第一句子大全 > 标签 > regression
模糊双线性回归 fuzzy bilinear regression(FBR)英语短句 例句大全

模糊双线性回归 fuzzy bilinear regression(FBR)英语短句 例句大全

模糊双线性回归,fuzzy bilinear regression(FBR)1)fuzzy bilinear regression(FBR)模糊双线性回归2)fuzzy linear regression模糊线性回归1.Method for prediction of the operating indices of marshalling station based onfuzzy linear regression analysis;基于模糊线性回归分析的编组...






加权核估计技术(WKDE) weighted kernel density estimation(WKDE)英语短句 例句大全

加权核估计技术(WKDE) weighted kernel density estimation(WKDE)英语短句 例句大全

...r,we discuss the consistency ofweighted kernel estimators of nonparametric regression functions of which Priestly,M.[1]提出的一类给参数回归函数加权核估计的相合性。英文短句/例句1.R-order Mean Consistency Rate of Weighted Kernel Estimator for Regression Function;回归函...


鞅差序列 martingale difference sequence英语短句 例句大全

鞅差序列 martingale difference sequence英语短句 例句大全

...一个推广及应用2.Convergence rate of the parametric estimate of the regression model of half-paramter under error beingmartingale difference sequence;误差为鞅差序列的半参数回归模型参数估计的收敛速度3.Presents some results for weighted sums of multidimensionally indexed ...


累积比值比- 英文例句及累积赔率比详解

累积比值比- 英文例句及累积赔率比详解

...atio累积比值比2)Cumulative odds累积比数1.Cumulative odds logistic regression can be applied to both ordinal categorical response and binomial response.方法 :提出累积比数 logistic回归的数学模型 ,并进行了实例分析 ,以阐明其应用。英文短句/例句1.Cumulative odd...


涌出量 pouring amount英语短句 例句大全

涌出量 pouring amount英语短句 例句大全

...预测模型9.Forecasting gas pushing based on intelligent support vector regression基于智能支持向量回归的瓦斯涌出量预测10.The Application of the Methods of Tend Surface Analysis for the Prediction of the Gas Emission趋势面分析法在瓦斯涌出量预测中的应用11.Research...


递加式 ascending methodology英语短句 例句大全

递加式 ascending methodology英语短句 例句大全

...afety monitoring statistic models and focus on the defects of least square regression statistic theory, the statistic models for dam safety monitoring were put forward in the dissertation based on the partial least square square regression, orthogonal signal correction,weighted block recursive parti...


道德回报 moral repayment英语短句 例句大全

道德回报 moral repayment英语短句 例句大全

...银行”现象分析2.On the Predicament and Countermeasure of the Moral Regression of Administrative Staff in Our Country我国行政人员道德回归的困境与出路3.Returning Mental Health and Moral to a Same Lifesyle让心理健康与道德回归一种共同的生活方式4.Moral Education ...


数据合成 data synthesis英语短句 例句大全

数据合成 data synthesis英语短句 例句大全

...统设计2)panel data合成数据1.Usingpanel data,the article makes the regression analysis to tests the effect of opening-up factor to the opening cities economic growth along the border,such as Manzhouli,Hunchun,Suifenhe and Heihe.以东北地区四个沿边开放城市———满洲里、珲春...


港口吞吐量 Port throughput英语短句 例句大全

港口吞吐量 Port throughput英语短句 例句大全

...ear combined prediction of port throughput based on support vector machine regression;基于支持向量机回归的港口吞吐量非线性组合预测英文短句/例句1.The turnover capacity of the harbour has increased by one-third.港口吞吐量增加了三分之一。2.The Study of Non-compr...


数据缺失 data missing英语短句 例句大全

数据缺失 data missing英语短句 例句大全

...nism利用logit模型判定数据缺失机制4.Estimates for Nonparametric Regression Functions with Missing Data缺失数据情形非参数回归函数的估计parison of Methods to Handle Missing Values in Linear Models with Missing Data缺失数据下线性模型中缺失值处理方法的比较6...


归有光: Guiyouguang English Short Sentences and Examples Collection

归有光: Guiyouguang English Short Sentences and Examples Collection

...一致——兼论《易经渊旨》的真伪9.TAO Yuan-ming had a strong regressive conscious and a bright and aloft personality.陶渊明具有强烈的回归意识和光明高洁的人格。10.Supervised Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on High-dimensional Multiscale Autoregression高光...


区域物质总需求 Regional total material required (RTMR)英语短句 例句大全

区域物质总需求 Regional total material required (RTMR)英语短句 例句大全

...求1.Model ofregional logistics demand forecasts based on support vector regression and its application;基于支持向量回归机的区域物流需求预测模型及其应用2.Because regional economy is the inherent and determinative factor ofregional logistics demand,it is feasible to forecastre...


早稻 early rice英语短句 例句大全

早稻 early rice英语短句 例句大全

...大学的办学特点及其经验借鉴8.The Fertilization Model of"3415"Regression Design for Early Rice in Chaling County茶陵县早稻“3415”回归设计施肥模型研究9.High-yielding Seed Production Techniques for Early-cropping Two-line Hybrid Rice Luliangyou 611两系杂交早稻陆两...


多国模型:Multi-Country Model 短句+例句大全

多国模型:Multi-Country Model 短句+例句大全

...ock option;国外股票期权的多维Black-Scholes模型5.Multiple Linear Regression Model of the Real Estate Market in China中国房地产价格的多元线性回归模型6.The Design of a Diversified Repayment Model for the Government-Subsidized Student Loan in China;中国国家助学贷款多...


二次多项式模型 quadratic polynomial model英语短句 例句大全

二次多项式模型 quadratic polynomial model英语短句 例句大全

...次多项式的粘合3.A-optimal Design for Duality Quadratic Polynomial Regression Models in Circle Region;圆域上的二元二次多项式回归模型的最优设计4.Judgement of the Factorization of a Quadratic Heterogeneous Polynomial with n Varibles;n元实二次多项式因式分解的矩阵...




...端蒂皮瓣的应用解剖3.Application in restoration of heel scar with regressive flap basedsaphenous nerve-great Saphenous vein nutritional vessels and cutaneous branch of posterior tibial artery complex flap distally-based pedicled隐神经-大隐静脉营养血管与逆行胫后动脉皮支蒂...


区域物流需求 regional logistics demand英语短句 例句大全

区域物流需求 regional logistics demand英语短句 例句大全

...求1.Model ofregional logistics demand forecasts based on support vector regression and its application;基于支持向量回归机的区域物流需求预测模型及其应用2.Because regional economy is the inherent and determinative factor ofregional logistics demand,it is feasible to forecastre...


最大似然估计 Maximum likelihood estimation英语短句 例句大全

最大似然估计 Maximum likelihood estimation英语短句 例句大全

...timation最大似然估计1.Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in Regression Model with Contamination Data and Some Unchangeabilities;一类污染数据回归模型参数的最大似然估计及若干不变性2.Maximum likelihood estimation of multiple-object Parameters in ultrasonic reflec...


用数学表白的情话句子 句句撩心 情商超高!

用数学表白的情话句子 句句撩心 情商超高!

...程,没有你,我永远只是一些迷途的散点。You are my linear regression equation, without you, I will always be just some stray scattered points.7、你是我的充要条件,没有你,得不到我。没有我,也得不到你。You are my necessary and sufficient condition. Withou...
