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简短精辟的英文句子 句句深入人心 让人发自内心的点赞

简短精辟的英文句子 句句深入人心 让人发自内心的点赞


2022-12-05 #经典句子

温暖治愈的中英文短句 很励志的治愈系句子 句句简短入骨!

温暖治愈的中英文短句 很励志的治愈系句子 句句简短入骨!

不断面向阳光,你就不会看到暗淡!Keep your face to the sunshine and you won"t see the dim light!做一个积极向上的人,读温柔的句子,见阳光的人,眼里全是温柔和笑意。Be a positive person, read gentle sentences, see the sun, the eyes are all gentle and smil...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

这些简短而有哲理的英文句子 句句经典 耐人寻味

这些简短而有哲理的英文句子 句句经典 耐人寻味

1.The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. Thefuture is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it.往昔已逝,静如止水;我们无法再做改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将影响着它。2.You laugh at me for bein...

2022-12-13 #经典句子

早安励志英文句子 简短阳光 总有一句激励着你

早安励志英文句子 简短阳光 总有一句激励着你

1.Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.艰难的道路常通往美丽的终点。2.The most effective way to do it, is to do it.做事最有效的方法就是放手去做。3.You can"t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.站在那里盯着水面是没办法渡...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

简短精辟的励志英文句子 总有一句适合你

简短精辟的励志英文句子 总有一句适合你

人生难免经受挫折,风雨过后就是彩虹;生活难免遭受苦难,雨过天晴终有阳光。Life is hard to avoid setbacks, after the wind and rain is a rainbow; life is hard to avoid suffering, after the rain, there will be sunshine.选一种姿态,让自己活得无可替代,...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

说到心坎里的英文句子 简短精湛 句句获赞

说到心坎里的英文句子 简短精湛 句句获赞

你问我有什么改进?于是我成了自己的朋友What improvement have I made, you ask? So I became my friend人生与朋友,其实越简单越好Life and friends, in fact, the simpler the better但我从来没有想过要和她有什么结果,他还是很喜欢我,But I never thought about wh...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

那些超级温柔的英文句子 简短精致 句句入心

那些超级温柔的英文句子 简短精致 句句入心

有朝一日,他也许会离开你。One day, he may leave you. 有个女孩子在身边,通过相亲认识了一个男人,就好像她觉得对方各方面都很好,所以她选择了结婚,以为结婚以后,感情可以慢慢培养。There is a girl around, through blind date to meet ...

2022-12-08 #经典句子



1.I go now, for you said you like me once我为你走到如今,你却说喜欢我的曾经。2.To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time.给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。3.Life had a lot of things is futile, but we still wan...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

正能量英文句子 简短干净 句句至理名言

正能量英文句子 简短干净 句句至理名言

1. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难的时光了。2.Pains make you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser. So thank the past for a better future. 伤痛让你更坚强,眼泪让你更勇敢,...

2023-05-01 #经典句子



1、天暗下来,你就是光。When it"s dark, you"re light.2、千里之行,始于足下。A thousand mile trip begins with one step.3、离人回首,灯火阑珊。Looking back, the lights are dim.4、心的位置,已经空了。The position of the heart is empty.5、聚沙成洲,奋发...

2022-11-09 #经典句子

唯美的晚安英文句子 简短美好 让人赞到手软!

唯美的晚安英文句子 简短美好 让人赞到手软!

一、人是会变得,守住一个不变的承诺,却守不住一颗善变的心。People will become, keep a constant commitment, but keep a fickle heart.二、生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给了你一块阴影,必会在不远的地方撒下阳光。Life never deliberately owe anyon...

2023-01-03 #经典句子

戳到泪点的英文句子 简短扎心 让人心酸!

戳到泪点的英文句子 简短扎心 让人心酸!

一、I thought like is a very great thing, can go over mountains and mountains, heaven and earth, and then I realized, in fact, it is not, it can not even make you happy.我以为喜欢是一件很了不起的事,能翻山越岭,上天入地,后来我才明白,其实不是,它连让你开...

2023-05-15 #经典句子

简短精辟的英文句子 句句扣人心弦 让人发自内心的点赞!

简短精辟的英文句子 句句扣人心弦 让人发自内心的点赞!

一、大多数时候,消耗你能量的都不是工作,而是工作中遇到的人。干活本身是不累的,平衡情绪最累。Most of the time, it"s not work that consumes your energy, it"s people you meet at work. Work itself is not tired, balancing emotions is the most tired.二、等...

2023-05-17 #经典句子

心情低落无奈的英文句子 简短戳心 适合深夜一个人看!

心情低落无奈的英文句子 简短戳心 适合深夜一个人看!

一、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。What you can"t get is always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless.二、我爱你的这些年,好像醉酒走钢索,不怕摔死,就怕酒醒。I love you these years, as if drunk walking the tightrope, not afraid ...

2023-07-08 #经典句子



(一)、九月的秋天,我们庆祝丰收,您在辛勤耕耘。九月的秋天,我们采摘果实,您在浇灌幼苗。谢谢您,老师,在这个属于您的节日里,祝您永远平安幸福。(1) In the autumn of September, we celebrate the harvest and you are working hard. In t...

2022-11-11 #经典句子