第一句子大全 > 标签 > depriving
剥夺性积累 depriving accumulation英语短句 例句大全

剥夺性积累 depriving accumulation英语短句 例句大全

剥夺性积累,depriving accumulation1)depriving accumulation剥夺性积累1.The new imperialism utilized by the USA is also the dominant feature ofdepriving accumulation.这是美国最近采用的新的帝国主义的方式,也是其剥夺性积累的主要特征。2)the deprived human nature人...


探索贫困状况: 从理论研究到实证分析

探索贫困状况: 从理论研究到实证分析

...困——广西百色反贫困研究之四5.Review on Foreign Geography of Deprivation and its Enlightenments to Urban Poverty Studies in China;国外综合贫困研究及对我国贫困地理研究的启示6.A Research into the Anti-poverty in Baise of Guangxi(Ⅰ);广西百色反贫困研究总论...


每天学点英语 努力提升自己

每天学点英语 努力提升自己

...);3.blame on 把责任推给……;归咎于。句子:When we are deprived of green,of plants,of trees,most of us give into a demoralization of sprit which we usually blame on some psychological conditions,until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expression vanish as if by magi...




...tions 国际关系fashion 方式deliver the acts of generosity 慷慨解囊deprived 贫困的face up to 勇敢的面对harsh reality 残酷的现实typically 代表性地official incompetence 官员的无能render 使变得implement 执行medical donations 医学捐赠dedicated 专注的,献身的...


1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

...lly lacks the vigor and interest to fulfill his or her role in life, which deprives him or her of many opportunities to become successful and happy.Realizing the importance of good health is far from being enough. We must do something effective to keep fit. The best place to begin is at the dinner t...


英语/雅思写作中 除了not 你还会其他否定表达吗?

英语/雅思写作中 除了not 你还会其他否定表达吗?

...否定意义的动词及动词词组,如fail, miss, lose, avoid, deny, deprive, lack, fall short of。例:The woman didn’t allowher ex-husband to get close to her son.The woman deniedher ex-husband access to her son.If you accept homeschooling, you will not havethe opportunity to mix with your...




...身于沟壑。Books are my beloved teachers. In my childhood, when I was deprived of happiness and schooling by poverty, books took me to their large bosoms and nurtured me generously. It is to them that I owe what I am today. Without them, I would probably have ended up in abject misery long ago....


圈套策略 Decoy strategy英语短句 例句大全

圈套策略 Decoy strategy英语短句 例句大全

... Decoy Strategy Resisting the Inflammatory Injury Following Oxygen Glucose Deprivation/Reoxygenation in Vascular Edothelialcells;NF-κB圈套策略抗血管内皮细胞氧糖剥夺/复氧炎性损伤及其机制的研究5.The Mechanism of NF-κB Decoy ODNs Resisting the Inflammatory Injury in Primar...


考研英语阅读词汇打卡 educated 你当像鸟飞往你的山 英文版Day4

考研英语阅读词汇打卡 educated 你当像鸟飞往你的山 英文版Day4



羟乙基葛根素 hydroxyethylpuerarin英语短句 例句大全

羟乙基葛根素 hydroxyethylpuerarin英语短句 例句大全

...DA Receptor in Rat Cultured Hippocampal Neuron Subjected to Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation/Reperfusion;乙酰葛根素对缺糖缺氧大鼠海马神经元NMDA受体的作用10.Protective Effects of Acetylpuerarin on Cortical Neuron Injury Induced by Oxygen Glucose Deprivation in Rats;乙酰葛根素对...


“权利”用英语怎么说?一个非常简单的单词 别怪我没告诉你

“权利”用英语怎么说?一个非常简单的单词 别怪我没告诉你

...这为了做到这些,您需要正确的工具。参考词汇:1.剥夺 deprive【明日预报】since的用法摘要:since大家知道是表示“自从……以来”,除些之外,它还有3种用法,明天见。昨天学习:except和介词but的用法比较(点击查阅)〡参考...


心理学术语中文 英文对照

心理学术语中文 英文对照

...habituation视觉悬崖——visual cliff剥夺或丰富(环境)——deprivation or enrichment of env.基模——schema同化——assimilation调适——accommodation平衡——equilibrium感觉动作期——sensorimotor stage物体永久性——objective permanence运思前期——preop...




...defy 不服从;藐视degenerate 退化degrade 使降级depreciate 贬值deprive (of) 剥夺desert 抛弃detect 侦查deter 阻止deteriorate 恶化determine 决定disclose 揭露discourage 使气馁diversify 使多样化divert 使分心dominate 占优势drop out 退学;放弃eliminate 消除enda...


12条人生感悟的句子 句句精辟 让你少走弯路

12条人生感悟的句子 句句精辟 让你少走弯路

...夺了理想、梦想和幻想,那将只是一堆空架子。If life is deprived of ideals, dreams and fantasies, it will be just a pile of empty shelves.人生最大的错误就是一直担心犯错。The biggest mistake in life is always worrying about making mistakes.勇气不代表恐惧不存...


适合发朋友圈的高情商文案 非常特别有趣!

适合发朋友圈的高情商文案 非常特别有趣!

...rds seriously十,感谢生活有剥夺也有 馈赠。Thank you for the deprivation and gift of life十一,相遇总有原因 不是恩赐 就是教训。There is always a reason for meeting, either a gift or a lesson十二,别让平淡的生活耗尽所有的向往。Don"t let plain life exh...




...ays, everything wins.感谢生活有剥夺,也有馈赠Thank you for the deprivation and gifts of life.我见鱼市星宿,暗哑行于秋I see the stars of the fish market, walking dumb in autumn.要温柔,也要有屠龙的勇气Be gentle and have the courage to kill dragons敬这大争之世...


励志的句子 满满正能量 读懂一半就可以受用终生!

励志的句子 满满正能量 读懂一半就可以受用终生!

...法和寻找新方法的需要。The problem with competition is that it deprives you of the need to set your own path, invent your own methods and find new methods.


治愈度满分的暖心短句 唯美干净 让人满满心动!

治愈度满分的暖心短句 唯美干净 让人满满心动!

...u want. Everyone has the right to make his own decisions. Don"t let others deprive you of your rights.人人生而有爱。但愿我能感受到真正的快乐,珍惜在我的掌心。Everyone is born with love. I wish I could feel real happiness and cherish it in my palm.人的债务比金钱债...


写到你心里的温柔句子 精致走心 受益匪浅!

写到你心里的温柔句子 精致走心 受益匪浅!

..., you can"t do it, but you must not listen to them, others and others have deprived you of your potential.7、人都会慢慢变老,生活会逼着我们成为大人。People will grow old, life will force us to become adults.8、这个秋天,别人拥有的不必羡慕,只要努力,时间...




...friendly,即n+adj.构成复合词The other side of the coin is equally a deprivation: for health and well-being, as well as lost opportunities(机会)for children to get to know their local surroundings. And for parents there are lost opportunities to walk and talk with their young scholar abo...
