第一句子大全 > 标签 > accumulation
蓄电池直流电源 accumulator direct current supply英语短句 例句大全

蓄电池直流电源 accumulator direct current supply英语短句 例句大全

蓄电池直流电源,accumulator direct current supply1)accumulator direct current supply蓄电池直流电源2)Storage battery direct current set蓄电池直流屏英文短句/例句1.Reliability Research on D.C. Broad Control System of Cadmium Nickel Accumulator镉镍蓄电池直流屏控制系...


蔗糖代谢相关酶 sucrose-metabolizing enzymes英语短句 例句大全

蔗糖代谢相关酶 sucrose-metabolizing enzymes英语短句 例句大全

...相关酶活性的影响。2.Starting with the basic substances of sugar accumulation-photosynthetic product ranslocation and distribution, System study on the relationship between thesucrose-metabolizing enzymes and sugar accumulation, beet root sugar accumulation potential and osmotic adjustment o...


累积比值比- 英文例句及累积赔率比详解

累积比值比- 英文例句及累积赔率比详解

累积比值比(accumulative odds ratio)是用于研究风险和疾病关联性的一种统计指标,在流行病学和临床研究中广泛应用。它表示不同暴露水平下的疾病发生率,能够帮助人们了解风险因素对疾病发生的影响程度。累积比值比可以通...


剥夺性积累 depriving accumulation英语短句 例句大全

剥夺性积累 depriving accumulation英语短句 例句大全

剥夺性积累,depriving accumulation1)depriving accumulation剥夺性积累1.The new imperialism utilized by the USA is also the dominant feature ofdepriving accumulation.这是美国最近采用的新的帝国主义的方式,也是其剥夺性积累的主要特征。2)the deprived human nature人...


东准噶尔造山带 East Junggar orogenic belt英语短句 例句大全

东准噶尔造山带 East Junggar orogenic belt英语短句 例句大全

...带构造事件与热演化史研究4.Structural Features and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Piedmont Zone on the Northeastern Margin of Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地北缘山前带东段构造特征与油气成藏关系研究5.Study on the structural features and hydrocarbon accumulation modes of W...


镉镍蓄电池组 Cd-Ni battery英语短句 例句大全

镉镍蓄电池组 Cd-Ni battery英语短句 例句大全

...验7.Reliability Research on D.C. Broad Control System of Cadmium Nickel Accumulator镉镍蓄电池直流屏控制系统的可靠性研究8.Alkaline secondary cells and batteries sealed nickel--Cadmium rechargeable monobloc batteries in button cell designGB/T17571-1998碱性二次电池和电池组...


伤感系句子 超虐 看哭了自己!

伤感系句子 超虐 看哭了自己!

...攒我一次次的失望,然后才可以不那么痛得离开I have been accumulating, accumulating your injuries, accumulating my disappointments, and then I can leave with less pain 你不回我信息我也不生气了,你去了哪里不告诉我,我也不问了,你什么时候回来我...


阳光励志早安句子 精致入心 元气满满

阳光励志早安句子 精致入心 元气满满

...because you have worked hard; if you have a bad life, it"s because you are accumulating. good morning!4.如果无法看每一朵花开,那就每天清晨对着镜子看自己的笑容。风景是一种心情,而好心情常常是自己的创造。早安!If you can"t see every flower blooming, ...




...u believe that sth. is true; the information used to try to prove sth.)(4) accumulate v. 积累,积聚 (to gradually get more and more of sth. over a period of time)翻译例句中的斜体字部分,并分辨accumulate在句中是及物动词还是不及物动词:Most humans and other animals ...


汽车蓄电池 automotive battery英语短句 例句大全

汽车蓄电池 automotive battery英语短句 例句大全

...们正在寻找汽车蓄电池,请厂家与我们联系.12.portable lamp accumulator (excl. those for cycles and motor vehicles)蓄电池灯,便携式(摩托车和汽车灯除外)13.Does your car battery charge easily?你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗?14.The car won"t start because th...


