第一句子大全 > 标签 > suburbs
成都东郊 The eastern outskirts of Chengdu英语短句 例句大全

成都东郊 The eastern outskirts of Chengdu英语短句 例句大全

...to explore is the eastern outskirts of Chengdu, also known as Chengdu East Suburb Memory. From tranquil parks and gardens to ancient temples and museums, there are a plethora of unique attractions to discover. The area is also home to the Sichuan University and Chengdu Zoo, making it an ideal destin...


焦化区土壤 The soil of coking suburbs英语短句 例句大全

焦化区土壤 The soil of coking suburbs英语短句 例句大全

焦化区土壤,The soil of coking suburbs1)The soil of coking suburbs焦化区土壤英文短句/例句1.Studies on the Speciation and Distribution of Trace Mercury in the Sediment and Soil;水系沉积物和焦化区土壤中汞的形态分析及分布规律研究2.The Study of Benzene/Toluene Pol...


清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

...此我们认为“踏青”这项活动可以翻译为spring outing in the suburbs,“去踏青”就是go on a spring outing in the suburbs。我们“踏青”相关的文章写了很多,大家可以至文末点击相应链接查看,今天这篇为大家讲讲踏青郊游时支帐篷、安...




...g the early 1940s I was living a retired life in the Gele Mountains in the suburbs of Chongqing (Chungking). One day, while reading the English language magazine Reader"s Digest I found a sentence that touched me greatly. It read: "May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset."...




...型的研究3.Discussion on Sewage Irrigation Development Process in the Suburbs of Beijing City;北京市城近郊区污水灌溉农田发展过程探讨3)Peking[英][pi:"ki?][美]["pi"k??]北京1.The Introduction of the thought of "Municipal Building" from the Modern West and the Disussions about ...


《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

... on the line 呢?自然是on the line 更合适对吧?再对比一下 suburbs(郊区), 这个词的内涵是 area。所以,“在郊区”最符合逻辑的用法应该就是 on the outskirts或 in the suburbs。但是《剑桥词典》最后的例句显示“ in/on the outskirts”,...




...—“哈姆雷特的阿尼玛”(英文)9.A city of eastern Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis.Population, 25, 543.克里斯特尔美国明尼苏达州东部的一个城市,是明尼阿波利斯市的一个郊区。人口25,10."Crystal:a city of eastern Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. ""克...


云浮市Yunfu City英语短句及例句大全

云浮市Yunfu City英语短句及例句大全

...大气降水化学特征3.Main forest vegetation types are investigated in suburb ofYunfu city, and the result shows that there are 591 ligneous plants which make up 9 vegetation types in this area.对云浮市城郊主要森林植被类型进行调查 ,结果表明 ,在该地区有 5 91种木本植...


水源保护林 water conservation forest英语短句 例句大全

水源保护林 water conservation forest英语短句 例句大全

...forest management inventory during the Eighth Five Year Plan period in the suburbs of Beijing,and according to the different kinds of forest use and site,the 3rd classwater conservation forest is classified as:ecological forest,ecological economy forest,economic ecology forest.该文以北京市“...


托福口语的评分标准 你真的理解吗?

托福口语的评分标准 你真的理解吗?

...的又快又急,一言难尽。请同学们读一下以下几个单词:suburb, submit, atmosphere, photography。然后再查一下发音的重音,全对了吗?重音发错是会影响考官对于单词的理解。所以想让自己的口语让考官“听清楚”的同学,请一定注意...


Day 10 认识前缀sub-(英语单词-考研)

Day 10 认识前缀sub-(英语单词-考研)

...屈服;(to)呈送,提交subtract [sbtrkt] v. (from)减(去),扣掉suburb [sbrb] n.市郊,郊区,边缘


火爆朋友圈的现实句子 这个世界不会辜负每一份努力和坚持

火爆朋友圈的现实句子 这个世界不会辜负每一份努力和坚持

...s a waste of time, there isno road in the world, a soldier was born in the suburbs.当眼泪流尽,剩下的应该是坚强。When tears do, leave should be strong.勤奋擅长勤奋和稀缺,行动被思维摧毁!Diligence is good at diligence and scarcity, action is destroyedby thinking!对...


励志语句|真正让你走远的 从来都是积极自律与勤奋

励志语句|真正让你走远的 从来都是积极自律与勤奋

...区。Every girl is a princess, whether she lives in the castle or in the suburbs.呆呆情话馆,一直与你相伴。Stay at the love talk center, always with you.


牛津大学外教课:用英语谈论你的家Talking about your home .

牛津大学外教课:用英语谈论你的家Talking about your home .

...房子或公寓?For example, "I live in a small, two-storey house in the suburbs." When we say how many floors a building has, we usually use the word "storey", so you can say "a two-storey house", "a four-storey apartment building" and so on. "I live in an apartment on the third floor of a four-s...




...u with?I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs.I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon.我用什么才能留住你?我给你贫穷的街道、绝望的日落、破败郊区的月亮。我给你一个久久地望着孤...


网上轻松有趣的签名句子 幽默感爆棚 让你乐一整天!

网上轻松有趣的签名句子 幽默感爆棚 让你乐一整天!

...单纯!Last weekend, the company organized a pigeon competition in the suburbs. When2、这么多年好像没什么长进,我还是那个一受委屈就想回家找妈妈的小辣鸡。It seems that I haven"t made any progress for so many years. I"m still the one who wants to go home to find my ...


农村宅基地整理模式 rural homestead finishing mode英语短句 例句大全

农村宅基地整理模式 rural homestead finishing mode英语短句 例句大全

...frural residential land, and provide a basic for New Rural construction in suburbs of Big City.文章以上海市金山区为例,采用景观格局方法研究农村宅基地空间分布特征,以期为大都市郊区农村宅基地规划和整理提供依据。3.Institution innovation ofrural resid...




... meet gold by chance.那些和金牌不期而遇的美女们。12、In the suburb of Liang, they meet each other by chance.师徒俩在梁地的郊外碰巧遇上了。13、The two brothers live so far apart, they seldom get a chance to meet.他们哥儿俩天南地北,见一次面不容易。14...


“博物馆”用英语怎么说?90个最常用城镇类英语单词总结 收藏

“博物馆”用英语怎么说?90个最常用城镇类英语单词总结 收藏

...square [skwe(r)] n. 广场store [st(r)] n.商店street [strit] n. 街道suburb [sbb] n. 城郊; 近郊住宅区 subway [sbwe] n.地铁;地道synagogue [snɡɡ] n. 犹太教会堂 taxi [tksi] n. 出租车 taxi rank n. 出租汽车站taxi stand n.出租汽车站toilet [tlt] n.马桶;厕...


小城镇再生 small town regenerate英语短句 例句大全

小城镇再生 small town regenerate英语短句 例句大全

...中的生态适宜度分析4.The Thinking of Ecologization Development of Suburbs of Small Towns--A Case Study on Yuchangping Town in Yuelu District of Changsha城郊型小城镇生态化发展的思考——以长沙市岳麓区雨敞坪镇为例5.The Study of Several Policy Questions of Ecological...
