第一句子大全 > 标签 > then


...se((resolve, reject) => {// do somethingif (true) {// 将参数返回,供then方法使用 resolve("value"); } else {// 将参数返回,供then方法使用 reject("error"); }});复制代码Promise实例生成以后,可以用then方法分别指定resolved状态和rejected状态的回调...

2008-09-09 #经典句子

条件判断语句IF Else 学会了他 你就是VBA处理复杂条件的大神

条件判断语句IF Else 学会了他 你就是VBA处理复杂条件的大神

...为真,那么就执行if语句里面的程序,这个程序,一般指then后面的语句。另外需要说的一点是一个if语句可以没有end if,但绝对不能没有then,这一点是我们要注意到的。一个If或ElseIf语句可以嵌套在另一个If或ElseIf语句中。内部...

2023-07-16 #经典句子

as  then引导比较状语从句

as then引导比较状语从句

在as……as和more……than等比较结构中,as/then可作连词,引导比较状语从句,充当从句中的主语、表语、宾语的作用,其功能类似于定语从句的关系代词。如:Children should not have more money than is needed.孩子们不应该有比需要的更多...

2023-07-11 #经典句子



表示“有些时候”的英语短语有at times,now and then。下面介绍一下这两个短语:at timesat times的意思是“有时,间或”。这个短语既可以位于句首,也可以位于句末。当你想用英语表示时,可以使用这个短语。例句:At times, the heat...

2020-06-06 #经典句子



...要分为以下几类:1.表示顺序关系如 first, in the first place, then, finally, in the end等。尤其要注意then:【错误】He graduated from college in 2003, then he found a job.【正确1】He graduated from college in 2003, and thenhe found a job.【正确2】He graduated from col...

2023-10-22 #经典句子



.... In his talk, he told an interesting story. He spoke for a long time and then stopped for the interpreter to put into Japanese. But he was very surprised that the interpreter did this in a very few words, and all the students began to laugh. After the talk, the writer thanked the interpreter for hi...

2024-01-09 #经典句子

鼓舞人心的励志文案 积极美好 希望可以燃起你的斗志

鼓舞人心的励志文案 积极美好 希望可以燃起你的斗志

... struggle of age, if you can go back, I must work hard good every day, and then thinking about thinking, then I found that their original now is the age of 20 s, this is the age of the just struggle? Then I will be full of fighting spirit again.现在总是有一些人啊!在需要拼尽全力的...

2023-01-01 #经典句子



... students to hide inside. Hide behind something and knock "Can I come in?" Then they say “Who is it?” Think of an animal, and act it out. "I'm a ___." If it's scary, like "I' m a lion", they run to hide and say "No, you can't come in." If it's a bird, they love to watch you f...

2023-09-06 #经典句子



...不会发生, 这个短语的英文表达是:if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. 希望的事情不会发生A: "I just wish I earned a little bit more money than I do now." 我只是希望我赚的钱比现在多一点。 B: "Well, if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.You ...

2023-12-19 #经典句子

你会用英语问问题吗?Question Tags

你会用英语问问题吗?Question Tags

...."很简单的!先来一个陈述句:“他们马上就来了。”And then you add your question tag: "aren"t they?"So we have our subject, and auxiliary verb, and our main verb in our statement.然后加上反义疑问:“是吗?”我们的陈述句中有主语、助动词、助动词。A...

2023-07-20 #经典句子



...ne of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.A while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment toB w...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

If.Else条件判断语句详细介绍 vba编程其实不难

If.Else条件判断语句详细介绍 vba编程其实不难


2022-11-25 #经典句子



...:would/should/could/might + have+过去分词例如:If I had seen him then, I would have been very happy.If I had been here then, we could have asked him about it.3.与将来事实相反:(1)条件从句谓语:①动词过去式②should+动词原形③were to+动词原形(2)主句谓语:wo...

2023-06-14 #经典句子

英文美句D130:你可以偶尔停下来 享受简单的快乐

英文美句D130:你可以偶尔停下来 享受简单的快乐

Now and then it"s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.在追求幸福的过程中也可以偶尔停下来,享受简单的快乐。——Guillaume Apollinaire(纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔)【相关单词短语讲解】1. Now and then不时;偶尔;不时的;新欢旧...

2022-12-08 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的逗比小句子 风趣幽默 一看就想笑

适合发朋友圈的逗比小句子 风趣幽默 一看就想笑

... some bad things a little bit, because in this way, god will be angry, and then he will send you a boy.我超级喜欢你,如果你非要让我把这份喜欢加一个有效期限的话,那么我只给你两分钟,你如果不回我,那么我就撤回,然后再发给别人,我的时间...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

适合愚人节发的沙雕文案 幽默风趣 发朋友圈很赞

适合愚人节发的沙雕文案 幽默风趣 发朋友圈很赞

...ntent of the joke, such as secretly give me 100 yuan of phone charges, and then let me guess in the end is who gave me charge it? Or throw a pile of RMB in my face and let me feel the pain of being hit by money!我承认,我最近谈了一个男朋友,其实认识也挺久的了,而且我们...

2023-01-04 #经典句子



... is…1.3 介绍概要My talk will be in (three parts).In the first part…Then in the second part…Finally, I’ll go on to talk about…In my presentation I’ll focus on three major issues.This presentation is structured as follows….The subject can be looked at under the following headings…....

2011-12-22 #经典句子



...y confusing to decide which conditional form best fits your situation, and then to formulate it properly.There are four types of conditional forms:Zero conditional 零条件从句zero conditional 是最简单的一种 if 条件从句,因为它只涉及现在时态。一般来说零条件从句是...

2013-08-18 #经典句子



...会扣分】Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius.After being roasted, the ...

2014-01-31 #经典句子

越早知道越好的人际交往经验 句句实用 值得一看

越早知道越好的人际交往经验 句句实用 值得一看

...度。no real sense of the experience of the pain experienced by others, then you are not qualified to stand in the moral point of view to advise others magnanimous.和别人的圈子不同,就不要强迫自己易容进这一个圈子里,不然以后你很可能成为这个圈子里被孤立的...

2023-11-01 #经典句子