暖心励志精致句子 今天的努力 明天的实力

暖心励志精致句子 今天的努力 明天的实力

...习需要时间、毅力和积累。Learning needs time, perseverance and accumulation.有一个人值得怀念,那就是幸福。There is a person worth remembering, that is happiness.不要看穿我,否则你会对我失去所有的兴趣。Don"t see through me, or you"ll lose all interest in ...


堆积坝坡度 slope of embankment英语短句 例句大全

堆积坝坡度 slope of embankment英语短句 例句大全

...路地形坡度才有可比性。3)angle of dump slope(煤)堆积坡度4)accumulative dam堆积坝体1.Study on experimental grouting to earthquakeaccumulative dam in Xiaonanhai reservoir;小南海水库地震堆积坝体生产性试验灌浆研究5)Slope deposit layer坡堆积层6)accumulation slop...


早安致自己短句子 励志语录 美好的一天开始

早安致自己短句子 励志语录 美好的一天开始

...must havesunshine in your heart first.积土是山,而积水是海。The accumulated soil is the mountain, and the accumulated water isthe sea.有目标的人生有方向,有计划的人生更精彩。A purposeful life has a direction, a planned life is moreexciting.


测氡法 isotopic Radon measurement technique英语短句 例句大全

测氡法 isotopic Radon measurement technique英语短句 例句大全

...炭盒法测量室内空气中氡及其氡子体的研究7.On Data Fit of Accumulation Method for Measuring Radon Exhalation Rate累积法测量氡析出率数据拟合方法探讨8.The Research of the Radon Measurement and the Instrument of Calibration Technology;氡气测量和测氡仪器的标...


今日 考研英语一句 来看!

今日 考研英语一句 来看!

...tingC、 its capability to convert burden into benefitsD、 its ability to accumulate genetic information.句子解析:第一句:To increase the number of patients eligible for treatment,doctorsare turning to artificial intelligence for help.参考译文:为了增加有资格接受治疗的患者...


那些久别重逢的温暖短句 沁人心脾 暖人心扉

那些久别重逢的温暖短句 沁人心脾 暖人心扉

...了满满的爱意,所以才会着急跟她见面。It is because I have accumulated a lot of love in my heart that I am anxious to meet her.在不见面的日子里,我会把所有的力量都积攒下来,与你见面的时候,紧紧拥抱你。In the days when I don"t meet, I will accumula...




...什么作用?Sadhguru:There is something called knowledge, which is an accumulated mass of memory, and there is something called knowing, which is sheer perception of life. Knowledge is just your conclusion about life. If you come to a conclusion about life from accumulated knowledge, it becomes p...


CVPR 2018 中国论文分享会之「视觉与语言」

CVPR 2018 中国论文分享会之「视觉与语言」

...)。四、如何找到竹筐里的熊猫?论文:Visual grounding via accumulated attention报告人:谭明奎 - 华南理工大学论文下载地址:暂无Visual Grounding 任务是指:当给定一张图片以及一句描述性句子,从图片中找出最相关的对象或区域。形...


六月可以做签名的短句子 干净大气 获赞无数!

六月可以做签名的短句子 干净大气 获赞无数!

...厚度由人,选择权在你手上。In this world, someone silently to accumulate power, where you can"t see your sleeping time, is used to run hard, life is limited, the thickness of the people, the option in your hand.人生中所有的惊喜和好运,都是你累积的温柔和善良。All t...


送给自己的励志句子 经典现实 选一句送给自己!

送给自己的励志句子 经典现实 选一句送给自己!

...;经历的越多,性命就越有厚度。Any experience is a kind of accumulation, the more accumulated, the more mature people are; the more experienced, the thicker life is.生命,就像一场永无休止的苦役,不要惧怕和拒绝困苦,超越困苦,就是生活的强者。Life is...
