第一句子大全 > 标签 > retrieval
实例检索 case retrieval英语短句 例句大全

实例检索 case retrieval英语短句 例句大全

实例检索,case retrieval1)case retrieval实例检索1.Stamping partscase retrieval methodology based on process similarity;基于工艺相似的冲压件实例检索方法2.Similarity analysis in nearest-neighborcase retrieval;最近邻实例检索相似度分析3.Rough set-basedcase retrieval te...


改进的反演模型 improved retrieval model英语短句 例句大全

改进的反演模型 improved retrieval model英语短句 例句大全

The "Improved Inversion Model + Improved Retrieval Model English Short Sentence + Examples Complete Collection" is a comprehensive compilation of sentences and examples aimed at showcasing advancements in the field of inversion and retrieval models. This collection features a wide range of sentence ...


APA格式  最全APA Reference参考文献格式 Essay指南!

APA格式 最全APA Reference参考文献格式 Essay指南!

...结构如下: Author surname, initial(s) (Ed(s).*). (Year). Title (ed.*). Retrieved from URL (*代表可选项)– 数据库中的书籍: 如果你是在学校图书馆数据库或者在线数据库找到的, 则采用以下格式引用: 作者姓氏, 名字缩写, 斜体标注出版物名称和“R...


比辐射率 emissivity英语短句 例句大全

比辐射率 emissivity英语短句 例句大全

...missivity1)emissivity[英][,emi"siviti][美][,?m?"s?v?t?]比辐射率1.The Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity byRemote Sensing Data: Theory and Digital Simulation;遥测地表温度与比辐射率的迭代反演方法──理论推导与数值模拟2.The macro fractal characteriza...




...,喜欢运动,需要多锻炼,而且气味比较大。金毛Golden retriever金毛猎犬,Golden retriever,Golden中文翻译金,retriever翻译是猎犬,它起源于苏格兰、英国和英格兰。它非常可靠,值得信赖,善良和聪明,寿命约为11-12年,较长,经...


有凭有据!先查资料 再答题 Facebook开源检索增强型语言模型 最擅长处理知识密集型任务

有凭有据!先查资料 再答题 Facebook开源检索增强型语言模型 最擅长处理知识密集型任务

...一定的局限性。对此,Facebook提出了一种检索增强生成(Retrieval-Augmented Generation,RAG)模型的解决方法。这篇名为《检索增强生成处理知识密集型NLP任务》的论文表明,RAG预训练模型在微调下游任务时,同样可以达到最佳结果。...


2020深度文本匹配最新进展:精度 速度我都要!

2020深度文本匹配最新进展:精度 速度我都要!

... 的研究取得了显著改进。目前开放域 QA 的主流方法是 “retrieve and read” 的 pipline 机制。一般通过使用 BERT 模型对retrieve 模块检索出的文档进行 rerank,选出和问句最相关的 Topk 个文档进行后续 read 分析。Rerank 的基本操作是将问...


一分钟视频学英语1期:美国中产阶级家庭主妇的日常 你喜欢吗?

一分钟视频学英语1期:美国中产阶级家庭主妇的日常 你喜欢吗?

..."s why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used.hallway: 走廊,玄关 closet: 壁橱retrieve: 找回,拿到 revolver:左轮手枪这一分钟的视频内容可以分为三部分,词汇不难,句子不长,信息量却很...


表层海水温度 sea surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

表层海水温度 sea surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

...rface temperature1)sea surface temperature表层海水温度1.Cores DOC024,retrieved from the northern Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea,are used to reconstruct the upwelling evolution over the last 7 300 years based on a multi-proxy approach including the combination of planktonic foraminifer fa...


库搜索 Module database searching英语短句 例句大全

库搜索 Module database searching英语短句 例句大全

....正在配置搜索并创建搜索分类数据库。6.The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database.搜索未能从数据库检索属性。7.Constructing of the Embedded Mandarin Speech Corpus and Unit Searching;嵌入式汉语合成语音库的构建与搜索8.Research of RkNN in the A...


灾情上报 report of disaster situation英语短句 例句大全

灾情上报 report of disaster situation英语短句 例句大全

...eport震后灾情速报中信息获取传输解决方案3.fire information retrieval system techniques火灾情报检索系统技术4.The fire was announced to the family by telegraph.火灾情况已用电报通报其家族。5.The Operation & Practice of County Disaster Report Forms Delivering on t...


最大似然估计 Maximum likelihood estimation英语短句 例句大全

最大似然估计 Maximum likelihood estimation英语短句 例句大全

...置和形状参数的最大似然估计3.Research on Numerical Wind Vector Retrieval Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation;基于最大似然估计的海面风场反演算法研究英文短句/例句1.GPS Multipath Estimation Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation基于最大似然估计...


写作文 to write a composition英语短句 例句大全

写作文 to write a composition英语短句 例句大全

... paper analyzes on the problems existing in the teaching of the literature retrieval course,puts forward the teaching mode of interfusing the contents of thepaper writing into the teaching of the undergraduate literature retrieval course preliminarily,and probes into its advantages.分析了文献...




...nd Patent Gazette第八章专利登记和专利公报17.patent information retrieval system of EuropeanPatent Office欧洲专利局专利情报检索系统18.patent information retrieval system of Japan PatentInformation Organization日本专利情报组织专利情报检索系统相关短句/例句...


HSI数据 HSI data英语短句 例句大全

HSI数据 HSI data英语短句 例句大全

...ian Ocean基于HSI模型的印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地研究11.Image Retrieval Based on HIS Color Space Histogram基于HSI颜色空间统计直方图的图像检索12.Wood Defect Image Segmentation Based on HSI Three Independent Characters基于HSI三分量独立性木材缺陷图像分割13.E...




...gh Persian cats and modern architecture.Felines & Felons, 4,Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址电子短信(newsletter)的文章Paradise, S., Moriarty, D., Marx, C., Lee, O. B., Hassel, E., et al. (1957, July). Portrayals of fictional characters in reality-based popular w...


级数反演 Series reversion英语短句 例句大全

级数反演 Series reversion英语短句 例句大全

...Parameter Inversion;参数反演的Bregman方法研究7.REALIZATION OF SST RETRIEVAL FROM MODIS1B DATA USING IDL基于IDL的MODIS1B数据SST反演8.Simulation and Inversion of Wave Equation in Viscoelastic Media;粘弹性波动方程正演模拟与参数反演9.Numerical Simulation and Inversion of ...


谐波评估:harmonic evaluation 英语短句+例句大全

谐波评估:harmonic evaluation 英语短句+例句大全

...)系统,为实现电网谐波的实时监控提供了基础。6)D harmonic retrieval二维谐波估计1.After studying the correlation matrix of 2D harmonic signal, we present a new algorithm called “matrix pencil algorithm for 2D harmonic retrieval problem” (MP2D).研究了二维谐波信号相...


四维变分同化 Four-dimensional variational data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

四维变分同化 Four-dimensional variational data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

...初值化方案及四维变分同化的个例试验6.A Study on Real Time Retrieving Low-Level Wind Field in Quasi-operational Application with 4D-VAR Assimilation Technique;利用四维变分同化技术反演低层风场的准业务应用研究7.A Research on 4-D Variatonal Data Assimilation Based...


值得收藏的英语短句 快存起来留着发朋友圈!

值得收藏的英语短句 快存起来留着发朋友圈!

...你也曾经这样爱过我。How much can we wait for in life?You don"t retrieve me and I can"t wait for you.人生能有几多可等,你不挽回我,我等不了你。 It"s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.不可思议的是,即使...
