第一句子大全 > 标签 > greenhouse
看电影聊地道英语:greenhouse gases温室效应 电影A.I(3)

看电影聊地道英语:greenhouse gases温室效应 电影A.I(3)

...一段)Those were the years after the ice caps had melted because of the greenhouse gases, and the oceans had risen to drown so many cities along all the shorelines of the world.多年以来,温室效应日趋严重,南北极冰川逐渐融化,海洋淹没了许多大城市,顺着世界所...

2023-07-05 #经典句子

碳中和 可持续发展用英语怎么说?减碳时代必备的25个英语词汇

碳中和 可持续发展用英语怎么说?减碳时代必备的25个英语词汇

...tion to carbon emission is around 4%.人类贡献了大约4%的碳排放。greenhouse gas:温室气体例句:Greenhouse gas mainly include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor.温室气体主要包括二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮和水蒸气。greenhouse effect:...

2024-01-10 #经典句子



... plants, and motor vehicles began releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in significant quantities into the air. However, evidence suggests that human agricultural activities may have had such an effect much earlier: concentrations of CO2 started rising about 8000 years ago, even ...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

每天记背一组高频词汇和词组 大学英语四级必胜笔记(第11天)

每天记背一组高频词汇和词组 大学英语四级必胜笔记(第11天)

... hurry 匆忙I can do my work in a hurry 我能匆忙做我的工作2, greenhouse 温室The greenhouse is efficient 温室效应是有效果的3, green 绿色的The picture is green 这个图画是绿色4, gasoline 汽油The price of gasoline is expensive 这个汽油的价格是很昂贵...

2016-02-12 #经典句子

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210809

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210809

...icate how much hotter the coming decades will be, how much effect reducing greenhouse-gas emissions will have and elucidate the catastrophic consequences of inaction. 该报告将指出未来几十年将有多热,减少温室气体排放将产生多大影响,并阐明不作为的灾难性后果...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

...政策不再出现倒退和反复。Wang Wenbin: As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in cumulative terms, the US should face up to its historical responsibilities, maintain policy consistency, show greater ambition and actions, take the lead in fulfilling obligations of substantial emissions ...

2013-02-26 #经典句子

考研英语作文怎么准备 超详细版复习经验刷爆考研圈

考研英语作文怎么准备 超详细版复习经验刷爆考研圈

...The truth that has long been widely recognized is that the flower in the greenhouse can"t withstand stormy weather, but the symbolic meaning behind it should be taken more seriously. The greenhouse above represents parents" excessive care for their children. The picture aims to remind parents that t...

2023-08-06 #经典句子



...tomatoes。下面,我们看一些例句。The tomatoes were grown in the greenhouse.这些西红柿是在温室栽培的。They planted tomatoes in the field this year.他们今年在地里种的是西红柿。He followed his nose to the kitchen, and found Marina making tomato soup.他一路闻着...

2023-12-20 #经典句子

带有遗憾的情绪文案 爱而不得 满是遗憾!

带有遗憾的情绪文案 爱而不得 满是遗憾!

...温室里的花。How can wild roses fall in love with the flowers in the greenhouse.身上背负的情绪太多,怎么解脱?There are too many emotions on the body. How to get rid of them?

2013-09-18 #经典句子

写好一篇英语作文 下笔前应该做什么?

写好一篇英语作文 下笔前应该做什么?

...,词汇自然要更加丰富,比如:carbon dixode (二氧化碳),greenhouse effect (温室效应),global warming (气候变暖),global challenge (全球挑战),be confronted with (面临),Multilateral mechanism (多边机制),the Paris Agreement (巴黎协定)等...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

透彻的句子 每个人都想和别人不一样 结果就是每个人都一样

透彻的句子 每个人都想和别人不一样 结果就是每个人都一样

... order to become wood, pine trees never pay attention to theoutside of the greenhouse, where the season is like spring.9、过美好的生活需要极大的耐心,一个不抱怨,一个不解释。Living a good life requires great patience, one withoutcomplaining, one without explaining.10、当...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

分享一些惊艳世人的温柔短句 唯美清醒 久久不能忘怀

分享一些惊艳世人的温柔短句 唯美清醒 久久不能忘怀

...的玫瑰相比。Wild roses never compare themselves to the roses in the greenhouse.我突然发现,原来茫茫人海当中,陪我的只有我自己。I suddenly found that in the vast sea of people, only myself accompanied me.猜忌不是无理取闹,而是爱。Suspicion is not unreasonabl...

2023-06-27 #经典句子



...ffect of Different Shaping Modes on Photosynthesis and Quality of Grape in Greenhouse.不同架式对设施葡萄光合作用和果实品质的影响.14、Research Progress on Postharvest Physiology and Storage Technique of Grape.葡萄采后生理及贮藏保鲜技术研究进展.15、Study on the ...

2017-11-30 #经典句子

犀利现实的神仙句子 简短精辟 字字入心

犀利现实的神仙句子 简短精辟 字字入心

...温室里,而是在寒流里。The transformation of life is not in the greenhouse, but in the cold current.7、不要企图无所不能,否则你将一无所能。Don"t try to be omnipotent, or you will be omnipotent.8、生活不是用来妥协的,日子不是用来将就的,你值得拥...

2023-01-19 #经典句子



...tacles in high-level promotion.Environmental issues such as the release of greenhouse gases have become the focus of public attention, so some rules should be implemented to deal with them.Parents and teachers should try to reduce their children"s time watching TV, which will protect their eyesight ...

2022-12-16 #经典句子



...个单词上,会怎么样吗?会。而且意思会差很多。如 “greenhouse 温室”这个词,照理来说重音应该放在第一个音节上;但如果你把第二个单词 “house”念成重音的话,别人会以为你读的是 “green house”,绿色的房子嘞!以上就是...

2011-06-25 #经典句子

就靠这2点考研英语作文复习方法 作文加分15+

就靠这2点考研英语作文复习方法 作文加分15+

...呦的事例就是很好的说明,(适用于2008年大作文)例2. The greenhouse in above represents parents" excessive care that shields the children.图中的温室象征父母为孩子遮风挡雨的过度关爱。(适用于2003年大作文)例3. The past quarter-century witnessed all the grea...

2023-09-25 #经典句子

孩子总记不住英语单词?资深英语老师教你5个方法 亲测有效

孩子总记不住英语单词?资深英语老师教你5个方法 亲测有效


2022-12-06 #经典句子

神舟十二号发射成功 宇航员的英语竟然是 Taikonaut?

神舟十二号发射成功 宇航员的英语竟然是 Taikonaut?

...、热等的)发射,散发。heat emission 放热。Emission of these "greenhouse" gases contributes to global warming. 这些“温室”气体的排放会导致全球变暖。神舟十二号为什么是 Shenzhou XII?Shenzhou XII 神州十二号神舟十二号的英语是 Shenzhou XII ,采...

2023-09-21 #经典句子

充满阳光正能量的早安句子 简单干净 适合发朋友圈

充满阳光正能量的早安句子 简单干净 适合发朋友圈

...To live in this world, we should not let ourselves live like flowers in a greenhouse, we should let ourselves live like cactus, no matter what kind of bad environment can grow, and bloom. Good morning!就算这个世界抛给你无数的难题,找了无数个理由让你哭,那么你也要学会...

2022-11-01 #经典句子