结果它摇了一整天的头

幽默一夏的句子:我问风扇我丑不丑 结果它摇了一整天的头

...is head, his head ignited, entered the hospital, and after it came out, it became a small cotton swab猫真的可以听得懂人说话,上次我问我的猫,我们去哪烧香?结果它说:庙Cats can really understand what people are saying. Last time I asked my cat, where do we burn incens...

2023-01-30 #经典句子



HOW REBEKAH BECAME THE WIFE OF ISAAC【译】利百加如何成为以撒的妻子【单词】become 动词过去式 [b"km] v. 变成;成为【专有名词】REBEKAH n. 利百加(《圣经》中以撒之妻)【专有名词】ISAAC [圣经]以撒(亚伯拉罕之子)But when food was set before h...

2015-09-16 #经典句子

一个公式 教你如何分清英语中定语和状语

一个公式 教你如何分清英语中定语和状语

...2 (with sound and music). 2 The man 1(behind Mickey) 3 was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, 1 he made 87 3 cartoons 2 (with Mickey).在80年以前,他第一次 在在卡通汽船里威利里 出现。当这个卡通 在1928年11月18号在纽约出现时,它是 有...

2023-08-13 #经典句子

让自己时刻保持清醒的句子 句句扎心

让自己时刻保持清醒的句子 句句扎心

...的自己。I tried my best to make everyone not hate myself. Finally, I became my most hated self。你跋山涉水想去见的人,不一定想见你。The people you want to see may not necessarily want to see you.你曾是我平淡生活里的来日方长,最后猝不及防的成了大梦一...

2023-08-22 #经典句子

悲伤的句子 痛苦的话语 孤独的时候看看

悲伤的句子 痛苦的话语 孤独的时候看看

...。成了一种习惯,痛久了,成了一道伤痕Love for a long time.Became a habit, pain for a long time, became a scar前面的路还很远,你可能会哭,但是一定要走下去,一定不能停The road ahead is still far away, you may cry, but be sure to go down, must not stop我的...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

那些让人反省自我的句子 句句现实 超级痛苦

那些让人反省自我的句子 句句现实 超级痛苦

...红。一个看尽世间暧昧,一个尝尽人间唇齿。Later Hepburn became a bar, Givenchy became lipstick. One to see the world ambiguous, one to taste the human lips and teeth.3.城市慷慨亮整夜光 如同少年不惧岁月长。A kind of The city lights up the whole night generously, ju...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

温柔到爆的神仙句子|我愚蠢地以为 我已经忘了你

温柔到爆的神仙句子|我愚蠢地以为 我已经忘了你

...cted by you but still say hello to you should really like you.In the end I became that person. What others said. I feel like he"s lying. There is no security or trust. I became more and more indifferent. The heart is getting stronger and stronger.人生如梦,风雨交加都要自己挡住,无...

2023-01-24 #经典句子

让人意难平的情感文案 句句走心!

让人意难平的情感文案 句句走心!

...花成了花,树成了树,从此再不相逢。After all, the flower became a flower, the tree became a tree, and never meet.2、有些故事仿佛注定,不是因为偶然,也不是因为错过,而是因为一个解不开的结。 Some stories seem to be doomed, not because of chance, not...

2007-02-08 #经典句子

表达想认真生活的高级短句文案 诉说心酸与委屈 超级治愈

表达想认真生活的高级短句文案 诉说心酸与委屈 超级治愈

...rt each other and can"t be enemies. Because we loved each other deeply, we became the most familiar strangers. 我认为对人们来说最困难的事情是诚实。如果他们能诚实地表达自己的感受,我认为没有什么能在瞬间改变。 I think the most difficult thing for people ...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

温馨的情绪短句 温柔而文雅 深沉又深情!

温馨的情绪短句 温柔而文雅 深沉又深情!

...成员漫游聊天,破坏爱情,看透人心。When I was a child, I became the best person with a candy. When I grew up, I gave all my love and became your best friend.当我还是个孩子的时候,我用一颗糖果成为了最好的人。长大后,我付出了所有的爱,成为了你...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

三观很正 唯美且现实的短句 挑一句给自己

三观很正 唯美且现实的短句 挑一句给自己

...,一切都变得不同了。一个人经常会问你感情卡。When we became familiar with their relationship, everything became different. A person often asks you about your emotional card.其次,我不想浪费时间,或者在一段没有希望的关系中浪费自己。Second, I don"t wan...

2023-07-14 #经典句子



...乎各个角落都 创造了其独属的酒饮。As alcohol consumption became part of everyday life,随着饮酒成为了一项生活日常,some authorities latched onto effects they perceived as positive—权威们对酒精带来的积极效用 产生了浓厚的兴趣。Greek physicians con...

2017-03-16 #经典句子

英文美句D141:世界这么美 很难一直生气

英文美句D141:世界这么美 很难一直生气

...失控的。(1) hysterical screams 歇斯底里的尖叫(2) She became hysterical and began crying.她变得歇斯底里,开始大哭起来。(3) He became almost hysterical when he heard the news.他听到这个消息时几乎要发疯了。

2022-12-20 #经典句子

很有魅力的经典语录 干净走心 适合摘抄

很有魅力的经典语录 干净走心 适合摘抄

...了,八表同昏,平陆成江。The clouds and fog stopped, and the time became blurred. The eight tables were fainting and the land became a river.或者是时间无情的变数太多了Or there are too many variables that are time ruthless你的名字永远不会忘记,我的灵魂永远不会忘...

2022-11-19 #经典句子



...懂少年,因为我,变身成一辈子守护公主的骑士Before you became a father, you were ignorant, because I became a knight who guarded the princess all my life只想在今天拼一下“爹”,给你们看看我家老帅哥I just want to spell "Dad" today to show you my handsome old m...

2008-05-11 #经典句子